Donald Rumsfeld

Image of Donald Rumsfeld
When someone with a rural accent says, "I don't know much about politics," zip up your pockets.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Pockets
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Being Vice President is difficult. Don't make it tougher.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: President
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Don't accept the post or stay unless you have an understanding with the President that you're free to tell him what you think "with the bark off" and you have the courage to do it.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Thinking
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Walk around. If you are invisible, the mystique of the President's office may perpetuate inaccurate impressions about you or the President, to his detriment. After all, you may not be as bad as they're saying.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Office
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Move decisions out to the Cabinet and agencies. Strengthen them by moving responsibility, authority, and accountability their direction.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Moving
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Inspectors do not have the duty or the ability to uncover terrible weapons hidden in a vast country. The responsibility of inspectors is simply to confirm evidence of voluntary and total disarmament. Saddam Hussein has the responsibility to provide that evidence, as directed, and in full
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Country
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
One thing appears reasonably certain, and that's that those who make allegations of a culture of deception, of intimidation or cover-up need to be extremely careful about such accusations.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Deception
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
I think we ought to have a new rule: You can ask two questions, and then we can pick the one we want to answer.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Thinking
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
They will do more whether we do what we're doing or whether we don't do what we're doing. And the idea that you could appease them [terrorists] by stopping doing what we're doing or some implication that by doing what we're doing we're inciting them to attack us is just utter nonsense. It's just - it's kind of like feeding an alligator, hoping it eats you last.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Ideas
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Don't 'over-control' like a novice pilot. Stay loose enough from the flow that you can observe it, modify, and improve it.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Novices
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Most of the 50 or so invitations you receive each week come from people inviting the President's Chief of Staff, not you. If you doubt that, ask your predecessor how many he received last week.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: People
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
No. That's someone else's business. Quagmire is - I don't do quagmires.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: War
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
We're not running out of [fixed] targets. Afghanistan is.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Running
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Well, so be it. Nothing's perfect in life, so you have an election that's not quite perfect. Is it better than not having an election? You bet.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Perfect
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
An institution that...would permit Iraq, a terrorist state that refuses to disarm, to become soon the chair of the United Nations Commission on Disarmament, and which recently elected Libya - a terrorist state - to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights of all things, seems not to be even struggling to regain credibility. That these acts of irresponsibility could happen now, at this moment in history, is breathtaking.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: War
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
I recognize the need to provide the press - and, through you, the American people - with information to the fullest extent possible. In our democracy, the work of the Pentagon press corps is important, defending our freedom and way of life is what this conflict is about, and that certainly includes freedom of the press.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: People
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Sausage making and policy-making shouldn't be seen close-up.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Policy Making
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
There's no debate in the world as to whether people have weapons of mass destruction... We all know that. A trained ape knows that.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: People
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
The press always wants to know how many people will be killed or how much it will cost, but the answers to those questions are not knowable.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: People
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
General Boykin has requested that an inspector general review this matter. And I have indicated that if that's his request, I think it's appropriate.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Thinking
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
There are a lot of things that are said by people in the military, or civilian life, or in the Congress, or in the Executive Branch, that are their views. And that's the way we live. We're a free people. And that's the wonderful thing about our country.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Country
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Every president when he is elected has to live with the pluses and minuses his predecessor leaves, which includes benefits as well as burdens.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: President
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
A president has to provide leadership to gain support.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Support
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
It is worth reminding that being president is a tough job for anybody, and particularly so in the information age. There's such a glut of information. Anything a president says or does is picked up on the Internet or the 24/7 news media and criticized almost instantly. Leaders persuade through their words and as such their words need to be measured and well chosen. It is a tough job.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
A terrorist can attack at any time at any place using a range of techniques. It is physically impossible to defend at every time in every location against every conceivable technique of terrorism. Therefore, if your goal is to stop it, you cannot stop it by defense. You can only stop it by taking the battle to the terrorists, where they are and going after them.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Goal
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
The reality is that [Barack] Obama has some 15 countries in the current Libya coalition. President Bush put together close to 50 countries for the Afghan coalition, some 40 countries for the Iraqi coalition, more than 90 countries for the Proliferation Security Initiative and over 90 countries in the Global War on Terror.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Country
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
When I served as US Ambassador to NATO in the 1970s, the center of gravity in Europe was France and Germany.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Europe
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Every country should be tired of going to war. War is a terrible thing. If I had been in Congress, as much as I would be inclined naturally to be supportive of a president, any president, I would have voted no, had the issue come to a vote.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Country
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
After the German abstention at the UN, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle commented that Germany doesn't always have to stand on the side of its traditional allies. Berlin can look for new partners all over the world.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Allies
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
It is hard to put a price on some things. What is the value of having prevented nuclear weapons from getting into the hands of a dictator like Saddam Hussein - or of Gadhafi?
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Hands
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
If there are people who yearn for the days when Saddam Hussein was in power, then I am not among them.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: People
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
The problem is the people who tend to be the best organized are the most radical and the most vicious.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: People
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
I cannot give any assurances. I'm not in that business. I haven't been, and I don't intend to get into it. People who try to make predictions about things or assurances often find they're wrong.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: People
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
"Do you have any regrets?" Of course I do.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Regret
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
A terrorist can attack any time, any place using any technique and you can't defend everywhere against every technique at every moment.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Technique
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
The coalition did not act in Iraq because we had discovered dramatic new evidence of Iraq's pursuit. We acted because we saw the evidence in a dramatic new light - through the prism of our experience on 9/11.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Light
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Watch the growth of middle level management. Don't automatically fill vacant jobs. Leave some positions unfilled for 6-8 months to see what happens. You will find you won't need to fill some of them.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
I don't believe anyone that I know in the administration ever said that Iraq had nuclear weapons.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Believe
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Five days or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last longer.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: War
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
The most underestimated risk for a politician is overexposure.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Risk
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Don't divide the world into "them" and "us."
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: World
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
We are in the process of trying to liberate that country. And at the moment where the war ends and the coalition forces occupy the areas where those capabilities - chemical and biological weapons - are likely to be, to the extent they haven't been moved out of the country, it obviously is important to find them.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Country
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
I stand for 8-10 hours a day. Why is standing limited to four hours?
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Four
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
At 78 years old, I am not surprised at much anymore. Germany has taken divergent positions before, so has France, so has England, so has the US.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Taken
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Any country on the face of the Earth with an active intelligence program knows that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Country
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
In 2003, at the time I made my "Old Europe" comment, the center of gravity in NATO and Europe had long since shifted to the East. With the former Warsaw Pact countries joining NATO, the alliance has a different mix today. Some people were sensitive about my comment because they thought it was a pejorative way of highlighting demographic realities. Apparently they felt it pointed a white light at a weakness in Europe - an aging population. Europe has come some distance since World War II in becoming Europe.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Country
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
What is the value of having millions of people in Iraq not having a repressive regime? What is the value of having the Iraqi regime not shooting at UK and US aircraft almost every day? What is the value of the Iraqis having a free press? What is the value of the foreign minister of Iraq going to Paris, calling for an end of the Gadhafi regime and citing Iraq as a model, as an example, that in fact a freer political system can exist in that part of the world?
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Iraq
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
You're thinking of Europe as Germany and France. I don't. I think that's old Europe. If you look at the entire NATO Europe today, the center of gravity is shifting to the east. And there are a lot of new members. And if you just take the list of all the members of NATO and all of those who have been invited in recently -- what is it? Twenty-six, something like that? -- you're right. Germany has been a problem, and France has been a problem.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Thinking
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
I am not going to give you a number for it because it's not my business to do intelligent work.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Stupid