Henri Matisse

Image of Henri Matisse
If I close my eyes, I see things better than with my eyes open.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Eye
Image of Henri Matisse
When I paint green, it doesn't mean grass; when I paint blue, it doesn't mean sky.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Mean
Image of Henri Matisse
Starting to paint, I felt gloriously free, quiet, and alone.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Quiet
Image of Henri Matisse
It is my dream to create an art which is filled with balance, purity and calmness, freed from a subject matter that is disconcerting or too attention-seeking. In my paintings, I wish to create a spiritual remedy, similar to a comfortable armchair which provides rest from physical expectation for the spiritually working, the businessman as well as the artist.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Dream
Image of Henri Matisse
Seek the strongest color effect possible... the content is of no importance.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
I am curious about color as one would be visiting a new country, because I have never concentrated so closely on color expression. Up to now I have waited at the gates of the temple.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Country
Image of Henri Matisse
I have always sought to be understood and, while I was taken to task by critics or colleagues, I thought they were right, assuming I had not been clear enough to be understood. This assumption allowed me to work my whole life without hatred and even without bitterness toward criticism, regardless of its source. I counted solely on the clarity of expression of my work to gain my ends. Hatred, rancor, and the spirit of vengeance are useless baggage to the artist. His road is difficult enough for him to cleanse his soul of everything which could make it more so.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
Photographs will always be impressive because they show us nature, and all artists will find in them a world of sensations. The photographer must therefore intervene as little as possible, so as not to cause photography to lose the objective charm which it naturally possesses, notwithstanding its defects.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Photography
Image of Henri Matisse
A distinction is made between artists who work directly from nature and those who work purely from imagination. Neither if these methods should be preferred to the exclusion of the other. Often both are used in turn by the same man.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Artist
Image of Henri Matisse
My models, my human figures, are never like extras in an interior. They are the main theme of my work. I depend absolutely on my model.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Figures
Image of Henri Matisse
After a half-century of hard work and reflection the wall is still there.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Wall
Image of Henri Matisse
Put a colour upon a canvas - it not only colours with that colour the part of the canvas to which the colour has been applied, but it also colours the surrounding space with the complementary.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Space
Image of Henri Matisse
The importance of an artist is to be measured by the quantity of new signs which he has introduced to the language of art.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
I counted solely on the clarity of expression of my work to gain my ends.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Expression
Image of Henri Matisse
Color helps to express light, not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist's brain.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Artist
Image of Henri Matisse
I was very embarrassed when my canvases began to fetch high prices. I saw myself condemned to a future of nothing but Masterpieces.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Fetch
Image of Henri Matisse
I have to create an object which resembles the tree. The sign for a tree, and not the sign that other artists may have found for the tree.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Artist
Image of Henri Matisse
Did not the artists of the great age of Japanese art change names many times during their careers? I like that; they wanted to safeguard their freedom.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Change
Image of Henri Matisse
A work of art must carry in itself its complete significance and impose it upon the beholder even before he can identify the subject-matter.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
The splitting up of color [as Impressionists did] brought the splitting up of form and contour . . . Everything is reduced to a mere sensation of the retina, but one which destroys all tranquility of surface and contour. Objects are differentiated only by the luminosity that is given them.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Color
Image of Henri Matisse
What interests me most is neither still life nor landscape, but the human figure.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
The role of the artist, like that of the scholar, consists of seizing current truths often repeated to him, but which will take on new meaning for him and which he will make his own when he has grasped their deepest significance.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Artist
Image of Henri Matisse
Cutting straight into color reminds me of the direct carving of the sculptor.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
An artist who wants to transpose a composition onto a larger canvas must conceive it over again in order to preserve its expression; he must alter its character and not just fill in the squares into which he has divided his canvas.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Character
Image of Henri Matisse
If it is practiced by a man of taste, the photograph will have the appearance of art (but) the photographer must...intervene as little as possible, so as not to lose the objective charm which it naturally possesses.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Photography
Image of Henri Matisse
I was driven on by.. A force which I see today as something alien to my normal life... so I have been no more than a medium as it were.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Today
Image of Henri Matisse
The arts have a development which comes not only from the individual but also from a whole acquired force, the civilization which precedes us. One cannot do just anything. A talented artist cannot do whatever he pleases. If he only used his gifts, he would not exist. We are not the masters of what we produce. It is imposed on us.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
I am unable to make any distinction between the feeling I get from life and the way I translate that feeling into painting.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Feelings
Image of Henri Matisse
Precision is not reality
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Reality
Image of Henri Matisse
A colourist makes his presence known even in a simple charcoal drawing.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Simple
Image of Henri Matisse
The model for me is a touchstone, it is a door which I must break open in order to reach the garden in which I am alone and feel good, even the model exists only for what use I can make of it.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Garden
Image of Henri Matisse
The living model, the naked body of a woman, is the privileged seat of feeling, but also of questioning... The model must mark you, awaken in you an emotion which you seek in turn to express.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Beauty
Image of Henri Matisse
I do not repudiate any of my paintings but there isn't one of them that I would not redo differently, if I had it to redo. My destination is always the same but I work out a different route to get there.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Work Out
Image of Henri Matisse
The sign is determined at the moment I use it and for the object of which it must form a part. For this reason I cannot determine in advance signs which never change, and which would be like writing: that would paralyze the freedom of my invention.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Writing
Image of Henri Matisse
I dream of an art of balance, of quietness, something analogous to a good armchair.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Dream
Image of Henri Matisse
The artist begins with a vision - a creative operation requiring an effort.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Artist
Image of Henri Matisse
Each work of art is a collection of signs invented during the picture's execution to suit the needs of their position. Taken out of the composition for which they were created, these signs have no further use.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
From the moment I held the box of colors in my hands, I knew this was my life. I threw myself into it like a beast that plunges towards the thing it loves.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Hands
Image of Henri Matisse
Creation is the artist's true function; where there is no creation there is no art.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
I am unable to distinguish between the feeling I have for life and my way of expressing it.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Feelings
Image of Henri Matisse
The chief function of color should be to serve expression as well as possible.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Expression
Image of Henri Matisse
A work should contain its total meaning within itself and should impress it on the spectator before he even knows the subject.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Artistic
Image of Henri Matisse
I shan't get free of my emotion by copying the tree faithfully, or by drawing its leaves one by one in the common language, but only after identifying myself with it.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Drawing
Image of Henri Matisse
Composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the various elements which the painter uses to express his sentiments. In a picture every separate part will be visible and... everything which has no utility in the picture is for that reason harmful.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
Perhaps I might be satisfied, momentarily, with a work finished at one sitting, but I would soon get bored looking at it; therefore, I prefer to continue working on it so that later I may recognize it as a work of my mind.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Bored
Image of Henri Matisse
The wall around the window does not create two worlds.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Wall
Image of Henri Matisse
Do remember that one line does nothing; it is only in relation to another that it creates a volume.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Doe
Image of Henri Matisse
A certain color tones you up. It's the concentration of timbres.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Color
Image of Henri Matisse
From Bonheur de Vivre - I was thirty-five then - to this cut-out - I am eighty-two - I have not changed; not in the way my friends mean who want to compliment me, no matter what, on my good health, but because all this time I have looked for the same things, which I have perhaps realized by different means.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Mean