Barbara Brown Taylor

Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Most of us will have more than one job in our working lives, which means we will have more than one opportunity to seek meaningful work at different stages of our own deepening humanity.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I'll do my best to always put God and neighbor ahead of ego, but I want to find myself, and if finding myself means losing my ego self, I'll go there.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
In a world where faith is often construed as a way of thinking, bodily practices remind the willing that faith is a way of life
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Beliefs have become unimportant to me. Faith as radical trust became even more important to me.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Important
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
When I say I trust Jesus, that is what I mean: I trust that the way of life leads through perishability, not around it.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Jesus
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I am always surprised by people who speak of faith as if it happens in the air somewhere. Our bodies are God's best way of getting to us. Revelation begins in the flesh.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Air
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
When I talk about losing myself, which I did, it's losing my idea of who I was and my idea of what I was supposed to be doing and the idea of what my value was to God. I lost all of that at least.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Ideas
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I live by the simplest, perhaps facile command that Jesus ever gave, which is to love God with the whole self and the neighbor as the self, and I find that's entirely consuming. To do those two things leaves me very little time to do much else.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Jesus
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
The church grew, and I gained a reputation for preaching, and people came, and it was a wonderful community. But we had a building that seated 82 people, and with a congregation then approaching 400 we were up to four services on Sunday, and everyone was tired.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Tired
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I can't help but note that God is being useful to a lot of people trying to do harm to one another.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: People
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Humanity can be pretty stinky.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Humanity
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I know that the Bible is a special kind of book, but I find it as seductive as any other. If I am not careful, I can begin to mistake the words on the page for the realities they describe. I can begin to love the dried ink marks on the page more than I love the encounters that gave rise to them.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Mistake
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I wanted to be as close as I could to the Really Real, and I'll capitalize both of those R's, because God is a word that means different things to different people, but we might all agree it's what is most real.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Real
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I went to the little church in the country after ten years in the city. And part of my dream was to sit on people's front porches with glasses of iced tea, and all that happened. I was able to send birthday cards to everyone in the parish and able to know everyone who was there on Sunday by name. And that was what I'd been looking for.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Dream
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
There was no time anymore to be quiet or still or pray. So, in many ways, that's what led to my downward spin.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Way
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I decided I got to say whether I was Christian or not, and so I've relaxed enormously since then. I'm the one who gets to say that, and not someone else.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Science is not metaphorical. Science is scientific.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Metaphorical
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I became so attentive to the souls of other people that I was not as attentive as I might have been to my own.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: People
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I love being alone. I learned that from my father, I think, who loved his own company.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Father
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I found myself in a maze where I'd taken the wrong turn. In my wish to do well for that congregation I wasn't doing particularly well for myself or my friends or my family, and I even found that the work for God was taking me away from God.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Taken
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
The effort to untangle the human words from the divine seems not only futile to me but also unnecessary, since God works with what is. God uses whatever is usable in a life, both to speak and to act, and those who insist on fireworks in the sky may miss the electricity that sparks the human heart.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Heart
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
To get God on your side is a great way to feel powerful.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Powerful
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I think we d like life to be like a train..but it turns out to be a sailboat.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I thought being faithful was about becoming someone other than who I wasn't until I failed that I began to wonder if my human wholeness might be more useful to God than my exhausting goodness.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Faithful
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
With all the conceptual truths in the universe at His disposal [Jesus] did not give them something to think about together when He was gone. Instead, He gave them concrete things to do - specific ways of being together in their bodies - that would go on teaching them what they needed to know when He was no longer around to teach them Himself ... "Do this" He said - not believe this but do this - "in remembrance of me.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Jesus
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I have learned to prize holy ignorance more highly than religious certainty and to seek companions who have arrived at the same place. We are a motley crew, distinguished not only by our inability to explain ourselves to those who are more certain of their beliefs than we are but in many cases by our distance from the centers of our faith communities as well.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Religious
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Contrary to popular opinion, Christians are not nice polite people who never get angry with one another. Those are not the virtues of God's people. Our virtues are truth-telling, kindness, forgiveness and yes, even anger-as long as it is the anger that is part of true love-through which we move closer to one another and to the God who has shown us how it is done.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Salvation happens every time someone with a key uses it to open a door he could lock instead.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Keys
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
We are born seekers, calling strange names into the darkness from our earliest days because we know we are not meant to be alone, and because we know that we await someone whom we cannot always see.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Names
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
There comes a time when it is vitally important for your spiritual health to drop your clothes, look in the mirror, and say, ‘Here I am. This is the body-like-no-other that my life has shaped. I live here. This is my soul’s address
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
The great wisdom traditions of the world all recognize that the main impediment to living a life of meaning is being self-absorbed.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Self
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
The only real difference between Anxiety and Excitement was my willingness to let go of Fear.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
As hard as I have tried to remember the exact moment when I fell in love with God, I cannot do it. My earliest memories are bathed in a kind of golden light that seemed to embrace me as surely as my mother's arms. The divine presence was strongest outdoors, and most palpable when I was alone.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Mother
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
We're children of God through our blood kinship with Christ. We're also sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, with a hereditary craving for forbidden fruit salad.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Daughter
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
To be fully human is perhaps why I'm Christian, because I see in the life of Jesus a way of being fully human.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
The poets began drifting away from churches as the jurists grew louder and more insistent.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Church
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I've got a hold of something that won't move. It's a willingness to keep walking into the next day, open to whatever may turn out to be true that day.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Moving
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Most of us spend so much time thinking about where we have been or where we are supposed to be going that we have a hard time recognizing where we actually are.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Hard Times
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
The great thing about civility is that it does not require you to agree with or approve of anything. You don't even have to love your neighbor to be civil. You just have to treat your neighbor the same way you would like your neighbor to treat your grandmother, or your child.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Children
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
It can be difficult to be an introvert in church, especially if you happen to be the pastor. Liking to be alone can be interpreted as a judgment on other people's company. Liking to be quiet can be construed as aloofness. There is so much emphasis on community in most congregations that anyone who does not participate risks being labeled a loner.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Past
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
What I noticed at Grace-Calvary is the same thing I notice whenever people aim to solve their conflicts with one another by turning to the bible: defending the dried ink marks on the page becomes more vital than defending their neighbor. As a general rule, I would say that human beings never behave more badly toward one another than when they believe they are protecting God. In the words of Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mohandas, 'People of the Book risk putting the book above people.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Believe
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I think a toxic message in a lot of Christianity has been that the self has to be annihilated in order for God to be found. I think that has been a toxic message.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
I discovered a version of the sinner's prayer that increased my faith far more than the one that I had said years earlier...In this version, there were no formulas, no set phrases that promised us safe passage across the abyss. There was only our tattered trust that the Spirit who had given us life would not leave us in the wilderness without offering us life again.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Prayer
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
The abundance of our lives is not determined by how long we live, but how well we live. Christ makes abundant life possible if we choose to live it now.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Long
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
The value for me being in a mainline tradition is history and memory, which is not just Christian tradition but denominational tradition, and characters, you know, with real distinct flavors of ways to be Christian.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Once I gave up the hunt for villains, I had little recourse but to take responsibility for my choices.... Needless to say, this is far less satisfying that nailing villains. It also turned out to be more healing in the end.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Healing
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
When someone asks us where we want to be in our lives, the last thing that occurs to us is to look down at our feet and say, 'Here, I guess, since this is where I am.'
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Feet