Billy Graham

Image of Billy Graham
Without dark clouds in our lives, we would never know the joy of sunshine. We can become callous and unteachable if we do not learn from pain.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Pain
Image of Billy Graham
If people are kicking you in the behind, at least you're in front of them.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Billy Graham
To be peacemaker, you must know the peace giver.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Giver
Image of Billy Graham
When we come to Christ, we’re no longer the most important person in the world to us; Christ is. Instead of living only for ourselves, we have a higher goal: to live for Jesus.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus
Image of Billy Graham
Becoming a Christian is the work of a moment; being a Christian is the work of a lifetime.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
Faith implies four things: self-renunciation, reliance with utter confidence on Christ, obedience, and a changed life.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Self
Image of Billy Graham
Two conflicting forces cannot exist in one human heart. When doubt reigns, faith cannot abide. Where hatred rules, love is crowded out. Where selfishness rules, there love cannot dwell. When worry is present, trust cannot crowd its way in.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Heart
Image of Billy Graham
Prayer is spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him. Prayer to God is like a child's conversation with his father. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things he needs.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Billy Graham
If you don't make a decision then time will make it for you and time will always side against you!
- Billy Graham
Collection: Choices
Image of Billy Graham
A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
The farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control.
- Billy Graham
Collection: World
Image of Billy Graham
Be assured that there is no sin you have ever committed that the blood of Jesus Christ cannot cleanse.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus
Image of Billy Graham
I am never lonely when I am reading the Bible. Nothing dissolves loneliness like a session with God's Word.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Lonely
Image of Billy Graham
All around you are people whose lives are filled with trouble and sorrow, and they need your compassion and encouragement.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Life
Image of Billy Graham
Learn to commit every situation to God, and trust Him for the outcome. God's love for you never changes, no matter what problems you face or how unsettled life becomes.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Love
Image of Billy Graham
The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Godly
Image of Billy Graham
If it weren't for God's grace, you and I wouldn't be able to live for even one more minute.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Grace
Image of Billy Graham
God does not call us to be successful, but to be obedient.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Successful
Image of Billy Graham
Don't let past mistakes keep you from seeking God
- Billy Graham
Collection: Mistake
Image of Billy Graham
Don't let circumstances distress you. Rather, look for the will of God for your life to be revealed in and through those circumstances.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Looks
Image of Billy Graham
We can change the course of events if we go to our knees in believing prayer.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Prayer
Image of Billy Graham
Be careful before leaving someone in a sorrowing situation. Say a word of prayer with them and share even a brief word of encouragement from the Scriptures.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Billy Graham
Grief's darkness fades in the sunlight of thanksgiving.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Grief
Image of Billy Graham
Having knowledge of the Bible is essential to a rich and meaningful life.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Bible
Image of Billy Graham
Worship leader George Beverly Shea kidded Billy Graham that the latter would be unemployed in Heaven -- while Shea would still have a job leading worship.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Billy Graham
Only as we bow in contrition, confession, and repentance at the foot of the cross, can we find forgiveness. There is the grace of God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Feet
Image of Billy Graham
You choose sin. You practice sin.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Practice
Image of Billy Graham
End of Construction. Thank you 'for your patience. " Inscription on Ruth Bell Graham's grave -- inspired hy a road sign she saw.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Ruth
Image of Billy Graham
Our way lies not in human ingenuity, but in a return to God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Lying
Image of Billy Graham
A Christian is someone who has turned to God from idols.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
The greatest moments of Native History lie ahead of us if a great spiritual renewal and wakening should take place. The Native American has been a sleeping giant. He is awakening. The original Americans could become the evangelists who will help win America for Christ! Remember these forgotten people!
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Billy Graham
Sin then is not a toy with which to play but a terror to be shunned.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Play
Image of Billy Graham
The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is God Himself.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spirit
Image of Billy Graham
God can use the fear that grips the hearts of men today to point them to eternal truths- the truth of God's eternal judgment, and the truth of His eternal love.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Heart
Image of Billy Graham
If you could work your way to heaven, you would said look what I did, I got myself here by my good works. The only way you are going to make it is to come to that Cross.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Choices
Image of Billy Graham
I look forward to seeing Christ and bowing down before Him in praise and gratitude for all He has done for us, and for using me on this earth by His grace-just as I am.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Billy Graham
Its either Christ or the other god.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Choices
Image of Billy Graham
You need to be in fellowship of a church...If you separate a live coal from the others, it will soon die out. However, if you put a live coal in with other live coals, it will be a glow that will last for hours.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Church
Image of Billy Graham
For the Christian, all is not hopeless unless his affections are centered on the things of this world.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
Psychaiatrist realize that there are curative powers in confession.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Realizing
Image of Billy Graham
May our prayers today, and every day, be from our hearts and with the focus of our whole being.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Prayer
Image of Billy Graham
I have never known anyone to accept Christ's redemption and later regret it.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Regret
Image of Billy Graham
The farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control. My heart aches for America and its deceived people. The wonderful news is that our Lord is a God of mercy, and He responds to repentance. In Jonah's day, Nineveh was the lone world superpower-wealthy, unconcerned, and self-centered. When the Prophet Jonah finally traveled to Nineveh and proclaimed God's warning, people heard and repented. I believe the same thing can happen once again, this time in our nation. It's something I long for.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Believe
Image of Billy Graham
Those are decisions only the Lord will make. I believe the love of God is absolute. He said he gave his son for the whole world, and I think he loves everybody regardless of what label they have.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Believe
Image of Billy Graham
There are people that say they will do better but they never do better. They have no power in them to do better until they come to Christ.
- Billy Graham
Collection: People
Image of Billy Graham
We in America should be grateful to God for the blessing he has given us.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Grateful
Image of Billy Graham
God's grace, quite simply, is God's mercy and goodness toward us.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Grace
Image of Billy Graham
Give your life to Christ, he'll challenge you.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Giving
Image of Billy Graham
If Jesus had not risen from the dead, no right-minded person would have glorified anything so hideous and repulsive as a cross stained with the blood of Jesus.An unopened grave would never have opened heaven.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus