Gerhard Richter

Image of Gerhard Richter
We've lost these qualities, these abilities to do something by hand. Some illustrators have it still, but it's just not art. We have photography. We have cameras and computers that do it better and faster.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Computers
Image of Gerhard Richter
Without form, communication stops... without form, you have everybody burbling on to themselves, whenever and however, things that no one else can understand and - rightly - no one else is interested in.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Communication
Image of Gerhard Richter
Chance determines our lives in important ways.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Chance
Image of Gerhard Richter
Every museum is full of nice things. That's the opposite of before. It was important things or serious things. Now we have interesting things.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
Weeks go by, and I don't paint until finally I can't stand it any longer. I get fed up. I almost don't want to talk about it, because I don't want to become self-conscious about it, but perhaps I create these little crises as a kind of a secret strategy to push myself.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
Gray is the color... the most important of all... absent of opinion, nothing, neither/nor.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
Good art in general aspires to something, as a good painting aspires to something, almost spiritual or holy.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
Now that we do not have priests and philosophers any more, artists are the most important people in the world.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
Politicians are nauseating by definition... They can produce nothing, neither a loaf of bread nor a table nor a picture; and this inability to create value, this total inferiority, makes them jealous, vengeful, insolent and a menace to life and limb.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I have painted my family so frequently because they are the one who really affect me the most.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I'm still very sure that painting is one of the most basic human capacities, like dancing and singing, that make sense, that stay with us, as something human.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
People won't stop painting, just as they won't stop making music or dancing. This is a facility we have. Children don't stop doing it or having it. On the other hand, it seems we don't need painting anymore. Culture is more interested in entertaining people.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
A father draws boundaries and calls a halt, whenever necessary. As I didn't have that, I was able to stay childishly naive that much longer - so I did what I liked, because there was nobody stopping me, even when I got it wrong.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
It's our culture, Christian history, that's what formed me. Even as an atheist, I believe. We're just built that way.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I am ridiculously old-fashioned.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
Art should be serious, not a joke. I don't like to laugh about art.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I believe in painting and I believe in eating too. What can we do? We have to eat, we have to paint, we have to live. Of course, there are different ways to survive. But it's my best option.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I don't dare to think my paintings are great. I can't understand the arrogance of someone saying, 'I have created a big, important work.'
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I have always been structured. What has changed is the proportions. Now it is eight hours of paperwork and one of painting.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I go to the studio every day, but I don't paint every day. I love playing with my architectural models. I love making plans. I could spend my life arranging things.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
When I begin, theoretically and practically I can smear anything I want on the canvas. Then there's a condition I have to react to, by changing it or destroying it.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I don't think I can do this - painting under observation. It's the worst thing there is, worse than being in the hospital.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I can't paint as well as Vermeer.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I have no time for specialized concerns, working themes or variations that lead to mastery... I like the indefinite, the boundless; I like continual uncertainty. Other qualities may be more conducive to achievement, publicity, success; but they are all outworn - as outworn as ideologies, opinions, concepts and names for things.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I do see myself as the heir to a vast, great, rich culture of painting - of art in general - which we have lost, but which places obligations on us.
- Gerhard Richter
Image of Gerhard Richter
I pursue no objectives, no systems, no tendency; I have no program, no style, no direction. I have no time for specialized concerns, working themes, or variations that lead to mastery. I steer clear of definitions. I don’t know what I want. I am inconsistent, non-committal, passive; I like the indefinite, the boundless; I like continual uncertainty.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Style
Image of Gerhard Richter
Art is the highest form of hope.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
To talk about paintings is not only difficult but perhaps pointless too. You can only express in words what words are capable of expressing-- what language can communicate. Painting has nothing to do with that.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Painting
Image of Gerhard Richter
Painting is another form of thinking.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gerhard Richter
Abstract pictures are fictive models, because they make visible a reality that we can neither see nor describe, but whose existence we can postulate.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Reality
Image of Gerhard Richter
I pursue no intentions, no directions; I have no program, no style and no mission.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Style
Image of Gerhard Richter
I've never found anything to be lacking in a blurry canvas. Quite the contrary: you can see many more things in it than in a sharply focused image. A landscape painted with exactness forces you to see a determined number of clearly differentiated trees, while in a blurry canvas you can perceive as many trees as you want. The painting is more open.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
To believe, one must have lost God. To paint, one must have lost art.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
Now there are no priests or philosophers left, artists are the most important people in the world.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
It is a danger to wait around for an idea to occur to you. You have to find the idea.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Ideas
Image of Gerhard Richter
The year is always correct, also the month, only the day can be another. But that occurs to me only in the moment of writing it down.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
Well, the beginning is actually quite easy, because I can still be quite free about the way I handle things - colours, shapes. And so a picture emerges that may look quite good for a while, so airy and colourful and new. But that will only last for a day at most, at which point it starts to look cheap and fake. And then the real work begins - changing, eradicating, starting again, and so on, until it's done.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
My method is related to an attempt to do something that might be understood by today's world, or that could at least provide understanding. In other words, doing something I understand and that everyone understands. This natural desire for communication is also found in other domains, like reading and discourse, etc. I also hate repeating myself; it gives me no pleasure whatsoever. Once I've understood something, I need to start off on new ground.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
I'm trying to paint a picture of what I have seen and what moved me, as well as I can. That's all.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
I believe that the quintessential task of every painter in any time has been to concentrate on the essential.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Believe
Image of Gerhard Richter
It's that same quality I've been talking about. It's neither contrived, nor surprising and smart, not baffling, not witty, not interesting, not cynical, it can't be planned and it probably can't even be described. It's just good.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Witty
Image of Gerhard Richter
My paintings are wiser than I am.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Painting
Image of Gerhard Richter
Painting is consequently an almost blind, desperate effort, like that of a person abandoned, helpless, in totally incomprehensible surroundings.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Effort
Image of Gerhard Richter
Since there is no such thing as absolute rightness and truth, we always pursue the artificial, leading, human truth. We judge and make a truth that excludes other truths. Art plays a formative part in this manufacture of truth.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
Theory has nothing to do with a work of art. Pictures which are interpretable, and which contain a meaning, are bad pictures. A picture presents itself as the Unmanageable, the Illogical, the Meaningless. It demonstrates the endless multiplicity of aspects; it takes away our certainty, because it deprives a thing of its meaning and its name. It shows us the thing in all the manifold significance and infinite variety that preclude the emergence of any single meaning and view.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
My landscapes are not only beautiful, or nostalgic, with a Romantic or classical suggestion of lost Paradises, but above all 'untruthful.' By 'untruthful,' I mean the glorifying way we look at Nature. Nature, which in all its forms is always against us, because it knows no meaning, no pity, no sympathy, because it knows nothing and is absolutely mindless, the total antithesis of ourselves.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Gerhard Richter
To me, grey is the welcome and only possible equivalent for indifference, noncommitment, absence of opinion, absence of shape. But grey, like formlessness and the rest, can be real only as an idea, and so all I can do is create a colour nuance that means grey but is not it. The painting is then a mixture of grey as a fiction and grey as a visible, designated area of colour.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
Grey. It makes no statement whatever; it evokes neither feelings nor associations: it is really neither visible nor invisible. Its inconspicuousness gives it the capacity to mediate, to make visible, in a positively illusionistic way, like a photograph. It has the capacity that no other colour has, to make 'nothing' visible.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
Art is not a substitute religion: it is a religion (in the true sense of the word: 'binding back', 'binding' to the unknowable, transcending reason, transcendent being). But the church is no longer adequate as a means of affording experience of the transcendental, and of making religion real - and so art has been transformed from a means into the sole provider of religion: which means religion itself.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art
Image of Gerhard Richter
Based on mixtures of the three primary colours, along with black and white, I come up with a certain number of possible colours and, by multiplying these by two or four, I obtain a definite number of colour fields that I multiply yet again by two, etc. But the complete realization of this project demands a great deal of time and work.
- Gerhard Richter
Collection: Art