Barbara Marciniak

Image of Barbara Marciniak
The Earth is alive and contains the knowledge you seek. It is your consciousness that determines what it reveals. How to access this knowledge? And where are the keys to open it and make it yours? The Earth speaks. Love her, honor and respect her and she will reveal her secrets.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Respect
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Change
Image of Barbara Marciniak
The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Reality
Image of Barbara Marciniak
It is time for you to make a commitment to create joy, creativity and love for yourself, only then will you benefit others, for if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. By becoming a living example, by following what is in your heart, you show the way for others to follow with courage, what is in their hearts.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Barbara Marciniak
The moon is a satellite that was constructed. It was built and anchored outside Earth's atmosphere as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer or eye in the sky. It affects all life forms on this planet, beyond what you can currently grasp. In your history there are references to two moons around earth.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Eye
Image of Barbara Marciniak
The people of Earth are emerging from an amnesiac-like state of collective shock, which has blocked the influx of spiritual knowledge into the human gene pool. And while it is quite obvious to many that “You create your reality”, the vast majority of humans still need to be awakened from the unconsciously controlled trance of powerlessness that they voluntarily took on.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Barbara Marciniak
What do I want? I want to accelerate my personal evolution. I want Spirit to assist me in a greater capacity. I want my body to regenerate itself. I want to emanate health. I am willing to give up difficulty so that I can be a living example of what humanity can be.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Barbara Marciniak
If you think you have no power over what happens in the outside world, this is a belief and an agreement you have made between yourself and the field of existence. Your cells hear this command about your place in reality and do everything possible to make certain, in whatever situation you meet, that you have no power over events. Your beliefs establish the instructions for how you want to operate your biological being, and in these times of tremendous acceleration, humankind is faced with the responsibility of learning how to manage the energy of thought
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Love and a good sense of humour strengthen the entire body; remember your cells respond to your input.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Cells
Image of Barbara Marciniak
You are water, you understand - electrified water. The elements and balance of ocean water match the blood in your human body. Humans were made from the ocean. This is one of the greatest secrets of creation.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Ocean
Image of Barbara Marciniak
It is important to speak your truth, not to convince anyone else of it. Everyone must make up their own minds.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Mind
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Animals can always read your vibration, and if you are intent on empowering your life, they will often gift you by making special melodies of sound to balance your chakras and tune up your body.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Animal
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Every act of kindness and consideration changes and enhances the course of life.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Kindness
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Sometimes the darkest challenges, the most difficult lessons, hold the greatest gems of light.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Light
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Those who choose love - daring to feel to the depths of being, accepting responsibility for their actions, and seeking a purpose in life - will find that the world of significant living will unfold its cleverly concealed presence.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Knowledge is sacred and the choice to be informed or merely entertained in today's world is a very revealing test of the times. Expanding your mind to penetrate the deeper meanings of life is not only liberating, it is crucial to your well-being, for knowledge is power, and how you use your power inevitably determines the course of your personal and collective life.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Choices
Image of Barbara Marciniak
When you buy into any version of fear, it can become your experience because your molecules are intelligent and your energy responds to the predominant feeling in your being. The focus of your mind is exactly what gives the orders to create what you experience.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Fear
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Your power ends where your fear begins.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Ends
Image of Barbara Marciniak
The Quality of Love or Fear you Carry into each Moment determines which Road you Travel.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Fear
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Only in the shattering can the rebuilding occur
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Broken
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Many of you would like to take evil and step on it, destroying it like you would a bug. Squish, smash! Begone into another reality! This practice of eliminating human life because it is perceived as evil does you no good. In the end your history and experience are filled with war of one kind or another; humans fighting one another for the right to speak their truth and share their perception.And one human or another is always wanting to suppress someone else's ideas, someone else's thinking.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: War
Image of Barbara Marciniak
You are living in a time when opportunities for self-empowerment, expanded awareness and spiritual growth appear to be unlimited.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Feelings are your guide. Trust your feelings and learn to express them, and do not blame anyone for how you feel. Be yourself, observe yourself. Look to understand any crisis you have been in or will be in.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Barbara Marciniak
When you manage people, you must first convince them they need managing. So you create the problems and then let the people cry for solutions.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: People
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Your perceptions are derived from your feelings and your ability to be yourself, to own and trust yourself, and to say what you feel, even when it may be diametrically opposed to everyone eles's opinion. You may be called the Devil Incarnate. You may feel like cow pies are being thrown at you. Sometimes that is part of being true to yourself.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Producing the vibration of love is based on your ability to feel deep pain...go into those feelings...and to find peace once again.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Pain
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Opening your chakras and allowing cosmic energies to flow through your body will ultimately refresh your spirit and empower your life.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Empowering
Image of Barbara Marciniak
You must learn to end the wars in your world by ending them in your minds.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: War
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Trust that whatever you are dealing with, whatever doorway to crisis you experience, it is leading you to a greater lesson in liwing where ideally the power of love is what you learn. Forgive, and broadcast your excitement to be alive.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Love Is
Image of Barbara Marciniak
When you laugh with good-hearted innocence at your own creations, you are free.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Laughing
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Wonder opens and unravels reality.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Reality
Image of Barbara Marciniak
No one is ever a victim, although your conquerors would have you believe in your own victimhood. How else could they conquer you?
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Believe
Image of Barbara Marciniak
The history of your world is filled with the voice of the victor, the voice of power, although it was not always a voice of sanity, by any means.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Marciniak
For those who confuse you, recognize that their confusion is theirs and your clarity is yours.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Confusion
Image of Barbara Marciniak
How have you arrived at your thinking? Where do your ideas and knowledge come from, and why do you credit some knowledge and discredit others?
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barbara Marciniak
When truthsayers have the courage to say the emperor is wearing no clothes, whether you agree with their point of view or not, send them love. They are to be acknowledged for speaking their truth.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Views
Image of Barbara Marciniak
Any religion is a perspective upon existence.
- Barbara Marciniak
Collection: Perspective