Catherine Ryan Hyde

Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
I've been known to write 10 pages a day for 10 days running before I take a breath. I am not a disciplined writer. I'm one of those people who laughingly call themselves inspirational writers, which basically means someone who has no control over their own creative process.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
There is no wrong way to perform an act of kindness.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Kindness
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
Because it proves that you don't need much to change the entire world for the better. You can start with the most ordinary ingredients. You can start with the world you've got.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Ordinary
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
A genuine act of kindness makes me feel like I really am where you cut underneath anything external, and you become what a human being can really be. It’s like coming home when you give kindness. Kindness changes us, as human beings.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Kindness
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
If it takes you apart, that's not love. Love puts you back together.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Together
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
I think it's the things we don't talk about that make us old before out time.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
I keep telling you the future isn't set in stone. It's not all decided yet. The future is just what's down the road we decided to walk on today. You can change roads anytime. And that changes where you end up.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Stones
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
We should all be much more careful with each other`s hearts.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Heart
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
I decided that not talking is like a litmus test for a real friend. You can just sit there and be. Not always be filling up the air with words
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Real
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
Things are so easy to do, so hard to undo.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Easy
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
I guess it's hard for people who are so used to things the way they are - even if they're bad - to change. 'Cause they kind of give up. And when they do, everybody kind of loses.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
Nobody said it was a beautiful world with no scars.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
I try to think of a way to get there without going past it. There are lots of ways, but they all have me walking a little farther. And that's stupid, I decide. What am I, a little kid? I can stand to see something it hurts to want. I can see it and then just keep walking. It happens to lots of people everyday. We all survive.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Hurt
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
... even though it was beautiful and comfortable, and even though it was the world, it was also a little bit boring. No, wait. Maybe boring isn’t the right word. What’s the word I’m wanting here? Lonely. That’s it. It was a little bit lonely.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
Love always looks nice. I don't really know anyone who doesn't enjoy it when they see it. Anyone who doesn't, I don't really want to know them.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Nice
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
A kiss, she thinks, has to be entirely balanced -- it has to have a little conflict, a little dialectic, a little revolution.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Kissing
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
The closer you get to heaven, the less air there is, because when you get to heaven for real, you don't need to breathe anymore.
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Real
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
Most people prefer to think that their resentment is entirely the fault of the person they resent, and that twisted logic seems to make sense in their minds. But it makes no sense to me at all... But it's a popular point of view. Probably because it's so much easier. It relieves you of the burden of any and all self-examination. (Nathan to Nat)
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Catherine Ryan Hyde
If you want to see a man come to his senses, try something like, Do you happen to carry a rubber in your wallet? Did I mention I'm not on the pill?
- Catherine Ryan Hyde
Collection: Sex