Edward Albee

Image of Edward Albee
Every monster was a man first.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Albee
When people don't like the way a play ends, they're likely to blame the play.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Play
Image of Edward Albee
The characters' lives have gone on before the moment you chose to have the action of the play begin. And their lives are going to go on after you have lowered the final curtain on the play, unless you've killed them off.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Character
Image of Edward Albee
What happens in a play is determined to a certain extent by what I thought might be interesting to have happen before I invented the characters, before they started taking over what happened, because they are three-dimensional individuals, and I cannot tell them what to do. Once I give them their identity and their nature, they start writing the play.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
Martha: Oh, I like your anger. I think that's what I like about you most. Your anger.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Thinking
Image of Edward Albee
A writer is a controlled schizophrenic.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Schizophrenic
Image of Edward Albee
I have learned that neither kindness or cruelty by themselves, or independent of each other, create any effect beyond themselves.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Kindness
Image of Edward Albee
If you intellectualize and examine the creative process too carefully it can evaporate and vanish. It's not only terribly difficult to talk about, it's also dangerous.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Creative
Image of Edward Albee
Influence is a matter of selection - both acceptance and rejection.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Edward Albee
Do you know what a playwright is? A playwright is someone who lets his guts hang out on the stage.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Stage
Image of Edward Albee
Death is release, if you've lived all right.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Death
Image of Edward Albee
The act of creation, as you very well know, is a lonely and private matter and has nothing to do with the public area... the performance of the work one creates.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Lonely
Image of Edward Albee
Few sensible authors are happy discussing the creative process--it is, after all, black magic.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Creative
Image of Edward Albee
Very few people who met my adoptive mother in the last 20 years of her life could abide her, while many people who have seen my play find her fascinating. Heavens, what have I done?!
- Edward Albee
Collection: Mother
Image of Edward Albee
I find that when my plays are going well, they seem to resemble pieces of music. But if I had to go into specifics about it, I wouldn't be able to. It's merely something that I feel.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Play
Image of Edward Albee
Each time I sit down and write a play I try to dismiss from my mind as much as I possibly can the implications of what I've done before, what I'm going to do, what other people think about my work, the failure or success of the previous play. I'm stuck with a new reality that I've got to create.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
The avant-garde theater is fun; it is free-wheeling, bold, iconoclastic, and often wildly, wildly funny. If you will approach it with childlike innocence -- putting your standard responses aside, for they do not apply -- if you will approach it on its own terms, I think you will be in for a liberating surprise. I think you may no longer be content with plays that you can't remember halfway down the block.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Fun
Image of Edward Albee
The notion that women are less aesthetically profound and innovative than men--just not very important, if you know what I mean--doubtless spreads back to our beginnings as upright animals: the males hunted and killed for the family while the females stayed home in the cave and tended the strange little creatures they were giving birth to.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Women
Image of Edward Albee
I'm back in fashion again for a while now. But I imagine that three or four years from now I'll be out again. And in another fifteen years I'll be back. If you try to write to stay in fashion, if you try to write to be the critics' darling, you become an employee.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Fashion
Image of Edward Albee
You...you've been here quite a long time, haven't you?" What? Oh...yes. Ever since I married What's-her-name. Uh, Martha. Even before that. Forever. Dashed hopes, and good intentions. Good, better, best, bested. How do you like that for a declension, young man?
- Edward Albee
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Albee
I stopped acting when I was about nineteen, twenty, when I got thrown out of college. I did act for about ten years. I don't know. I suspect I'm still a reasonably good actor, but I don't really know that I want to get on the stage again ... and having to say all those boring words by me over and over again ... I don't know if I want to do that. Also, I like a certain amount of freedom of movement, and if you're acting, you're stuck in one place for a long time. Having said that, I will probably be onstage next fall.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Fall
Image of Edward Albee
I think I sit down to the typewriter when it's time to sit down to the typewriter. That isn't to suggest that when I do finally sit down at the typewriter, and write out my plays with a speed that seems to horrify all my detractors and half of my well-wishers, that there's no work involved. It is hard work, and one is doing all the work oneself.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Edward Albee
You find very few critics who approach their job with a combination of information and enthusiasm and humility that makes for a good critic. But there is nothing wrong with critics as long as people don't pay any attention to them. I mean, nobody wants to put them out of a job and a good critic is not necessarily a dead critic. It's just that people take what a critic says as a fact rather than an opinion, and you have to know whether the opinion of the critic is informed or uninformed, intelligent of stupid -- but most people don't take the trouble.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Edward Albee
That's the happiest moment. When it's all done. When we stop. When we can stop.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Done
Image of Edward Albee
There are only two things to write about: life and death.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
Creativity is magic. Don't examine it too closely.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Creativity
Image of Edward Albee
Martha: Truth or illusion, George; you don't know the difference. George: No, but we must carry on as though we did. Martha: Amen.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Differences
Image of Edward Albee
As a playwright, I imagine that in one fashion or another I've been influenced by every single play I've ever experienced.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Fashion
Image of Edward Albee
The function of art is to bring people into greater touch with reality, and yet our movie houses and family rooms are jammed with people after as much reality-removal as they can get.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Art
Image of Edward Albee
I write to find out what I'm talking about.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
I created myself, and I'll attack anybody I feel like.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Feels
Image of Edward Albee
Why we are here is an impenetrable question.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Why We Are Here
Image of Edward Albee
I don't like symbolism that hits you over the head. A symbol should not be a cymbal.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Symbolism
Image of Edward Albee
Writing has got to be an act of discovery. Finding out things about what one is writing about.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
I don't feel that catharsis in a play necessarily takes place during the course of a play. Often it should take place afterward.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Play
Image of Edward Albee
Art should never try to be popular.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Art
Image of Edward Albee
When you get old, you can't talk to people because people snap at you.... That's why you become deaf, so you won't be able to hear people talking to you that way.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Talking
Image of Edward Albee
I am not interested in living in a city where there isn't a production by Samuel Beckett running.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Running
Image of Edward Albee
The most profound indication of social malignancy ... no sense of humor. None of the monoliths could take a joke.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Humor
Image of Edward Albee
A play is fiction and fiction is fact distilled into truth.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Truth
Image of Edward Albee
A lot interests me - but nothing surprises me particularly.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Surprise
Image of Edward Albee
The only time I'll get good reviews is if I kill myself.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Reviews
Image of Edward Albee
When a critic sets himself up as an arbiter of morality, a judge of the matter and not the manner of a work, he is no longer a critic; he is a censor.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Judging
Image of Edward Albee
I suppose, writing a play is finding out what the play is.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
A lot of people are confused by "hello." A lot of people are confused by a lot of things they shouldn't be confused by.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Confused
Image of Edward Albee
The responsibility of the writer is to be a sort of demonic social critic -- to present the world and people in it as he sees it and say, "Do you like it? If you don't like it, change it.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
First, I’ll kill the dog with kindness, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll just kill him.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Firsts