Christopher Isherwood

Image of Christopher Isherwood
To live sanely in Los Angeles ... you have to cultivate the art of staying awake. You must learn to resist (firmly but not tensely) the unceasing hypnotic suggestions of the radio, the billboards, the movies and the newspapers; those demon voices which are forever whispering in your ear what you should desire, what you should fear, what you should wear and eat and drink and enjoy, what you should think and do and be.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Art
Image of Christopher Isherwood
In ten minutes they will have arrived on campus. George will have to be George; the George they have named and will recognise. So now he consciously applies himself to thinking their thoughts, getting into their mood. With the skill of a veteran, he rapidly puts on the psychological makeup for this role he must play.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Makeup
Image of Christopher Isherwood
I feel it's so easy to condemn this country [the United States]; but they don't understand that this is where the mistakes are being made - and made first, so that we're going to get the answers first.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Country
Image of Christopher Isherwood
In order to get the worst possible first impression of Los Angeles one should arrive there by bus, preferably in summer and on a Saturday night.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Summer
Image of Christopher Isherwood
As they embrace, she kisses him full on the mouth. And suddenly sticks her tongue right in. She has done this before, often. It’s one of those drunken long shots which just might, at least theoretically, once in ten thousand tries, throw a relationship right out of its orbit and send it whizzing off on another. Do women ever stop trying? No. But, because they never stop, they learn to be good losers.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Kissing
Image of Christopher Isherwood
California is a tragic country — like Palestine, like every Promised Land. Its short history is a fever-chart of migrations — the land rush, the gold rush, the oil rush, the movie rush, the Okie fruit-picking rush, the wartime rush to the aircraft factories — followed, in each instance, by counter-migrations of the disappointed and unsuccessful, moving sorrowfully homeward.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Country
Image of Christopher Isherwood
The Quito telephone service is about as reliable as roulette.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Roulette
Image of Christopher Isherwood
Hollywood's two polar types are the cynically drunken writer aggressively nursing a ten-year-old reputation and the theatrically self-conscious hermit who strides the boulevard in sandals, home-made shorts and a prophetic beard, muttering against the Age of the Machines.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Home
Image of Christopher Isherwood
For a few minutes, maybe, life lingers in the tissues of some outlying regions of the body. Then, one by one, the lights go out and there is total blackness. And ifsome part of the non—entity we called George has indeed been absent at this moment of terminal shock, away out there on the deep water, then it will return to find itself homeless.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Light
Image of Christopher Isherwood
I certainly should have,' he agrees, smiling and thinking what an absurd and universally-accepted bit of nonsense it is, that your best friends must necessarily be the ones who best understand you. As if there weren't far too much understanding in the world already; above all, that understanding between lovers, celebrated in song and story, which is actually such torture that no two of them can bear it without frequent separations or fights.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Song
Image of Christopher Isherwood
The Nazis were not right to hate the Jews. But their hating of Jews was not without a cause. No one ever hates without a cause.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Hate
Image of Christopher Isherwood
You see, Kenny, there are some things you don't even know you know, until you're asked.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Kenny
Image of Christopher Isherwood
Lois and Alexander are by far the most beautiful creatures in the class; their beauty is like the beauty of plants, seemingly untroubled by vanity, anxiety or effort.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Christopher Isherwood
But your book is wrong, Mrs. Strunk, says George, when it tells you that Jim is the substitute I found for a real son, a real kid brother, a real husband, a real wife. Jim wasn't a substitute for anything. And there is no substitute for Jim, if you'll forgive my saying so, anywhere.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Brother
Image of Christopher Isherwood
I seldom try to probe the mystery of my sloth. I have squandered a gigantic fortune of work hours... seems likely that I'll go on squandering till the very end.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Sloth
Image of Christopher Isherwood
These books have not made George nobler or better or more truly wise. It is just that he likes listening to their voices, the one or the other, acording to his mood. He misuses them quite ruthlessly - despite the respectful way he has to talk about them in public - to put him to bed, to take his mind off the hands of the clock, to relax the nagging of his pyloric spasm, to gossip him out of his melancholy, to trigger the conditioned reflexes of his colon.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Wise
Image of Christopher Isherwood
What it sees there isn't so much a face as the expression of a predicament.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Expression
Image of Christopher Isherwood
At one campus where I was lecturing, I asked a friend, "How many of my colleagues know I'm gay?" He answered, "All of them." I wasn't surprised. But, just the same, it was kind of spooky, because not one of them had ever given me the faintest sign that he or she knew. If I had spoken about it myself, most of them would have felt it was in bad taste.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Gay