Barack Obama

Image of Barack Obama
You can't always come up with the optimal solution, but you can usually come up with a better solution.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Come Up
Image of Barack Obama
No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism.
- Barack Obama
Collection: People
Image of Barack Obama
If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Barack Obama
The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mind Blowing
Image of Barack Obama
Your voice can change the world.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Barack Obama
We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Knowing
Image of Barack Obama
Find somebody to be successful for. Raise their hopes. Rise to their needs.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Success
Image of Barack Obama
Each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of happiness. No one deserves to be bullied.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Bullying
Image of Barack Obama
Fear, uncertainty and discomfort are your compasses toward growth. If you run you stand a chance of losing, but if you don't run you've already lost.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Running
Image of Barack Obama
The cyber world is sort of the Wild, Wild West, and to some degree, we're asked to be the sheriff.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Degrees
Image of Barack Obama
The Holy Koran tells us, 'O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.'
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mind Blowing
Image of Barack Obama
So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Energy
Image of Barack Obama
We too often let the material things serve as indicators that we're doing well, even though something inside us tells us that were not doing our best. That we are avoiding that which is hard, but also necessary. That we are shrinking from rather than rising to the challenges of the age.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Barack Obama
Sanctions alone could not stop Iran's nuclear program. But they did help bring Iran to the negotiating table.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Leadership
Image of Barack Obama
Today we're seeing that climate change is about more than a few unseasonably mild winters or hot summers. It's about the chain of natural catastrophes and devastating weather patterns that global warming is beginning to set off around the world.. the frequency and intensity of which are breaking records thousands of years old.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Summer
Image of Barack Obama
I do not talk to the FBI directors about pending investigations [on Hillary Clinton].
- Barack Obama
Collection: Directors
Image of Barack Obama
To those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Voice
Image of Barack Obama
The emotions between the races could never be pure; even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Reflection
Image of Barack Obama
We honor those who walked so we could run. We must run so our children soar. And we will not grow weary.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Running
Image of Barack Obama
Cynicism is a sorry kind of wisdom.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Sorry
Image of Barack Obama
One of the most durable and destructive legacies of discrimination is the way we've internalized a sense of limitation; how so many in our community have come to expect so little from the world and from themselves.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Community
Image of Barack Obama
A lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Dog
Image of Barack Obama
Muslim leaders around the globe have to continue working with us to decisively and unequivocally reject the hateful ideology that groups like ISIL and al Qaeda promote. To speak out against not just acts of violence, but also those interpretations of Islam that are incompatible with the values of religious tolerance, mutual respect, and human dignity.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Religious
Image of Barack Obama
I began feeling the way I imagine an actor or athlete must feel when, after years of commitment to a particular dream...he realizes that he's gone just about as far as talent or fortune will take him. The dream will not happen, and he now faces the choice of accepting this fact like a grownup and moving on to more sensible pursuits, or refusing the truth and ending up bitter, quarrelsome, and slightly pathetic.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Barack Obama
We need fathers to step up, to realize that their job does not end at conception; that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise one.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
I have the authority to address the threat from Isil, but I believe we are strongest as a nation when the president and Congress work together. So I welcome congressional support for this effort in order to show the world that Americans are united in confronting this danger.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Believe
Image of Barack Obama
To everyone in this Congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Believe
Image of Barack Obama
I attend Trinity United Church of Christ, and my pastor [was] Jeremiah Wright.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Church
Image of Barack Obama
As a practical matter, it is hard to think of any society in human history in which a majority population has said that as a consequence of historic wrongs, we are now going to take a big chunk of the nation's resources over a long period of time to make that right.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
This idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn't really jibe with the experience of most people.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Ideas
Image of Barack Obama
The reason we're governing right now is because we defeated moderate Republicans with moderate Democrats. And people need to be patient about that and realize that compromise is not evil.
- Barack Obama
Collection: People
Image of Barack Obama
We've endured too many tragedies. And each time I learn the news I react not as a President, but as anybody else would - as a parent.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Parent
Image of Barack Obama
The more we can encourage entrepreneurship, particularly for young people, the more they have hope. That requires some reforms in these [African] governments: rooting out corruption, increased transparency and how government operates, making sure that regulations are not designed just to advantage elites, but are allowing people who have a good idea to get out there and get things done.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Government
Image of Barack Obama
When the economy's shrinking, providing jobs, spending on things like infrastructure can actually increase revenue and drive down debt. And then, there's going to be a time at which point debt has to be taken care of.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
I still don't feel responsible for what Donald Trump says or does. But I do feel a responsibility as president of the United States to make sure that I facilitate a good transition and I present to him as well, as the American people my best thinking, my best ideas about how you move the country forward. To speak out with respect to areas where I think the Republican party's wrong, but to pledge to work with them on those things that I think will advance the causes of security and prosperity and justice and inclusiveness in America.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
I think it's important not to start drawing parallels, for example, between Theresa May, a fairly traditional conservative politician, who's now prime minister and Le Pen in France. Those aren't the same and the situation in each country is different.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
I think at times of significant stress people are going to be looking for something and they don't always know exactly what it is that they're looking for and they may opt for change even if they're not entirely confident what that change will bring.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Stress
Image of Barack Obama
The United States, we know what happens when we start dividing ourselves along lines of race or religion or ethnicity.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Ethnicity
Image of Barack Obama
There is enormous continuity beneath the day-to-day news that makes America that indispensable nation when it comes to maintaining order and promoting prosperity around the world.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Order
Image of Barack Obama
I think it's a healthy thing for the Democratic Party to go through some reflection.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Party
Image of Barack Obama
I think we want to see new voices and new ideas emerge - that's part of the reason why term limits are a really useful thing.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
The Democrats should not waiver on our core beliefs and principles.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Principles
Image of Barack Obama
I insist on the dignity and God- given potential and work of every child, regardless of race or gender or sexual orientation or what zip code they were born in.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Barack Obama
Things change pretty rapidly. But they don't change inevitably. They change because you work for it.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Things Change
Image of Barack Obama
How Donald Trump reaches out to groups that may not have supported him, how he signals his interest in their issues or concerns, I think those are the kinds of things that can set a tone that will help move things forward once he has actually taken office.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Moving
Image of Barack Obama
Campaigning is different from governing.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Different
Image of Barack Obama
You know, there are certain things that make for good sound bites but don't always translate into good policy.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Sound
Image of Barack Obama
I think that Donald Trump successfully mobilized a big chunk of America to vote for him and he's going to win. He has won. He's going to be the next president and regardless of what experience or assumptions he brought to the office, this office has a way of waking you up and those - those aspects of his positions or predispositions that don't match up with reality, he will find shaken up pretty quick because reality has a way of asserting itself.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Winning
Image of Barack Obama
I think the American people recognize that the world has shrunk. That it's interconnected. That you're not going to put that genie back in the bottle.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking