David Rakoff

Image of David Rakoff
Well into adulthood, writing has never gotten easier. It still only ever begins badly, and there are no guarantees that this is not the day when the jig is finally up.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Writing
Image of David Rakoff
What remains of your past if you didn't allow yourself to feel it when it happened? If you don't have your experiences in the moment, if you gloss them over with jokes or zoom past them, you end up with curiously dispassionate memories.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Memories
Image of David Rakoff
Just think, the shoes I wouldn’t be caught dead in might actually turn out to be the shoes I am caught dead in.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Rakoff
The only thing that makes one an artist is making art. And that requires the precise opposite of hanging out; a deeply lonely and unglamorous task of tolerating oneself long enough to push something out.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Lonely
Image of David Rakoff
There is supercomputer somewhere in the Nevada desert whose sole function is to count the number of times that I have said the following, because it is unquantifiable by human minds at this point, but this time it’s really true: I should have stayed home.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Regret
Image of David Rakoff
I have managed to establish an identity that is based on my internal self, and for that I feel tremendously lucky.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Self
Image of David Rakoff
I find life itself provides ample and sufficient tests of my valor and mettle: illness; betrayal; fruitless searches for love; working for the abusive, the insane, and the despotic. All challenges easily as thrilling to me as scrambling over icy rock in a pair of barely adequate boots.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Betrayal
Image of David Rakoff
If psychoanalysis was late 19th century secular Judaism’s way of finding spiritual meaning in a post-religious world, and retail is the late 20th century’s way of finding spiritual meaning in a post-religious world, what does it mean that I’m impersonating the father of psychoanalysis in a store window to commemorate a religious holiday?
- David Rakoff
Collection: Spiritual
Image of David Rakoff
Youth is not wasted on the young, it is perpetrated on the young.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Youth
Image of David Rakoff
I have so little control over the act of writing that it's all I can do to remain conscious.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Writing
Image of David Rakoff
Almost any age is better than twenty-two.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Two
Image of David Rakoff
In my brief glimpse of what is to come I realize how little I care to witness it. I have seen the future and I'm fairly relieved to say, it looks nothing like me.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Future
Image of David Rakoff
Unfortunately, there's no greater rhyme or reason as to why it would be me. And since there is no answer as to why me, it's not a question I feel really entitled to ask.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Would Be
Image of David Rakoff
But if one's dreams having to come true was the only referendum on whether they were beautiful, or worth dreaming, well then, no one would wish for anything. And that would be so much sadder.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Rakoff
Central to living a life that is good, is a life that's forgiving.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Generosity
Image of David Rakoff
In the window, I fantasize... about providing grown-ups and children alike with the greatest gift of all: insight.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Children
Image of David Rakoff
One of the marks of a life well lived has to be reaching a state of finally getting it, of not needing more, and of being able to sign off with something approaching peace of mind.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Mind
Image of David Rakoff
I had a tumor. But it was great.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Tumors
Image of David Rakoff
I do not go outdoors. Not more than I have to. As far as I'm concerned, the whole point of living in New York City is indoors. You want greenery? Order the spinach.
- David Rakoff
Collection: New York
Image of David Rakoff
There are many things in this world that are an outrage, to be sure, but death at our current life expectancy doesn’t strike me as one of them. Maybe I sound like some Victorian who felt that forty years ought to be enough for any man, but one of the marks of a life well lived has to be reaching a state of finally getting it, of not needing more, and of being able to sign off with something approaching peace of mind.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Men
Image of David Rakoff
I am neither spontaneous nor ready for anything.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Spontaneity
Image of David Rakoff
You can't win all the contests and then lose at one contest and say, 'Why am I not winning this contest as well?' It's random. So truthfully, again, do I wish it weren't me? Absolutely. I still can't make that logistic jump to thinking there's a reason why it shouldn't be me.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Winning
Image of David Rakoff
Have you ever had one of those moments when you know that you're being visited by your own future? They come so rarely and with little fanfare, those moments. They're not particularly photogenic. There's no breach in the clouds to reveal the shining city on a hill. No folk dancing children outside your bus, no production values to speak of- just a glimpse of such quotidian, incontrovertible truth that after the initial shock at the supreme weirdness of it all, a kind of calm sets in. So this is to be my life.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Children
Image of David Rakoff
Simplicity, it seems, has always been wasted on those who simply cannot appreciate it
- David Rakoff
Collection: Inspiration
Image of David Rakoff
New York is breaking my heart. I’ve often said that it’s like having a really interesting boyfriend suddenly becoming really, really into wine, and having to have endless conversations about it.
- David Rakoff
Collection: New York