Top Agony Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Agony quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Francois Truffaut
I demand that a film express either the joy of making cinema or the agony of making cinema. I am not at all interested in anything in between.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Agony
Image of Solomon Northup
My sufferings I can compare to nothing else than the burning agonies of hell!
- Solomon Northup
Collection: Agony
Image of Louise Rennison
I will not have him in my brain;there is no room for anyone else in the cakeshop of agony. it's crowded enough in there already.
- Louise Rennison
Collection: Agony
Image of Ayi Kwei Armah
Disgust with injustice may sharpen the desire for justice. Readers who don’t see this connection merely wish to be entertained, and I have neither skill nor desire to turn the agony of a people into entertainment.
- Ayi Kwei Armah
Collection: Agony
Image of Hortense Calisher
Agony without genius was gaucherie.
- Hortense Calisher
Collection: Agony
Image of Hortense Calisher
Speech isn't for agony.
- Hortense Calisher
Collection: Agony
Image of Josephine Hart
We do have choice, but not without some agony.
- Josephine Hart
Collection: Agony
Image of Margaret Feinberg
I had been searching for joy in the relatively good times of life, now I had to find joy amidst darkness and agony.
- Margaret Feinberg
Collection: Agony
Image of Helen M. Luke
The ego will endure the worst agonies of neurotic misery rather than consent to one minute of diminishment of its sense of importance.
- Helen M. Luke
Collection: Agony
Image of Ruben Papian
The agony of love destroyed often leaves us swearing never to love again.
- Ruben Papian
Collection: Agony
Image of Tom Van Vleck
We know about as much about software quality problems as they knew about the Black Plague in the 1600s. We've seen the victims' agonies and helped burn the corpses. We don't know what causes it; we don't really know if there is only one disease. We just suffer - and keep pouring our sewage into our water supply.
- Tom Van Vleck
Collection: Agony
Image of Eyedea
Agony is truth its our connection to the living I accept it as perfection and keep on existing in the now
- Eyedea
Collection: Agony
Image of Martin Heidegger
Longing is the agony of the nearness of the distant.
- Martin Heidegger
Collection: Agony
Image of Douglas Kennedy
There were moments when I felt seriously unhinged; when I was convinced that I would never, ever recover from what had happened, when it was absolutely clear to me that life from this point on would be constant agony.
- Douglas Kennedy
Collection: Agony
Image of Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett
Most trouble is unnecessary. Between the indignity of being born and the agony of dying enough bad things must of necessity happen to people. But we can't be satisfied with that. We have to go to work and see how much additional trouble we can create. Misunderstanding, turmoil, effort put on all the wrong things, and then more misunderstanding.
- Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett
Collection: Agony
Image of Iain Banks
The point is, there is no feasible excuse for what are, for what we have made of ourselves. We have chosen to put profits before people, money before morality, dividends before decency, fanaticism before fairness, and our own trivial comforts before the unspeakable agonies of others
- Iain Banks
Collection: Agony
Image of Rick Riordan
Die, enemies of Ra!" Sekhemet yelled. "Perish in agony!" "She's almost as annoying as you," I told Horus. "Impossible," Horus said. "No one bests Horus.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Agony
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
Sometimes Ronan thought Adam was so used to the right way being painful that he doubted any path that didn’t come with agony.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Agony
Image of Edgar Allan Poe
...the agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair.
- Edgar Allan Poe
Collection: Agony
Image of Rebecca West
It is not possible that a just God should forgive people who are wicked because another person who was good endured agony by being nailed to a cross.
- Rebecca West
Collection: Agony
Image of Nalini Singh
Love was an agony beyond compare
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Agony
Image of James Whistler
Over and over again did the Attorney-General cry out aloud, in the agony of his cause, 'What is to become of painting if the critics withhold their lash?
- James Whistler
Collection: Agony
Image of Brandon Mull
Excruciating agony makes me cranky.
- Brandon Mull
Collection: Agony
Image of Edgar Allan Poe
How much more intense is the excitement wrought in the feelings of a crowd by the contemplation of human agony, than that brought about by the most appalling spectacles of inanimate matter.
- Edgar Allan Poe
Collection: Agony
Image of Osamu Dazai
I have always shook with fright before human beings. Unable as I was to feel the least particle of confidence in my ability to speak and act like a human being, I kept my solitary agonies locked in my breast. I kept my melancholy and my agitation hidden, careful lest any trace should be left exposed. I feigned an innocent optimism; I gradually perfected myself in the role of the farcical eccentric.
- Osamu Dazai
Collection: Agony
Image of Lionel Shriver
We'd been assured it wouldn't be painful, though she might experience 'discomfort,' a term beloved of the medical profession that seems to be a synonym for agony that isn't yours.
- Lionel Shriver
Collection: Agony
Image of Philip Sidney
Vice is but a nurse of agonies.
- Philip Sidney
Collection: Agony
Image of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Teas, Where small talk dies in agonies.
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
Collection: Agony
Image of Ellen G. White
The Saviour would have passed through the agony of Calvary that one might be saved in His kingdom. He will never abandon one for whom He has died.
- Ellen G. White
Collection: Agony
Image of Walt Whitman
Agonies are one of my changes of garments.
- Walt Whitman
Collection: Agony
Image of Spike Milligan
Listen, someone's screaming in agony- fortunately I speak it fluently
- Spike Milligan
Collection: Agony
Image of M. Scott Peck
When I am with a group of human beings committed to hanging in there through both the agony and the joy of community, I have a dim sense that I am participating in a phenomenon for which there is only one word...."glory."
- M. Scott Peck
Collection: Agony
Image of Emile M. Cioran
I cannot contribute anything to this world because I only have one method: agony.
- Emile M. Cioran
Collection: Agony
Image of Woody Allen
Human existence is a brutal experience to me... it's a brutal, meaningless experience - an agonizing, meaningless experience with some oases, delight, some charm and peace, but these are just small oases. Overall, it is a brutal, terrible experience, and so it salvation is what can you do to alleviate the agony of the human condition, the human predicament? That is what interests me the most.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Agony
Image of Julie Burchill
A cynic should never marry an idealist. For the cynic, marriage represents the welcome end of romantic life, with all its agony and ecstasy. But for the idealist, it is only the beginning.
- Julie Burchill
Collection: Agony
Image of Charlie Munger
We don't like trading agony for money
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Agony
Image of Andy Biersack
I feel that there is a culture being built that is a celebration of agony. There is also a celebration of being an outcast, to the degree that you are segregating yourself in a negative way from people who may want to be your friend.
- Andy Biersack
Collection: Agony
Image of Orson Scott Card
Personal humiliation was painful. Humiliation of one's family was much worse. Humiliation of one's social status was agony to bear. But humiliation of one's nation was the most excruciating of human miseries.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Agony
Image of Charles Bukowski
agony sometimes changes form but it never ceases for anybody.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Agony
Image of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
I stood in unimaginable trance And agony that cannot be remembered.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Collection: Agony
Image of Gautama Buddha
Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Agony
Image of Sark
We're all afraid of suffering or agony or torture. It's only natural in some ways. It's only human, let's say. I don't know how natural it is. It probably is conditioning.
- Sark
Collection: Agony
Image of Emily Dickinson
Safe Despair it is that raves- Agony is frugal. Puts itself severe away For its own perusal.
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Agony
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
She was dazzling-- alight; it was agony to comprehend her beauty in a glance.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Agony
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
When you're older you'll know what people who love suffer. The agony. It's better to be cold and young than to love. It's happened to me before but never like this - so accidental - just when everything was going well.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Agony
Image of Euripides
Pay special attention to their agony so I might take some pleasure.
- Euripides
Collection: Agony
Image of William Goldman
You could concentrate much more deeply when you were alone with agony.
- William Goldman
Collection: Agony
Image of Betty Friedan
I won a really big fellowship to go straight on to get my Ph.D. And I went through agonies of indecision, and then I decided not to accept it. I just decided I didn't want to be an academic.
- Betty Friedan
Collection: Agony
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
I will suffer the agony if that is to be my lot.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Agony
Image of Elizabeth Gaskell
. . . it seemed to me that where others had prayed before to their God, in their joy or in their agony, was of itself a sacred place.
- Elizabeth Gaskell
Collection: Agony