
Image of Grimes
I think a lot of music that's really innovative is not even considered because it was made by people who had a sexual image. And people assume that it's a commodified thing, so it can't be "indie."
- Grimes
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grimes
I think the internet is kind of redefining what it is to be a teenager. Because there's a lot of media that's aimed at teenagers that other people are getting into. But, conversely, pornography or stuff that's intended for adults is completely readily available to anyone, like teenagers.
- Grimes
Collection: Teenager
Image of Grimes
It's important for people not to feel like doing things that are immature, stuff you have to try out when you're a teenager, is bad, per se. Demonizing it is one of the reasons it becomes such an issue.
- Grimes
Collection: Teenager
Image of Grimes
I usually like to get people in because I don't have a band or anything. In cities where I have friends, I try to get them to come out and dance for me.
- Grimes
Collection: Cities
Image of Grimes
The last thing I think about when I'm making music is its reception.
- Grimes
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grimes
I don't know if I would ever have costume changes - usually I just end up taking off my shoes, I get so sweaty, and... I just need to be comfortable.
- Grimes
Collection: Shoes
Image of Grimes
I love pop music, but I also love noise music, IDM - anything really, I get something out of most kinds of music. I just need to enjoy the process.
- Grimes
Collection: Needs
Image of Grimes
The groove can go for like three days - once I'm in it it will just keep going until I'm totally exhausted. But that's how I like to work, I like to be away from everyone and just get in the zone, and stay there for as long as I can keep it there.
- Grimes
Collection: Long
Image of Grimes
I think my music's kind of cold, but I don't know if it's related to the weather. It might be because it's always grey [in Montreal], it's very depressing.
- Grimes
Collection: Depressing
Image of Grimes
Lately I've been really into screaming a lot through delay [effects], having seven people on stage topless going crazy, stuff like that. Really in your face, but maybe more organic than choreographed dance moves.
- Grimes
Collection: Crazy
Image of Grimes
I want to say my life inspires my lyrics, but I also try to abstract them as much as possible because I don't want to refer to my life explicitly. I'm definitely really embarrassed by my lyrics.
- Grimes
Collection: Inspire
Image of Grimes
Sometimes you find people who are magnetic, but once they get in front of a camera, they freak out and get weird.
- Grimes
Collection: People
Image of Grimes
I think Canadians make a lot of music because we're stuck inside all the time.
- Grimes
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grimes
I only work at night, generally. Usually when I work [during the day] I'll black out the windows or something.
- Grimes
Collection: Night
Image of Grimes
I think you can hear, when you listen to someone's music, whether or not they're enjoying making it - it's so great to hear music where you can tell the person making it was just having a blast. That's really important to me as far as my process goes. That's probably why my music ends up being so poppy!
- Grimes
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grimes
Mariah Carey is my favorite singer because her voice sounds utterly groundless. It's not even a human voice; it almost sounds mechanical.
- Grimes
Collection: Voice
Image of Grimes
One thing with Montreal is it's so cold and everyone's so poor and beer's so cheap: if you go to a show you have to brave the weather to get there. So you show up and everyone's soaking wet - there's a sense of 'I trekked through three feet of snow to get here!' I think there's a kind of camaraderie that arises out of that, that's important to me as well.
- Grimes
Collection: Beer
Image of Grimes
If painters could be compared to filmmakers, Bosch is the Hype Williams of renaissance painters. With Bosch, there's always a narrative that is very nonlinear - and that's the essence of a good music video.
- Grimes
Collection: Essence
Image of Grimes
If I think about what other people are thinking when I'm making music, I just can't do it. It's too withheld - I need to go totally over the top, and then kind of clean it up a bit and make it more reasonable after the fact.
- Grimes
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grimes
I don't have any money to hire actors. I just need to get people who are going to do a good job being themselves.
- Grimes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Grimes
Usually when I make music, in my head I'm like 'this isn't Grimes, this is just some other project that you can release later, so there's no pressure and it doesn't matter and no-one's ever gonna hear it'.
- Grimes
Collection: Matter
Image of Grimes
I just watched another person I care deeply about basically turn into Gollum and my heart is broken.
- Grimes
Collection: Heart
Image of Grimes
Even though I really admire what Beyonce does, and she's probably got one of the best live shows in the world - honestly! - that's so not my style.
- Grimes
Collection: Style
Image of Grimes
I grew up going to punk shows, that kind of thing - I don't wanna make pop punk! - but I like the idea of people going totally crazy and it being really intimate, loud and super-aggressive, but combining that with pop music.
- Grimes
Collection: Crazy
Image of Grimes
I was raised in a Catholic household and went to a Catholic school, and my childhood brain perceived medieval Catholicism as an action movie: There's this crazy omnipresent guy who can destroy you at any moment.
- Grimes
Collection: Crazy
Image of Grimes
I approach music - and this sounds crazy - as though I'm Phil Spector, and I'm cranking out these pop stars and forcing them to do all this stuff - except they're all me. But I'm not, like, transgendered.
- Grimes
Collection: Stars
Image of Grimes
I find it really hard to throw myself into something artistically where I'm making up a whole character and finding something for that character to do.
- Grimes
Collection: Character
Image of Grimes
When an artist, or whomever, moves from their scene to the bigger pond, it starts getting crazy, because all of a sudden people don't respect you, and you have to start being a lot more aggressive than you would normally be.
- Grimes
Collection: Crazy
Image of Grimes
I write music better in the winter, I prefer making music when it's dark.
- Grimes
Collection: Writing
Image of Grimes
I love humanity, I love the way people look
- Grimes
Collection: People
Image of Grimes
I have a really weird relationship with myself where I'll say, "Do it, do it!" and then, "I don't want to do it anymore, I hate photo shoots, I'm so tired of this!" Or, "I wrote a song, and you're gonna sing it!" then, "I can't hit the note." I want to be a behind-the-scenes producer. I really hate being in front of people. But I'm also obsessed with becoming a pop star.
- Grimes
Collection: Song
Image of Grimes
I know texture is really important, but I think texture and stuff precedes songwriting a lot of the time these days.
- Grimes
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grimes
I definitely see the voice as an instrument: It makes great drums, great synth pads, great everything.
- Grimes
Collection: Voice
Image of Grimes
I feel like gender lines are changing. A couple of years ago, it wasn't nearly as OK for guys to like girly-sounding music. But all of a sudden a lot of my guys friends who would like have been really disdainful of female singers are way more accepting.
- Grimes
Collection: Couple
Image of Grimes
I'm so sick of my own music that I don't know if I can edit another video, which involves hundreds of hours of listening to your own song again and again and again. It becomes so grating after a while.
- Grimes
Collection: Song
Image of Grimes
I prefer making videos to making music.
- Grimes
Collection: Video
Image of Grimes
It takes me probably about four hours to get into the groove [with making music]. And it's really important for me to not break the groove.
- Grimes
Collection: Important
Image of Grimes
It's kind of like I'm Phil Spector and I'm forcing a young girl to make pop music and perform exhaustively. Except, instead of it being someone else, that girl is also me.
- Grimes
Collection: Girl
Image of Grimes
I definitely see the voice as an instrument: It makes great drums, great synth pads, great everything. Vocals can be so many things, like, "Hey, I'm Michael Jackson, and this is my iconic voice," or a choir of people sounding like Mozart's Requiem. Mariah Carey is my favorite singer because her voice sounds utterly groundless. It's not even a human voice; it almost sounds mechanical.
- Grimes
Collection: People