Christina Stead

Image of Christina Stead
To me, all the juice of a book is in an unpublished manuscript, and the published book is like a dead tree - just good for cutting up and building your house with.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Book
Image of Christina Stead
The great white city of brotherhood, Washington.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Cities
Image of Christina Stead
A bank is a confidence trick. If you put up the right signs, the wizards of finance themselves will come in and ask you to take their money.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Wizards
Image of Christina Stead
Women have been brought up much like slaves, that is, to lie.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Women
Image of Christina Stead
Ye want to tell the plain truth all your life, woman, and speak straight; otherwise ye get to seeing double.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Art
Image of Christina Stead
A single girl must lead a double life don't you think?
- Christina Stead
Collection: Girl
Image of Christina Stead
Old age and youth cannot live together.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Age
Image of Christina Stead
It's easy to make money. You put up the sign Bank and someone walks in and hands you his money. The façade is everything.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Hands
Image of Christina Stead
The French are a tremendously verbal race: they kill you with their assurances, their repetitions, their reasons, their platitudes, their formulae, their propositions, their solutions.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Race
Image of Christina Stead
A speculator is a man who, if he dies at the right time, has a rich widow.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Men
Image of Christina Stead
Each Australian is a Ulysses.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Australia
Image of Christina Stead
The Chinese are a knowing people; and I daresay that is why they once made a religious odor about old age; to prevent their sons from seeing their own future.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Religious
Image of Christina Stead
I do not want to go to heaven; I want my children, forever children, and other children, stalwart adults, and a good happy wife, that is all I ask, but not paradise; earth is good enough for me: it is because I believe earth is heaven, Naden, that I can overcome all my troubles and face down my enemies.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Art
Image of Christina Stead
A mother! What are we worth really? They all grow up whether you look after them or not. That poor miserable brat of his is growing up, and I certainly licked the hide off her; and she's seen marriage at its worst, and now she's dreaming about 'supermen' and 'great men'. What is the good of doing anything for them?
- Christina Stead
Collection: Mother
Image of Christina Stead
There'll be no sense in sexual theories until women start telling their minds; and, of course, until they have some.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Mind
Image of Christina Stead
Venus can see at night without eyes.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Eye
Image of Christina Stead
If misery spelled revolt, we should have had nothing but revolt from the beginning of time. On the contrary, it is quite rare.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Should Have
Image of Christina Stead
Philosophy is by the timid for the timid.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Christina Stead
The more we know, the better our intuitions.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Intuition
Image of Christina Stead
Loneliness is a terrible blindness.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Art
Image of Christina Stead
I know your breed; all your fine officials debauch the younger girls who are afraid to lose their jobs: that's as old as Washington.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Girl
Image of Christina Stead
When people are collecting gold they aren't doing business. ... Gold is constipation: even bankruptcy is more fluid. Gold isn't wealth: positions in markets are wealth.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Money
Image of Christina Stead
A woman can't be, until a girl dies. . . . I mean the sprites that girls are, so different from us, all their fancies, their illusions, their flower world, the dreams they live in.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Girl
Image of Christina Stead
People who don't like scandals shouldn't be in finance.
- Christina Stead
Collection: People
Image of Christina Stead
Anyone would think a thin stick like me, weak and miserable, would go down with everything: do you think I get more than my old cough every winter? I bet I live till ninety, with all my aches and pains. To think that's fifty more years of the Great-I-Am.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Art
Image of Christina Stead
A dominant race did not lie, because it had the whip.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Lying
Image of Christina Stead
There are so may ways to kills yourself, they're just old-fashioned with their permanganate: do you think I'd take permanganate? I wouldn't want to burn my insides out and live to tell the tale as well: idiots! It's simple, I'd drown myself... Why be in misery at the last?
- Christina Stead
Collection: Art
Image of Christina Stead
Why is it every careerist tries to turn his mother into a Madonna--to prove his intellect is a virgin birth, papa had nothing to do with it? It's the sign of the misogynist.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Mother
Image of Christina Stead
Every work of art should give utterance, or indicate, the awful blind strength and the cruelty of the creative impulse, that is why they must all have what are called errors, both of taste and style.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Strength
Image of Christina Stead
We are primitive men; we taboo what we desire and need. How did the denying of love come to be associated with the idea of morality.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Love