Giorgio Armani

Image of Giorgio Armani
Creative work gives you an almost indissoluble connection with people.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
I started to take care of my body after I turned 50. I never liked how I looked physically because I was too cute, short, with coloring only on my cheeks, the perfect little nose, and then the blue eyes. I was a hit with girls, who told me it was like I was in Technicolor.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
My well-known aesthetic sense, which is so obvious and personal, spontaneously spurs me to challenge myself with different disciplines.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
My relationship with Paris began when I was working for Cerruti in the mid-1960s. When there was an important event in his store, Nino Cerruti very kindly took me with him. I was fascinated, and the city made a big impression on me.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
When I started, I had nothing. Because my family was really, really, really poor.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
The more successful I become, the more I want to remain like me, with my defects and insecurities.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
Marketing is not a nice word, but the world is about marketing now.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
Without insecurities, I think one becomes a little bit of an idiot.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
These days, as I am older and wiser, I realize that there is a danger in becoming an icon, as people can see you as remote and untouchable, and they are less willing to tolerate you doing things that don't fit with their preconceived idea of you.
- Giorgio Armani
Image of Giorgio Armani
Elegance doesn’t mean being noticed, it means being remembered
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Mean
Image of Giorgio Armani
Elegance is not catching somebody's eyes, it's staying in somebody's memory
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Memories
Image of Giorgio Armani
Acknowledge the elegance of simplicity.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Simplicity
Image of Giorgio Armani
A perfume is more than an extract it is a presence in abstraction. A perfume, for me, is a mystique.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Perfume
Image of Giorgio Armani
Remain true to yourself and your philosophy.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Giorgio Armani
Individual style is the correct balance of knowing who you are, what works fro you, and how to develop your own personality
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Knowing Who You Are
Image of Giorgio Armani
A woman should always dress to be remembered, not simply to be noticed.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Dresses
Image of Giorgio Armani
Elegance does not catch the eye. It stays in memory.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Memories
Image of Giorgio Armani
Eliminate the superfluous.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Superfluous
Image of Giorgio Armani
Elegance is not about being noticed, its about being remembered.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Elegance
Image of Giorgio Armani
I believe that style is the only real luxury,that is really desirable
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Real
Image of Giorgio Armani
I think that everyone has the right to fall in love at any age. But in life you have to learn how to control your emotions. You must know self-discipline.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Giorgio Armani
It would be very hard for me to do things somebody else's way.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Would Be
Image of Giorgio Armani
Emphasize comfort without compromise.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Comfort
Image of Giorgio Armani
Sì is my tribute to modern femininity, an irresistible combination of grace, strength and independent spirit.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Independent
Image of Giorgio Armani
Remain true to yourself and your philosophy. Changing in the face of adversity will in fact diminish your credibility with your customers.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Life
Image of Giorgio Armani
Style is having the courage of one's choices and the courage to say no. It's good taste and culture.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Choices
Image of Giorgio Armani
The creative universe begins with its essentiality, and, whatever path the imagination takes, ends with its purity.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Fashion
Image of Giorgio Armani
Elegance is not to be noticed, but to be remembered.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Elegance
Image of Giorgio Armani
Accessories are important and becoming more and more important every day.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Important
Image of Giorgio Armani
My aesthetic is about simplicity, elegance, and comfort, whether that is interpreted in a man's suit or a track suit.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Men
Image of Giorgio Armani
I've tried to find a new elegance. It's not easy because people want to be shocked. They want explosive fashion. But explosions don't last, they disappear immediately and leave nothing but ashes.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Fashion
Image of Giorgio Armani
My philosophy has always been to help women and men feel comfortable and confident through the clothes they wear.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Confidence
Image of Giorgio Armani
Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Fashion
Image of Giorgio Armani
Today, people no longer go out with a total look or ensemble taken straight from the runway. Customers mix and match between labels and between price points. The idea is to create something for yourself: what you want, and how you want it. I realize that shoppers want more flexibility and choice now.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Taken
Image of Giorgio Armani
Movies always fascinated me. They are an endless source of inspiration. There are countless images by great directors that made a profound impression on me, and I see film as a sublime example of teamwork.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Teamwork
Image of Giorgio Armani
The human body is something that I truly love, above all else.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Body
Image of Giorgio Armani
The interesting thing about basketball is that it is played recreationally all over the world in playgrounds where people shoot hoops. Perhaps it is because of this that the look of the game seems to have been able to cross over into streetwear more easily than that of some sports that are confined to more specialist arenas.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Basketball
Image of Giorgio Armani
Remember that, in the end, the customer doesn't know, or care, if you are small or large as an organization - she or he only focuses on the garment hanging on the rail in the store.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Giorgio Armani
When I go on my boat or to my vacation houses, where I still unfortunately spend very little time, I don't go with the celebrities I know but with a close group of friends and people who have worked with me for a long time.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Vacation
Image of Giorgio Armani
The goal I seek is to have people refine their style through my clothing without having them become victims of fashion.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Fashion
Image of Giorgio Armani
Italy is not widely thought of as a pioneer of youth culture in the way, say, the UK is.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Pioneers
Image of Giorgio Armani
When I was younger, I never laughed. I was always sour. If I look at pictures of me from the past, I never see a smile. I think it came out of my insecurity. I had a lot of complexes.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Past
Image of Giorgio Armani
Accessories are important and becoming more and more important every day. They can completely change the look of an outfit, and women like the idea of having a wardrobe that's versatile. For instance, a strong piece of jewelry can make a simple outfit look elegant.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Strong
Image of Giorgio Armani
Retailing has become fiercely competitive. Today there are many large global fashion companies who have opened up mono-brand stores in major cities around the world. When I first opened my boutique in New York, in 1985, there were almost no other European luxury brands present with their own stores. Now Fifth Avenue is packed with huge stores from major Italian and French labels.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Fashion
Image of Giorgio Armani
You have to have doubts. I have collaborators I work with. I listen and then I decide. That's how it works.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Communication
Image of Giorgio Armani
In the beginning, I thought that women needed protection, on a style level, to have the right impact to let them realize their desire for success. Now, many years later, women no longer need a masculine uniform. Women have changed.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Impact
Image of Giorgio Armani
There is a danger in becoming an icon, as people can see you as remote and untouchable, and they are less willing to tolerate you doing things that don't fit with their preconceived idea of you. Iconic status can be like a pair of handcuffs, especially if, like me, you wish to continually stretch yourself creatively, as Warhol did.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Ideas
Image of Giorgio Armani
I sensed that women wanted to be a little different. My fluidity gave them a way of interpreting their bodies in a more personal, individual way.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Different
Image of Giorgio Armani
The stars I have worked with not only look good in my clothes, but they also embody a spirit of dedication and hard work that I relate to and admire.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Stars