Elizabeth Hoyt

Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
A garden always has a point.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Garden
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Excuse me, but I believe you have my lady,” one of them said in a quiet, deep voice that sent veritable chills down George’s spine. Harry.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Believe
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Will ye come with me?” he whispered. And she answered without hesitation. “Yes, please.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Hesitation
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
I pretty much started out writing full time. I was an at-home mom and when my youngest entered kindergarten, I started writing. I was 35, and before that I really hadn't written at all. Which means, I guess, that a) it's never too late to start a writing career (or any career you really want) and b) it's OK to get to your mid-30s and still not know what you want to be when you grow up.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Mom
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Dear God. She ached, wanting something that she knew was a sin. Wanting a man who was sin itself.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Men
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Much of life is a game. If played skillfully, with an intelligent and fascinating opponent, it can become almost a dance. One challenges and moves, the other teases and skips away, only to dart forward later and strike a telling blow.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Moving
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Your cousin might be a pretty face, but you, my darling, courageous, maddening, seductive, mysterious, wonderful Diana, you are the Duchess of Wakefield. My duchess.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Love
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
I write both at home and at coffee shops, and I have a terrible work ethic - I have a tendency to write most of my books right before the deadline. I'm trying to work on that, but so far, I'm not getting any more organized.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Coffee
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Each time it was like a stray bit of glass pressed into the softness of her heart, grinding, grinding, oh so silently until she no longer noticed when she bled.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Heart
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Shh,” he whispered. “You asked me if I loved you. I do. I love you more than life itself. Nothing matters in this world but that you live. Can you do that for me? Can you live?
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: I Love You More
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
If I'm good enough to bed, surely I'm good enough to wed.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Bed
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
As for inspiration, I find stark fear of missing the deadline very inspiring.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
It was a strange thing, this feeling of empathy. He'd never experienced it before. He realized that what hurt this woman hurt him as well, that what made her bleed caused a hemorrhage of pain within his soul.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Hurt
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
There's something about her," Caire said in a low voice. "She cares for everyone about her, yet neglects herself. I want to be the one who cares for her.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Voice
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
I'll never look at you in any way but complete admiration.” He stroked her hair soothingly. “You will never be a millstone about my neck. Rather you're the sunshine that brightens my day.” He swallowed. “Don't you see? You brought me into the daylight. You've embraced parts of me that I was never able to let see light. Don't make me retreat again into the night. (Winter Makepeace)
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Sunshine
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
I think I do pretty well with child characters. It's hard to write kids that are realistic, not annoying, and bring something to the story.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Children
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Griffin, please,” she whispered. “Do you want me?” he asked. “Yes!” She tossed her head restlessly. She’d explode if he didn’t give her release soon. “Do you need me?” He kissed her nipple too gently. “Please, please, please.” “Do you love me?” And somehow, despite her extremis, she saw the gaping hole of the trap. She peered up at him blindly in the dark. She couldn’t see his face, his expression. “Griffin,” she sighed hopelessly. “You can’t say it, can you?” he whispered. “Can’t admit it either.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Dark
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Griffin leaned across the desk, his arms braced on the now-clear top, and stared into Wakefield’s outraged eyes. “We seem to be under a confusion of communication. I did not come here to ask for your sister’s hand. I came to tell you I will marry Hero, with or without your permission, Your Grace. She has lain with me more than once. She may well be carrying my child. And if you think that I’ll give up either her or our babe, you have not done nearly enough research into my character or history.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Children
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
I love you," she sobbed, rubbing her hands over his face, his hair, his chest, making sure he was solid and real. "I love you, and I thought you were dead. I couldn't bear it. I thought I would die too." "I'd walk through fire for you," he rasped, his voice hoarse and broken. "I have walked through fire for you.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Real
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
I decided long ago that my family absolutely comes first, and I don't regret that. I do, however, sometimes wish I had an extra five hours or so in the day!
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Regret
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
I watched you for years,” she whispered. The tears were drying on her cheeks, and heat was building within her. If he would just touch her. Touch her there. “I watched you and you never saw me.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Years
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Lucy swayed in shock. A gust of wind moaned through the conservatory and blew out all but one of her candles. Simon must have done this. He’d destroyed his fairyland conservatory. Why? She sank to her knees, huddled on the cold floor, her one remaining flame cradled in her numb palms. She’d seen how tenderly Simon had cared for his plants. Remembered the look of pride when she’d first discovered the dome and fountain. For him to have smashed all this . . . He must have lost hope. All hope.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Pride
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
All her life she'd been warned that men were slaves to their desires, that they held their impulses in barely controlled check. A woman--a lady--must be very, very careful of her actions so she did not put spark to the gunpowder that was a man's libido.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Men
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
There are no heroes on the battlefield, my lady; there are only survivors.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Hero
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Rebecca held her head high and swanned across the hallway, but as she neared the footman, she could see quite plainly that his gaze was not where it should be. She stopped dead and slapped her hands over her bosom. "Its too low, isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have listened to that maid. She might not mind her boobies hanging out for all to see, but i just can't-" Her brain suddenly caught up with her mouth. She removed her hands from her bosom and slapped them over her awful, awful, awful mouth.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Hands
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
This is my social face,” he said lightly. “Don’t confuse it with the animal beneath.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Animal
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Every word you have ever uttered, is engraved upon my heart. -Lazarus to his mother.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Mother
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
You say my name like a lover, so soft, so sweet. I want to lick the word from your lips, sip the exhaled breath from your mouth. I want to possess you utterly. Right now. Right here.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Sweet
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
You have to be very clear with yourself about how you're going to spend your time. When a child is at school or napping, you need to realize that this is your writing time and you don't spend it surfing the Internet or reading.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Children
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Good.” He straddled her, caging her with his body. “Were it up to me, all of London would know what we do here. -Griffin to Hero.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Hero
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
... You are the closest I will ever come to heaven, either here on Earth or in the afterlife, and I will not regret it, not even at the cost of your tears. So I go to my grave an unrepentant sinner, I’m afraid. There is no use in mourning one such as I, dearest... -Simon to Lucy in a letter before the last duel.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Regret
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Shhh,” he murmured against her mouth. “Don’t talk. Don’t think. Just feel.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Thinking
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
A smile flickered across Coral’s face. “Have you ever noticed that once you have had a taste of certain sweets—raspberry trifle is my own despair—it is quite impossible not to think, not to want, not to crave until you have taken another bite?” “Lord Swartingham is not a raspberry trifle.” “No, more of a dark chocolate mousse, I should think,” Coral murmured. “And,” Anna continued as if she hadn’t heard the interruption, “I don’t need another bite, uh,night of him.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Sweet
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Finally he turned his head toward her face and brushed a kiss over her cheek. " love you and I believe with all my heart that you love me as well. Why can’t you say it, Hero?"
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Believe
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Do you love me Hero?" His pale green eyes were full of torment. "Do you love me like I love you?
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Love You
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
She swallowed and looked down at the artichoke petals piled neatly on the side of her plate. Her center certainly felt like it was melting, growing soft and wet just from the rasp of Mr. O'Connor's voice. Why should a man already devilishly handsome also have a voice that could charm birds from the sky? It simply wasn't fair.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Men
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Somehow she knew he would take a love affair very seriously indeed. Once that pinpoint focus was engaged, he would throw himself body and soul into the liaison. In the the woman he decided to take as a lover. A shiver ran through her at the thought. To be the object of such ferocious regard was an alluring prospect, but it also gave her pause.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Love
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Now, now," said Vale in a sickeningly sweet voice reminiscent of a nursery nanny. "I already gave him a drubbing for courting Emmie."Reynaud raised his eyebrows. "You did?""He did not," Hartley said even as Vale nodded happily. "I threw him down the stairs."Vale pursed his lips and looked skyward. "Not my recollection, but I can see how your memory of the event may've become hazy.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Sweet
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
But I intend to make you respectable.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Respectable
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Weep for me. Bear my pain. Take my come. For I can give you nothing else.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Pain
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Shhh.” He put a finger to her lips. “Hear me out. I cannot deny that I would've liked to have made babies with you. A little girl with your hair and eyes would've been the delight of my life. But it is you that I want primarily, not mythical children. I can survive the loss of something I've never had. I cannot survive losing you. (Winter Makepeace)
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Girl
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
I would do violence for one glimpse of your naked breasts. Bleed for one taste of your nipple on my tongue. (Winter Makepeace)
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Winter
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
He grunted and stirred, withdrawing from her. She only had a moment to be disappointed and then he flipped her to her back and rose over her, powerful and male. He casually parted her legs with his knees and thrust into her again, hot and hard. She gasped at the swift invasion, the lovely feeling, and then his face was next to hers, his big palms cradling her cheeks. “What I want,” he drawled, “is ye. Nothin’ else.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Powerful
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
He treasured her, treasured her tears, treasured her love for others. Her heart might even be big enough to fill that empty space in his own chest. Perhaps she could be his heart as well.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Heart
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
He grinned, though his face was strained. “That’s it, love. Use me to make yerself feel good.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Feel Good
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
He watched her retreat, his eyes lazy, and his body unmoving. A trickle of blood seeped slowly from the corner of his mouth. He let her get nearly out of the room before he spoke, “I may not have the right, Silence, me love,” he drawled so soft she nearly didn’t catch the words. “But I would’ve listened to ye. I would’ve believed ye.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Eye
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
But like the legless man, I'm unaccountably fascinated by those who can dance.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Men
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Do you think 'Duke' is a good name?' she asked. His face blanked for a second before it cleared. He glanced at the dog in consideration. 'I don't think so. He would outrank me.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Dog
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Just because I don't deserve her doesn't mean I won't fight to keep her.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Hoyt
Edward shot a glare at Davis that held the promise of dismemberment, mayhem, and the apocalypse.
- Elizabeth Hoyt
Collection: Romance