Grant Morrison

Image of Grant Morrison
Oh, yes! Fill the churches with dirty thoughts! Introduce honesty to the White House! Write letters in dead languages to people you've never met! Paint filthy words on the foreheads of children! Burn your credit cards and wear high heels! Asylum doors stand open! Fill the suburbs with murder and rape! Divine madness! Let there be ecstasy, ecstasy in the streets! Laugh and the world laughs with you!
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Children
Image of Grant Morrison
The first light had cast the first shadow.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Light
Image of Grant Morrison
Metaphor is one of a group of problem-solving medicines known as figures of speech which are normally used to treat literal thinking and other diseases.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grant Morrison
From now on, I'm opting for ontological terrorism.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Terrorism
Image of Grant Morrison
With Marvel and DC, you're working with their pre-established fictional universes and characters. At those places, you're working with characters who will outlive you and maybe your children and your childern's children. Batman will outlive me, Spider-Man will outlive me, the Avengers will outlive me, and so it goes.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Children
Image of Grant Morrison
I think the only way you can get something out is to invest some real emotion into it, which means you're already writing about what's going to happen to you, whether you know it or not. That's why I'm always surprised when people talk about writer's block. Because to me, it can't be stopped.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Block
Image of Grant Morrison
I think that superhero comics in particular are really useful for talking about big emotions and feelings, and personifying and concretizing symbols.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grant Morrison
In the world of the superheroes, everything had value, potential, mystery. Any person, thing, or object could be drafted into service in the struggle against darkness and evil - remade as a weapon or a warrior or a superhero. Even a little bee named Michael - after God's own avenging angel - could pitch in to win the battle against wickedness.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Struggle
Image of Grant Morrison
A bullet in the right place can change the world.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: World
Image of Grant Morrison
Abandon the 'I', because it's a lie.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Lying
Image of Grant Morrison
The perfect fascist state needs to operate in conditions of perpetual warfare. Have you ever noticed how the world has been in constant crisis since World War II?
- Grant Morrison
Collection: War
Image of Grant Morrison
When ["Wonder Woman" creator William Moulton] Marston died in 1947, they got rid of the pervy elements, and instantly sales plummeted. Wonder Woman should be the most sexually attractive, intelligent, potent woman you can imagine. Instead she became this weird cross between the Virgin Mary and Mary Tyler Moore that didn't even appeal to girls.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Girl
Image of Grant Morrison
Writers and artists build by hand little worlds that they hope might effect change in real minds, in the real world where stories are read. A story can make us cry and laugh, break our hearts, or make us angry enough to change the world.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Real
Image of Grant Morrison
Performing magic has a lot to do with the arrangement of apparent coincidences and providing pathways along which desires can travel, or, to put it in more basic terms, there's little point in sigilizing for a lottery win if you don't also buy a lottery ticket.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Winning
Image of Grant Morrison
Superman loves everyone. He's like Jesus except he punches people.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Jesus
Image of Grant Morrison
Actually, it's as if [Superman is] more real than we are. We writers come and go, generations of artists leave their interpretations, and yet something persists, something that is always Superman.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Real
Image of Grant Morrison
Remember it's all just a mirror we made to see ourselves in.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Grant Morrison
Before it was a Bomb, the Bomb was an Idea. Superman, however, was a Faster, Stronger, Better Idea.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Ideas
Image of Grant Morrison
Reality and unreality have no clear distinction in our present circumstances.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Reality
Image of Grant Morrison
Only nothing is impossible.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Impossible
Image of Grant Morrison
It's stupid, I know, but I care. All the things that meant so much when we were young. Under the blankets late at night, listening to long-distance radio. All those things lost now or broken. Can you remember? Can you remember that feeling? Perhaps I ought to go to a doctor.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Distance
Image of Grant Morrison
One must commit acts of the highest treason only when dressed in the most resplendent finery.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Treason
Image of Grant Morrison
The 'medium' is unaware of its attractiveness, that's all. Everyone loves comics. I've proven this to my own satisfaction by handing them out to acountants, insurance brokers, hairdressers, mothers of children, black belts, pop stars, taxi drivers, painters, lesbians, doctors etc. etc. The X-Files, Buffy, the Matrix, X-Men - mainstream culture is not what it once was when science fiction and comics fans huddled in cellars like Gnostic Christians dodging the Romans. We should come up into the light soon before we suffocate.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Christian
Image of Grant Morrison
A comic will always be more 'personal' than a DVD or CD, both of which require electronic 'players' to decode their content. With comics, the reader is the player so the engagement with the material is always more fundamental and dynamic. Reading comics is a much less passive activity than consuming CDs and DVDs.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Reading
Image of Grant Morrison
Imagine the earth’s population of six billion people reduced to just one hundred representatives. Statistically, that makes 30 white, 70 non-white. It means 6 people own 59% of the wealth and they all live in North America. 80 are in substandard housing. One has an education. One owns a computer. Don’t blame me if it all sounds crazy.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Crazy
Image of Grant Morrison
We've always known we'd eventually be called upon to open our shirts and save the day, and the superhero was a crude, hopeful attempt to talk about how we all might feel on that day of great power, and great responsibility.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Grant Morrison
I just do what I do because it feels right. Other people attach labels to that.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: People
Image of Grant Morrison
My art school rejection letter arrived as a cold manila fist that closed around my fragile hopes ... The fear was practically edible. Nothing would happen unless I get out and make it happen. Then, as if handling me the keys to the jet pack, my dad bought me a typewriter and a taped message to the inside of its case: "Son - the world is waiting to hear from you".
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Art
Image of Grant Morrison
Then I reminded myself that all intelligent children suffer bad dreams.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Dream