Gerry Spence

Image of Gerry Spence
The Internet...has become the voice of the people in the first genuine experiment in democracy yet conducted in America. It stands ready to serve every facet, every faction.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Voice
Image of Gerry Spence
No artist's masterpiece can match a mother's creation of a successful child, one who has been freed to explore and to grow. ... Success is measured not only by who we are, but by what gifts we give. As the old chief said, "The gift is not complete until it is given again." Ah, the mother whose gift to the world is a person !
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Mother
Image of Gerry Spence
Words that do not create images should be discarded.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Should
Image of Gerry Spence
We must begin to train lawyers the minute they walk into law school to tell the truth. They must immediately begin to learn the business of representing people. They must be assigned cases the first day.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: School
Image of Gerry Spence
To freely bloom that is my definition of success. The question then is, How does arguing with our children advance our goal that our children freely bloom.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Children
Image of Gerry Spence
I dream of a time when the people will retake their airways and use them to achieve a voice to rediscover democracy, and to see the divine potential of man.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Dream
Image of Gerry Spence
We are afraid. But fear confirms life and identifies the source of every successful argument - ourselves.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Successful
Image of Gerry Spence
Susan Boggs, a black runaway interviewed in Canada in 1863, said of the religious slave masters: 'Why the man that baptized me had a colored woman tied up in his yard to whip when he got home that very Sunday and her mother . . . was in church hearing him preach. He preached, You must obey your masters and be good servants.- That is the greater part of the sermon, when they preach to the colored folks. . . .'
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Mother
Image of Gerry Spence
To accept capitalism and Free Enterprise as articles of faith without agreeing that we must be free to consider whether what is offered is free and freeing is itself enslavement.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Accepting
Image of Gerry Spence
Each of us has been endowed with the perfect power to be free. Slavery is a state of mind that fails to acknowledge the slave's own power.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Perfect
Image of Gerry Spence
Teach the child to respect that which is not respectable and you teach the child the first requirement of slavery: submission to unjust authority. Children are persons. They are small persons whose perfect souls have not yet been ground through the meat grinder of slavery.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Children
Image of Gerry Spence
Government [is] operated by deeply embedded, hopelessly entangled bureaus where nothing is accomplished because the function of the bureau is to intercept every living idea and smother it.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Life
Image of Gerry Spence
The stain of prejudice is often indelible.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Prejudice
Image of Gerry Spence
In any nation in which people's rights have been subordinated to the rights of the few, in any totalitarian nation, the first institution to be dismantled is the jury. I was, I am, afraid.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Rights
Image of Gerry Spence
Successful argument is a communication between the acknowledged authority of both parties to the argument.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Party
Image of Gerry Spence
The new and most powerful union of all will be a union of one one man, one woman, one worker with special skills, an inquiring mind, and an independent attitude, his creativity intact, his love of life blooming. The union of one will be peopled by one man or one woman who is alive. Such a person is always sought by the intelligent manager.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Powerful
Image of Gerry Spence
Everyone wants to argue. Everyone does. Everyone needs to.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Doe
Image of Gerry Spence
Money in doses disproportionate to our needs enslaves.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Needs
Image of Gerry Spence
As we drive down the freeways, we see the new cars, but not the massive new-car loans that enslave their drivers to the banks.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Car
Image of Gerry Spence
Today the courts are choked with lawsuits brought by people against the New King. When they sue each other as a result of an automobile accident they in fact sue the King, for both parties are likely insured. Steadily the courts have become clearing-houses for the insurance industry.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Kings
Image of Gerry Spence
I love my life and I am so blessed.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Blessed
Image of Gerry Spence
Without argument the species would parish.
- Gerry Spence
Collection: Argument