Francois Fenelon

Image of Francois Fenelon
Those who are wholly God's are always happy.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Always Happy
Image of Francois Fenelon
Prayer is so necessary, and the source of so many blessings, that he who has discovered the treasure cannot be prevented from having recourse to it, whenever he has an opportunity.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Prayer
Image of Francois Fenelon
How dangerous it is for our salvation, how unworthy of God and of ourselves, how pernicious even for the peace of our hearts, to want always to stay where we are! Our whole life was only given us to advance us by great strides toward our heavenly country.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Country
Image of Francois Fenelon
A cross borne in simplicity, without the interference of self-love to augment it, is only half a cross. Suffering in this simplicity of love, we are not only happy in spile of the cross, but because of it; for love is pleased in suffering for the Well Beloved, and the cross which forms us into His image is a consoling bond of love.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Love Is
Image of Francois Fenelon
When kings interfere in matters of religion, they enslave instead of protecting it.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Kings
Image of Francois Fenelon
It is only by fidelity in little things that the grace of true love to God can be sustained, and distinguished from a passing fervor of spirit. . . . No one can well believe that our piety is sincere, when our behavior is lax and irregular in its little details. What probability is there that we should not hesitate to make the greatest sacrifices, when we shrink from the smallest?
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Love
Image of Francois Fenelon
There were some who said that a man at the point of death was more free than all others, because death breaks every bond, and over the dead the united world has no power.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Death
Image of Francois Fenelon
Our piety must be weak and imperfect if it do not conquer our fear of death.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Imperfect
Image of Francois Fenelon
There are some people who think that they should be always mourning, that they should put a continual constraint upon themselves, and feel a disgust for those amusements to which they are obliged to submit. For my own part, I confess that I know not how to conform myself to these rigid notions. I prefer something more simple, which I also think would be more pleasing to God.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Simple
Image of Francois Fenelon
Nothing is more false and more indiscreet than always to want to choose what mortifies us in everything. By this rule a person would soon ruin his health, his business, his reputation, his relations with his relatives and friends, in fact every good work which Providence gives him.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Relatives And Friends
Image of Francois Fenelon
Let us endeavor to commence every enterprise with a pure view to the glory of God, continue it without distraction, and finish it without impatience.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Views
Image of Francois Fenelon
Thou lovest like an infinite God when Thou lovest; Thou movest heaven and earth to save Thy loved ones. Thou becomest man, a babe, the vilest of men, covered with reproaches, dying with infamy and under the pangs of the cross; all this is not too much for an infinite love.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Men
Image of Francois Fenelon
God would behold in you a simplicity which will contain so much the more of His wisdom as it contains less of your own.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Simplicity
Image of Francois Fenelon
How desirable is this simplicity! Who will give it to me? I will quit all else; it is the pearl of great price.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Giving
Image of Francois Fenelon
If we were faultless, we should not be so much annoyed by the defects of those with whom we associate. If we were to acknowledge honestly that we have not virtue enough to bear patiently with our neighbor's weaknesses, we should show our own imperfection, and this alarms our vanity.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Vanity
Image of Francois Fenelon
Were in prayer, as indeed you ought to be.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Prayer
Image of Francois Fenelon
Pity enlarges the heart.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Heart
Image of Francois Fenelon
This is the love that does all things; that brings to pass even the evils we suffer; so shaping them that they are but instruments of preparing the good which, as yet, has not arrived.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Evil
Image of Francois Fenelon
Mankind, by the perverse depravity of their nature, esteem that which they have most desired as of no value the moment it is possessed, and torment themselves with fruitless wishes for that which is beyond their reach.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Wish
Image of Francois Fenelon
All wars are civil ones; for it is still man spilling his own blood, tearing out his own bowels.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: War
Image of Francois Fenelon
The greatest defect of common education is, that we are in the habit of putting pleasure all on one side, and weariness on the other; all weariness in study, all pleasure in idleness.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Education
Image of Francois Fenelon
I had often heard Mentor say, that the voluptuous were never brave, and I now found by experience that it was true; for the Cyprians whose jollity had been so extravagant and tumultuous, now sunk under a sense of their danger and wept like women. I heard nothing but the screams of terror and the wailings of hopeless distress. Some lamented the loss of pleasures that were never to return; but none had presence of mind either to undertake or direct the navigation of the menaced vessel.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Loss
Image of Francois Fenelon
How does our will become sanctified? By conforming itself unreservedly to that of God.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Doe
Image of Francois Fenelon
Sordid and infamous sensuality, the most dreadful evil that issued from the box of Pandora, corrupts every heart, and eradicates every virtue. Fly! wherefore dost thou linger? Fly, cast not one look behind thee; nor let even thy thought return to the accursed evil for a moment.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Heart
Image of Francois Fenelon
God felt, God tasted and enjoyed is indeed God, but God with those gifts which flatter the soul, God in darkness, in privation, in forsakenness, in sensibility, is so much God, that he is so to speak God bare and alone. Shall we fear this death, which is to produce in us the true divine life of grace?
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Christian
Image of Francois Fenelon
It is this unquiet self-love that renders us so sensitive. The sick man, who sleeps ill, thinks the night long. We exaggerate, from cowardice, all the evils which we encounter; they are great, but our sensibility increases them. The true way to bear them is to yield ourselves up with confidence to God.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Sleep
Image of Francois Fenelon
The passion of acquiring riches in order to support a vain expense corrupts the purest souls.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Passion
Image of Francois Fenelon
It is often our own imperfection which makes us reprove the imperfection of others; a sharp-sighted self-love of others
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Inspiration
Image of François Fénelon
Fear is like the strong medicine used to fight serious diseases; it purges, but it also alters your temperament and wears out the body organs. A person who is driven by fear will always be the weaker for it.
- François Fénelon
Collection: Strong