Ben Jonson

Image of Ben Jonson
The way to rise is to obey and please.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Success
Image of Ben Jonson
To the old, long life and treasure; To the young, all health and pleasure.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Long
Image of Ben Jonson
Rich apparel has strange virtues; it makes him that hath it without means esteemed for an excellent wit; he that enjoys it with means puts the world in remembrance of his means.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Mean
Image of Ben Jonson
The Devil is an Ass , I do acknowledge it.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Devil
Image of Ben Jonson
One woman reads another's character Without the tedious trouble of deciphering
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Women
Image of Ben Jonson
Though I am young, and cannot tell Either what Death or Love is well, Yet I have heard they both bear darts, And both do aim at human hearts. And then again, I have been told Love wounds with heat, as Death with cold; So that I fear they do but bring Extremes to touch, and mean one thing. As in a ruin we it call One thing to be blown up, or fall; Or to our end like way may have By a flash of lightning, or a wave; So Love’s inflamèd shaft or brand May kill as soon as Death’s cold hand; Except Love’s fires the virtue have To fight the frost out of the grave.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Fall
Image of Ben Jonson
Affliction teacheth a wicked person sometime to pray; prosperity never.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Prayer
Image of Ben Jonson
It is as great a spite to be praised in the wrong place, and by a wrong person, as can be done to a noble nature.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Noble
Image of Ben Jonson
Nor use too swelling, or ill-sounded words . . . .
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Use
Image of Ben Jonson
Indeed there's a woundy luck in names.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Names
Image of Ben Jonson
That praises are without reason lavished on the dead, and that the honours due only to are paid to antiquity, is a complaint likely to be always continued by those who, being able to add nothing to truth, hope for eminence from the heresies of paradox; or those who, being forced by disappointment upon consolatory expedients, are willing to hope from posterity what the present age refuses, and flatter themselves that the regard which is yet denied by envy will be at last bestowed by time.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Truth
Image of Ben Jonson
I feel my griefs too, and there scarce is ground Upon my flesh t'inflict another wound. Yet dare I not complain, or wish for death With holy Paul; lest it be thought the breath Of discontent; or that these prayers be For weariness of life, not love of thee.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Prayer
Image of Ben Jonson
God wisheth none should wreck on a strange shelf: To him man's dearer than to himself.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Men
Image of Ben Jonson
To men pressed by their wants all change is ever welcome.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Change
Image of Ben Jonson
How Fortune piles her sports when she begins to practise them!
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Sports
Image of Ben Jonson
I would rather have a plain down-right wisdom than a foolish and affected eloquence.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Foolish
Image of Ben Jonson
... the best pilots have need of mariners, besides sails, anchor and other tackle.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Anchors
Image of Ben Jonson
Where it concerns himself, Who's angry at a slander, makes it true.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Slander
Image of Ben Jonson
The day For whose returns, and many, all these pray; And so do I.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Birthday
Image of Ben Jonson
For he that once is good, is ever great.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Greatness
Image of Ben Jonson
I am beholden to calumny, that she hath so endeavored to belie me.-It shall make me set a surer guard on myself, and keep a better watch upon my actions.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Calumny Is
Image of Ben Jonson
A new disease? I know not, new or old, but it may well be called poor mortals plague for, like a pestilence, it doth infect the houses of the brain till not a thought, or motion, in the mind, be free from the black poison of suspect.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: House
Image of Ben Jonson
Reader look, not on his picture but his book.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Book
Image of Ben Jonson
Art hath an enemy call'd ignorance .
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Art
Image of Ben Jonson
When a virtuous man is raised, it brings gladness to his friends, grief to his enemies, and glory to his posterity.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Grief
Image of Ben Jonson
Who casts to write a living line, must sweat.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Jonson
Ready writing makes not good writing, but good writing brings on ready writing.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Jonson
It is an art to have so much judgment as to apparel a lie well, to give it a good dressing.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Art
Image of Ben Jonson
For whose sake, henceforth, all his vows be such, As what he loves may never like too much.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Love
Image of Ben Jonson
Many punishments sometimes, and in some cases, as much discredit a prince as many funerals a physician.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Punishment
Image of Ben Jonson
He that would have his virtue published, is not the servant of virtue, but glory.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Virtue
Image of Ben Jonson
Heaven prepares good men with crosses; but no ill can happen to a good man.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Men
Image of Ben Jonson
The soul of man is infinite in what it covets.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Men
Image of Ben Jonson
He that is respectless in his courses oft sells his reputation at cheap market.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Reputation
Image of Ben Jonson
O! How vain and vile a passion is this fear! What base uncomely things it makes men do.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Fear
Image of Ben Jonson
Ambition, like a torrent, ne'er looks back; And is a swelling, and the last affection A high mind can put off; being both a rebel Unto the soul and reason, and enforceth All laws, all conscience, treads upon religion, and offereth violence to nature's self.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Ambition
Image of Ben Jonson
All concord's born of contraries.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Contradiction
Image of Ben Jonson
Hang sorrow, care'll kill a cat.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Cat
Image of Ben Jonson
Prevent your day at morning.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Morning
Image of Ben Jonson
Very few men are wise by their own council, or learned by their own teaching. For he that was only taught by himself, had a fool for a master.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Wise
Image of Ben Jonson
Ods me I marle what pleasure or felicity they have in taking their roguish tobacco. It is good for nothing but to choke a man, and fill him full of smoke and embers.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Men
Image of Ben Jonson
Well, as he brews, so shall he drink.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Beer
Image of Ben Jonson
Guilt's a terrible thing.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Guilt
Image of Ben Jonson
Fear to do base, unworthy things is valor; if they be one to us, to suffer them is valor too.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Courage