Emma Watson

Image of Emma Watson
Obviously, I'm recognized on the street and I am away from home a lot more and, let's face it, I have an action figure of myself!
- Emma Watson
Collection: Home
Image of Emma Watson
I didnt know there were so many ways you could walk down stairs until the day we filmed Hermiones entrance into the Yule Ball Hall.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Yule
Image of Emma Watson
I think the actresses who are really successful are comfortable in their own skins and still look human.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Successful
Image of Emma Watson
Most people are really nice but some stare, like you're some kind of zoo exhibit and not a real person with real feelings.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Zoos
Image of Emma Watson
As wonderful as charity is, that money runs out. It's not sustainable. It lasts for a certain period of time and it's gone. What i really think people need is the opportunity to help themselves.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Running
Image of Emma Watson
Even worse than seeing women's privacy violated on social media is reading the accompanying comments that show such a lack of empathy.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Reading
Image of Emma Watson
Our society in general devalues the 'she' - qualities that are associated with the feminine that are found in all of us. As a result there's this imbalance and this distortion and it's hindering our progress.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Progress
Image of Emma Watson
I want to diversify a bit. I don't wanna throw myself into another big blockbuster or another big franchise anytime soon. So smaller films, just small little interesting parts, I think I'd even like to play around with some really good supporting roles and then develop into - I don't know just like feel my way into it a bit more. I don't know, I'd love to try some theater. That's my other thing. I'd love to do some Shakespeare.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Emma Watson
I don't know anything about American history or presidents. I don't know what tailgating is! I've never been to an Olive Garden!
- Emma Watson
Collection: Garden
Image of Emma Watson
I get sent Bibles. I have a collection of about 20 in my room. People think I need to be guided.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Emma Watson
I'm excited about the ageing process. I'm more interested in women who aren't perfect. They're more compelling.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Perfect
Image of Emma Watson
If I'm feeling tired, I just say, 'I'm going to paint my nails purple and put some lipstick on!'
- Emma Watson
Collection: Tired
Image of Emma Watson
We need female advocates. I'd love to live in a world where there are as many women in parliament as men.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Men
Image of Emma Watson
When people call me a role model it puts the fear of god into me, because I feel like I'm destined to fail.
- Emma Watson
Collection: People
Image of Emma Watson
We need to make sure that we are using technology, and technology is not using us.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Technology
Image of Emma Watson
Whether you are a woman on a tea plantation in Kenya, or a stockbroker on Wall Street, or a Hollywood actress, no one is being paid equally.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Wall
Image of Emma Watson
I didn't realize that I wasn't moving in a gender-equal world - I had a sense of it, but I didn't start to really see evidence of it, I think, until I hit puberty. Media even before that age is already creating all these biases.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Moving
Image of Emma Watson
I definitly wouldn't want Harry Potter to be the last thing I do.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Potters
Image of Emma Watson
I'm going to be the most competitive birth-giver ever.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Birth
Image of Emma Watson
Umm, there are so many people that I've never had one person that I've particularly idolised or I thought "Wow, I want to be just like them." It used to be when I was younger, Julia Roberts, I used to just love her. There is something so appealing about her.
- Emma Watson
Collection: People
Image of Emma Watson
I love people like Renée Zellweger who aren't afraid to look unattractive and really put themselves into a character role and to really be an actress instead of just thinking "Am I on-screen pouting and looking beautiful?" because that's not really what it's about.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Emma Watson
Hindsight is obviously a very great thing, but I'm always convinced that the reason that I didn't take as many politics or history classes is because I just didn't see any women. I didn't think when I was 13, 14 that that had anything to do with me. I just didn't see women in my textbooks.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Emma Watson
People associate feminism with hate - with man hate - and that's really negative. I don't think that's what feminism is about at all - it's really positive. I think that's why women became reluctant to use the word.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Emma Watson
Feminism is equality: politically; culturally; socially; economically. That's it, that simple.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Emma Watson
Gender equality, historically has been predominantly a women's movement for women. But I think the impact of gender inequality and how it's affecting men hasn't really been addressed.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Emma Watson
It's important to read because it's really good for your vocabulary. It's really good for your imagination. I enjoy reading because I find it relaxing.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Reading
Image of Emma Watson
I truly, truly believe that beauty is something that comes from within.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Emma Watson
If I've learned anything, it's really just to stop trying to find answers and certainties.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Trying
Image of Emma Watson
Don't be ashamed if you don't like what others pretend to love
- Emma Watson
Collection: Ashamed
Image of Emma Watson
I find the whole concept of being 'SEXY' embarrassing and confusing. If I do an interview with photographs people desperately want to change me- dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows. Then there's the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini skirt, BUT THATS NOT ME. I feel uncomfortable. I'd never go out in a mini skirt. Personally, I don't actually think it's even that sexy. Whats sexy about saying, 'I'm here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I've got?' My idea of sexy is that less is more. The LESS you reveal the MORE people can wonder.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Sexy
Image of Emma Watson
- Emma Watson
Collection: Hate
Image of Emma Watson
I keep telling myself that I'm a human being, an imperfect human being who's not made to look like a doll, and that who I am as a person is more important than whether at that moment I have a nice figure.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Emma Watson
Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong... It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum not as two opposing sets of ideals.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Strong
Image of Emma Watson
I feel like young girls are told, I don’t know, that they have to be this kind of princess and fragile. It’s bullshit. I identify much more with being a warrior, a fighter. If I was going to be a princess I’d be a warrior princess definitely.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Girl
Image of Emma Watson
Men, I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. … Gender equality is your issue, too. … I've seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to ask for help, for fear it would make them less of a men—or less of a man. I've seen men made fragile and insecure by a distorted sense of what constitutes male success. Men don't have the benefits of equality, either.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Insecure
Image of Emma Watson
The most embarrassing one is that I had no idea - and please excuse me - that you guys call a condom a rubber. My version of a rubber is an eraser. I've done that - very loudly asked for a rubber and people have given me strange looks. That was embarrassing!
- Emma Watson
Collection: Ideas
Image of Emma Watson
Really I was open-minded about doing anything, but the one thing I didn't want to do was get myself into a corset, because I was worried I'd never get out again.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Boyfriend
Image of Emma Watson
If you want to run for Prime Minister, you can. If you don't, that's wonderful, too. Shave your armpits, don't shave them, wear flats one day, heels the next. These things are so irrelevant and surface to what it is all really about, and I wish people wouldn't get caught up in that. We want to empower women to do exactly what they want, to be true to themselves, to have the opportunities to develop.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Running
Image of Emma Watson
Feminism is not here to dictate to you. It’s not prescriptive, it’s not dogmatic. All we are here to do is give you a choice. If you want to run for President, you can. If you don’t, that’s wonderful, too. I’m lucky I was raised to believe that my opinion at the dinner table was valuable. My mum and I spoke as loudly as my brothers.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Running
Image of Emma Watson
Girls should never be afraid to be smart.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Smart
Image of Emma Watson
It’s important to read because it’s really good for your vocabulary. It’s really good for your imagination. I enjoy reading because I find it relaxing.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Reading
Image of Emma Watson
Harry Potter’s like Santa Clause: something you can’t see but wish was real so badly that you end up believing in it.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Real
Image of Emma Watson
It sounds so geeky, but I really do like studying and reading, and if I’m not working on ‘Harry Potter,’ then my greatest relaxation is to sit with a book.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Book
Image of Emma Watson
Even worse than seeing women’s privacy violated on social media is reading the accompanying comments that show such a lack of empathy.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Reading
Image of Emma Watson
We had fun just messing around and being awkward like they would be awkward. There’s always that stage in a friendship when you wonder whether it could be more.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Fun
Image of Emma Watson
I don’t have makeup on all the time, but when I want, I have fun with my friends choosing clothes and putting nail polish on.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Fun
Image of Emma Watson
I’m a real Londoner. We have very grey weather in London, and I think it encourages a very eclectic and crazy fashion sense. I mix high-street stuff with more high-end fashion, and I love vintage.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Real
Image of Emma Watson
Most people are really nice but some stare, like you’re some kind of zoo exhibit and not a real person with real feelings.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Real