Deb Caletti

Image of Deb Caletti
Blessed books—they’re a place to be alone, and no one else can come in.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Book
Image of Deb Caletti
Family was even a bigger word than I imagined, wide and without limitations, if you allowed it, defying easy definition. You had family that was supposed to be family and wasn't, family that wasn't family but was, halves becoming whole, wholes splitting into two; it was possible to lack whole, honest love and connection from family in lead roles, yet to be filled to abundance by the unexpected supporting players.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Player
Image of Deb Caletti
Stereotypes are fast and easy, but they are lies, and the truth takes its time.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Lying
Image of Deb Caletti
She would bring you some great book because she was a book matchmaker, because she loved books the way other girls loved clothes.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Girl
Image of Deb Caletti
When what you want is a relationship, and not a person, get a dog.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Dog
Image of Deb Caletti
I've come to the conclusion that it's all about fear- fear that your kid won't come out on top, be a success. Forcing him into these brutal encounters will a) make a dame sure he is a success, and b) all you to see evidence of that success with the added bonus of a cheering crowd. This means that sports are supported with an almost desperate enthusiasm. The football team gets catered dinners before a fame. Honor Society is lucky if it gets a cupcake. Academic success-forget it. That requires too much imagination. There's no scoreboard.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Sports
Image of Deb Caletti
I guess forgiveness, like happiness, isn’t a final destination. You don’t one day get there and get to stay.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: One Day
Image of Deb Caletti
Unconditional love is like a contry of two with no laws and no government. Which is all fine if everyone is peaceful and law abiding. In the wrong hands, though, you got looting and crime sprees, and let me tell you, the people who demand unconditional love are usually the ones who will rob and pillage and then blame you because you left your door unlocked.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Unconditional Love
Image of Deb Caletti
Rejection, though--it could make the loss of someone you weren't even that crazy about feel gut wrenching and world ending.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Pain
Image of Deb Caletti
Empathy took the edge off, and the truth is, we need our edge. Our edge is trying to speak to us, and we are too, too good at shutting it up.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Empathy
Image of Deb Caletti
so what brings you to the doctor today?" "hmm, im afraid i have the chronic desire to save people" "i know about that. i've got it too. maybe it's catching." "not catching enough
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Doctors
Image of Deb Caletti
She'd be one of those parents who left a kid behind at a rest stop, driving for miles before she noticed. We'd hear about her on the evening news.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Kids
Image of Deb Caletti
I began to learn the importance of lifting things up and looking underneath.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Importance
Image of Deb Caletti
Cars are all jammed up all along the road and a light turns red and someone honks. In every one of those cars there is a story or a hundred stories. For every light on in al of those huge city buildings there is a story. No one knows what I am about to face and no one knows my story and neither do I right then.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Light
Image of Deb Caletti
The hope was, people like me got to finally find our place in college or in the actual world. People who understood this told you that high school wasn't the actual world, that it was more like a temporary alternate reality you were forced to believe in for four years. A video game you played, where you could never get to the next level no matter how hard you tried.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Believe
Image of Deb Caletti
Have you worked here long?" Sebastian asks. Just a few months," I say. "Do you come here a lot?" As if you don't know, Jade. I used to come every day, or, you know, when I could, I'd bring Bo after work. Or just myself." At night sometimes. You'd climb the fence. You'd watch the stars. You'd tilt back your head and look at the sky. You'd think it over, whatever it was.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Stars
Image of Deb Caletti
Here is something that Peach, one of the Casserole Queens, says about men and women and love. You know that scene in Romeo and Juliet, where Romeo is standing on the ground looking longingly at Juliet on the balcony above him? One of the most romantic moments in all of literary history? Peach says there's no way that Romeo was standing down there to profess his undying devotion. The truth, Peach says, is that Romeo was just trying to look up Juliet's skirt.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Queens
Image of Deb Caletti
In the two months I had also dated Justin Fellowes, this guy in my Spanish class, though after three weeks we decided we should "see other people," which in my case was a joke, but it beat hearing him remark on everything I ate. 'I don't know why girls are always on a diet,' he'd say when I ordered a Diet Coke, and 'You should watch your starch intake' when I had a muffin.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Girl
Image of Deb Caletti
You could care enough to keep a secret, but you could care enough to tell one, too.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Secret
Image of Deb Caletti
There are so many different fifteens. And eighteens. And forty-twos, for that matter. Mature fifteens and young fifteens and wise fifteens and lost fifteens. And angry fifteens.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Wise
Image of Deb Caletti
Hundreds,' Joe says. 'Hundreds and hundreds. But then again, I'm old.' So old, Jesus was in your math class,' I say. I crack myself up.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Jesus
Image of Deb Caletti
So I forcibly shove aside my prickles of pissed-off, which is easier than it sounds when millions of little sequined caffeine dancers are doing their big Broadway number on your internal stage. (Page 173)
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Numbers
Image of Deb Caletti
You were supposed to have hope, right? You were supposed to respect its power and hold on. And so I did. I held, and held, and let hope fill me. But as the days went on, it seemed I could be holding for a long, long time. Hope could be the most powerful thing or the most useless
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Powerful
Image of Deb Caletti
Are you getting your period?" She narrows her eyes. No! God. I hate that. I hate when every negative act is blamed on your period." Sometimes bitchiness is just bitchiness, happily unattached to anything hormonal. It should get full credit.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Hate
Image of Deb Caletti
Maybe some people just had trouble with forever.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: People
Image of Deb Caletti
I could forget that part, but it had to have been true.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Forget
Image of Deb Caletti
You were a stone wall, a fort in high, unreachable trees, an island, my own island, that no boat could reach.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Wall
Image of Deb Caletti
If time heals all wounds, and a book can hold a person's entire life, then you can speed up the process with a pulp time warp.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Get Well
Image of Deb Caletti
Maybe we ought to look at a guy's response to our microwave from now on." Aunt Annie said. Really." Mom said. "The narcissist looks at his reflection in it. The OCD guy thinks you don't keep it clean enough.The antisocial--" Puts his fist through it because it reminds him of his father." Annie said. She'd read all of mom's books, too. And the paranoid one would be jealous of the amount of time you spend cooking." Mom said Were you using that microwave again? Is something going on between the two of you? I caught you looking right at its clock." Annie said.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Mom
Image of Deb Caletti
But what I wanted back had never really been there. He was a temporary illusion, a mirage of water after walking in the desert. I had made him up. And he could have killed me. You've got to stop the ride sometimes. Stop it and get off.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Attitude
Image of Deb Caletti
But, dear God, don't listen to me. I'm an old lady in the middle of nowhere without a real toilet.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Real
Image of Deb Caletti
Maybe love, too, is beautiful because it has a wildness that cannot be tamed. I don't know. All I know is that passion can take you up like a house of cards in a tornado, leaving destruction in its wake. Or it can let you alone because you've built a stone wall against it, set out the armed guards to keep it from touching you. The real trick is not to let it in, but to hold on. To understand that the heart is as wide and vast as the universe, but that we come to know it best from here, this place is gravity and stability, where out feet can still touch ground.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Deb Caletti
No, Mom. I said fine." "It's just your tone." Ah, yes- the tone. The nasty traitor.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Mom
Image of Deb Caletti
The romantic element is what the story Essential Maps for the Lost, sort of sits on, but all the stuff below the surface is really about family. It's about the baggage we bring, both the good and the hard stuff in that baggage. It's more about the other relationships. It's about mothers and fathers and sisters and dogs, all of the pieces. It's really more about - yes, love, in its widest usage.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Mother
Image of Deb Caletti
It took me years to figure out that upset was upset, and tumultuousness was not the same thing as passion. Love isn't drama.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Drama
Image of Deb Caletti
Maybe I was being too picky. Maybe I didn't want to be close to anyone. Maybe I'd just be the type who couldn't feel love all the way or something. I couldn't tell what was wrong, but what was wrong was that it just wasn't right.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Want
Image of Deb Caletti
Just that, is one of those uncommon moments, those times when you don't wish for something else, for even one thing to be different; when you have no other needs or worries, where your insides are calm, and everything you were ever restless about, anything that had ever given you angst, is quieted to stillness. No steel ball in your chest, no breathless fear. No blue numbness of nearly passing out, no nagging doubts of the backstage mind. All of that, forgotten. It is just rightness, so rare.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Blue
Image of Deb Caletti
Love seems to be something to approach with caution, as if you'd come across a wrapped box in the middle of the street and have no idea what it contains.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Ideas
Image of Deb Caletti
We should have the right to have someone leave when we want, to only allow those in who we want in. But the truth is, people can force their way into your life whenever they choose. If they want to remind you forevermore that they exist, they will. They can reappear in a card or call or a "chance" meeting, they can remember your birthday or the day you met with some innocuous small note. No matter how little they matter in your new life, they can insist on being seen and recognized and remembered.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Should Have
Image of Deb Caletti
The most true-love words are not the ones that grasp and hold and bind you, twisting you both up together in some black dance. No, they are ones that leave you free to stand alone on your own solid ground, leave him to do the same, a tender space between you.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Space
Image of Deb Caletti
We are thickly layered, page lying upon page, behind simple covers. And love - it is not the book itself, but the binding.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Love
Image of Deb Caletti
People can attach themselves to something--an idea, another person, a desire--with an impossibly strong grip, and in the case of restless ghosts, a grip stronger than death. Will is a powerful thing. Will--it's supposed to be a good treat, a more determined and persistent version of determination and persistence. But will and obsession--they sit right next to each other. They pretend to be strangers and all the while meet secretly at midnight." -
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Strong
Image of Deb Caletti
You look so good," I say, and s***! Oh god, that's not what I meant. S***! "It looks good. The book.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Book
Image of Deb Caletti
I may be nervous," I say. "Okay, I'm really glad you said that, because I just went to the back room to put on more deodorant." Sebastian says.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: May
Image of Deb Caletti
I'll tell you one thing about me, and that is that I'm not to keen on being bossed around. If, say, my Mom tells me to empty the dishwasher, I like to wait a little bit, you know, not hop up and do it right away, because then it feels more like my own idea. That's a little problematic when you have an actual boss.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Mom
Image of Deb Caletti
Darkness does this. It finds all the places you are hiding in. It finds all the things you are holding onto tightly and makes you let go.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Deb Caletti
The way two people can end up in the same place, find each other in a crowd, and change their lives and the lives of the people around them forever... It makes you believe in fate. And fate gives love some authority. Like it's been stamped with approval from above, if you believe in above. A godly green light. Some destined significance.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Believe
Image of Deb Caletti
In the middle of the night I am awakened by a sound. I sit up abruptly in bed. I hear it again. It's music. Wait, it sounds like the ice cream man, in our house. Is this some kind of twisted nightmare? The flipping ice cream man, breaking in to chop us all up in our beds to the tune of 'Zippity Do Dah'?... My heart slows. I remember. There is no psycho ice cream man here. It is just our new musical soap dispenser.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Heart
Image of Deb Caletti
Sometimes you can cattle rope your heart and sometimes you can't, is all.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Heart