Geraldo Rivera

Image of Geraldo Rivera
Mother Nature may be forgiving this year, or next year, but eventually she's going to come around and whack you. You've got to be prepared.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Nature
Image of Geraldo Rivera
The courage in journalism is sticking up for the unpopular, not the popular.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Courage
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I speak Spanish to my children and they speak it better than me.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Give Hamas 90 days to pick a lane, then react.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
There's no way New Orleans will ever be the city it was. I think it will have half the population. They may create a sort of Disneyland at the French Quarter for tourists. The rest I don't know.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
The elite media has been caught in so many lies because of false statements that its whole reputation has eroded, their circulation is down, and their profits are down.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I'm tired of getting made fun of.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I think of myself as Special Forces, clearing the path for the infantry.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I'm in my 10th generation of TV critic now.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I'd like to give divorce a good name.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Extol Jewish virtue, modern Zionism and the Israeli Defense Forces.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I've made a connection with the television audience by being a proud Latino man. I am passionate for what I do, courageous in the face of peril, honest and straightforward.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I am enduring. You can disagree with me.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I must be doing something right. I've been around for a long time.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I'd work to make it hip again to spend time in our fabled and fabulous land. But with a Puerto Rican father and a Jewish mother, I would probably be better suited as mayor of New York.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I'm old, but I'm still cute and strong. And very butch.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
It's a great pleasure having survived six generations of TV critics.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Jackson and I spent the day together, just me and him and his children. Little underlings came and went. The PR person came and went. It was just Michael and me and the kids. And it was very interesting.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
One thing about these storms, we know how disruptive things can be when we depend on the system to keep working. What would happen if the terrorists do it? Knock down the power, destroy bridges, cut the water supply?
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Perhaps areas of Israel where current large Palestinian populations and demographic realities exist could be exchanged for Israeli expansion into the West Bank to include most of East Jerusalem.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Reject racial or religious hate. Embrace moderate Islam.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Rich people who own mansions on the beach shouldn't get federal subsidies. If you want to stay there, take the risk.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Saturday Night Live is hitting me on a regular basis again. This is my fourth decade that I've been lampooned on Saturday Night Live.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
The biggest stories in 2005 were the national disasters.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
The real Michael Jackson that has not been seen... with children, one in diapers, the other two toddlers.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
This is the year of Katrina and Iraq. How the war ends is more important than how it began. However you feel about the war, you have to be compassionate and loving towards our troops.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
To see those babies with no food for three of four days, old people sitting in the hot sun, when you see these poor people, you cannot help but being compassionate or affected.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
When a Spanish man cries it's not a sign of weakness.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
With years of experience doing whatever it takes to get to the bottom of each story, I am looking forward to covering the stories in the human dimension and impart the passion and visceral reactions the audience seeks.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Your performance gets you promoted. It doesn't matter if you're brown, back or white.
- Geraldo Rivera
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Hip-hop has done more damage to black and brown people than racism in the last 10 years.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Years
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Children
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Am I the only one who thinks Nancy Grace's relentless cheer leading for Jodi Arias' death gross & excessive? The anchor as executioner?!
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Cheer
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Jackson and I spent the day together, just me and him and his children. Little underlings came and went. The P.R. person came and went... It was just Michael and me and the kids. And it was very, very interesting.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Children
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman was.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Thinking
Image of Geraldo Rivera
It's a great pleasure having survived six generations of TV critics
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Generations
Image of Geraldo Rivera
He [Donald Trump] is a tough boss. I've known him for decades. He hasn't changed very much. He's a driven person, highly intelligent, and he's very motivated, very charismatic, and he is tough as nails in the sense there's no slack there. You can't put anything over on Donald. Donald can see right through someone trying to dissemble or spin stuff.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Perhaps areas of Israel where current large Palestinian populations and demographic realities exist could be exchanged for Israeli expansion into the West Bank to include most of East Jerusalem
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Reality
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I'm tired of getting made fun of. The reason I took on The New York Times as ferociously as I did is that I'm tired of being the little icon that people stick pins in, the whipping boy for everything that's gone wrong in this business. Whatever my excess, I think that I've been trumped in many areas by others.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Fun
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I love cops. I think you have to walk in their shoes to understand, you know when they use violence, Michael Brown in Ferguson, a classic case.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Thinking
Image of Geraldo Rivera
If I've done anything, I've brought passion to television.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Passion
Image of Geraldo Rivera
This is a sleaze bag murdering dog and he [O.J. Simpson] has played us for fools. And the worst thing he did was exacerbate the racial divide in this country. He divided black and white America.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Country
Image of Geraldo Rivera
The Jewish people, for their tiny numbers, have done superbly. They don't need me. They have Einstein. They have everybody - Maury Povich.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Numbers
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Michelle Malkin is the most vile, hateful commentator I've ever met in my life. She actually believes that neighbors should start snitching out neighbors, and we should be deporting people. It's good she's in D.C. and I'm in New York. I'd spit on her if I saw her.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: New York
Image of Geraldo Rivera
It's good (Michelle Malkin's) in D.C. and I'm in New York. I'd spit on her if I saw her.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: New York
Image of Geraldo Rivera
When a Spanish man cries it's not a sign of weakness
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Men
Image of Geraldo Rivera
Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I did an expose of an institution for the population with developmental disabilities, and the institutions were closed as a result of the expose. Now the developmentally disabled are cared for in small community-based residences, and I've been working very hard over the decades to open as many of them as I can.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Working Very Hard
Image of Geraldo Rivera
I think the Jews need me right now.
- Geraldo Rivera
Collection: Thinking