Barack Obama

Image of Barack Obama
It's important to know that the vast majority of people who were excited in 2008 are still really enthusiastic. We've got more volunteers now than ever, and they're engaged, they're motivated, they're not paying attention to the ups and downs of polls or Washington.
- Barack Obama
Collection: People
Image of Barack Obama
We are going through historic times, and my vision is a world, first of all, in which America continues to be that one indispensable nation. Because we're taking care of our own people, because our economy is strong and our middle class is growing, and people feel like hard work is rewarded, and we are continuing to expand opportunity and diversity and tolerance and respect.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Strong
Image of Barack Obama
We have an epidemic of fatherlessness here, and that's what I agree with the president [Barack Obama] on, and we should be doing more to promote and protect marriage as between a man and a women for the needs of our children.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Barack Obama
The senators know it's important to win statewide to have Hispanics and other immigrant populations supporting them.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Winning
Image of Barack Obama
I think it's really important to enlarge the issue behind abortion. I have been serving for over two decades and I have seen year in and year out largely the Republicans voting against women's contraception, family planning.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
The United States of America has helped underwrite the global security for more than six decades with the blood of our citizens and the strength of our arms. The service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform has promoted peace and prosperity from Germany to Korea and enabled democracy to take hold in places like the Balkans.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Sacrifice
Image of Barack Obama
Iran will for sure have pledged to the international community that it will not develop a nuclear weapon, and now will be subject to an additional protocol, a more vigorous inspection and monitoring regime that lasts in perpetuity.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Iran
Image of Barack Obama
I always enjoy watching Republicans compliment Bill Clinton now, because at the time, I'm sure he didn't feel a lot of the love.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Bills
Image of Barack Obama
He [Barack Obama] talked about a crisises and he was blaming the Republicans on this crisises. It's like me blaming my wife for my drinking. I don't se how this is the Republicans fault.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Drinking
Image of Barack Obama
FDR, JFK, LBJ [all Democratic presidents ] we have a pretty long list of presidents who maybe were not entirely forthcoming with intelligence information before they went to war, so I'd be cautious against making legal cases against the administration.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
I believe that the free enterprise system is the greatest engine of prosperity the world's ever known.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Believe
Image of Barack Obama
Their foreign policy is so disjointed, confusing, and chaotic that, really, people need to reexamine those who want to be involved in every war.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
We know that ISIL and other terrorist groups are actively encouraging people, around the world and in our country, to commit terrible acts of violence, oftentimes as lone-wolf actors.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
We have come from a time of the large-scale, planned, Al Qaeda-style attacks, to the encouragement of lone wolves: Fort Hood, Chattanooga. To the encouragement of people to act on their own.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Barack Obama
We've evolved a lot since 9/11 also, in terms of our law enforcement capabilities, our intelligence capabilities, military, counterterrorism.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Military
Image of Barack Obama
I think Barack Obama 'll talk about the actions that we've taken, not just since 9/11, but since Paris, to help keep the American people and American interests safe.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Taken
Image of Barack Obama
For decades, our differences with Iran meant that our governments almost never spoke to each other. Ultimately, that did not advance America's interests.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Government
Image of Barack Obama
Jason Rezaian is coming home. A courageous journalist for The Washington Post who wrote about the daily lives and hopes of the Iranian people, he's been held for a year and a half. He embodies the brave spirit that gives life to the freedom of the press. Jason has already been reunited with his wife and mom.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mom
Image of Barack Obama
What we can do is make sure that Afghanistan is not a safe haven for Al Qaeda. What we can do it make sure that it is not destabilizing neighboring Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons. The key is we’ve got to have a clear objective...
- Barack Obama
Collection: Safe Haven
Image of Barack Obama
As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Weed
Image of Barack Obama
You can't change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Change
Image of Barack Obama
Evil does exist in the world. A non-violent movement could not have halted Hitler's armies. Negotiations cannot convince al Qaeda's leaders to lay down their arms. To say that force may sometimes be necessary is not a call to cynicism - it is a recognition of history; the imperfections of man and the limits of reason.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Army
Image of Barack Obama
We will finish the race.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Running
Image of Barack Obama
For we have always understood that when times change, so must we, that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges, that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Pro Life
Image of Barack Obama
When people are judged by merit, not connections, then the best and brightest can lead the country, people will work hard, and the entire economy will grow - everyone will benefit and more resources will be available for all, not just select groups.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
Faith doesn't mean that you don't have doubts.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Moving On
Image of Barack Obama
Prosperity without freedom is just another form of poverty.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Powerful
Image of Barack Obama
Sometimes people just feel as if we want to try something to see if we can shake things up.
- Barack Obama
Collection: People
Image of Barack Obama
We may have different backgrounds, but we believe in the same dream that says this is a country where anything's possible. No matter who you are. No matter where you come from.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Barack Obama
Physically, I feel probably as good as I've ever felt. And I've got as much energy as I ever did. But what you feel after eight years - and I think you'd feel this no matter what, but anytime you have a big transition, it gets magnified - is time passes.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
Let it be said to our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we didn't turn our back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Barack Obama
If you go out and make some things happen, you will fill the world with hope.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Motivational
Image of Barack Obama
The things that led me to run for office - trying to figure out how we create an economy where everybody's got a fair shot and if you work hard, you can achieve your dreams.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Running
Image of Barack Obama
I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home, we will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
Obviously I'm grayer, a few more wrinkles. One of the things I'm proud about is that I think my basic character and outlook actually have not changed much. And people who are closest to me will tell you that the guy who came here is the same guy who's leaving.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Character
Image of Barack Obama
The easiest way to save money is to waste less energy.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Way
Image of Barack Obama
The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Determination
Image of Barack Obama
The strongest democracies flourish from frequent and lively debate, but they endure when people of every background and belief find a way to set aside smaller differences in service of a greater purpose.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Differences
Image of Barack Obama
I've never said that troops should be withdrawn. What I've said is, is that we've got to make sure that we secure and execute the rebuilding and reconstruction process effectively and properly, and I don't think we should have an artificial deadline when to do that.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. And for them to be able to provide nuclear technology to non-state actors, that's unacceptable.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Technology
Image of Barack Obama
Senator Joe Biden is pretty clean and articulate for a white guy.
- Barack Obama
Collection: White
Image of Barack Obama
Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father. It's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Barack Obama
A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.
- Barack Obama
Collection: People
Image of Barack Obama
I think that the risk to all the progress we've made was at stake in the election because not just the president-elect but a lot of members of Congress, including now the Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader, have said that their principal agenda was to undo a lot of this progress. But as I've been talking about over the last several days when it comes to health care, the gains that we've made are there. Twenty million people have health insurance that didn't have it before. The uninsured rate is the lowest it's ever been.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
Constitution is a living document; no strict constructionism.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Constitution
Image of Barack Obama
No black or white America-just United States of America.
- Barack Obama
Collection: White
Image of Barack Obama
Some heinous crimes justify the ultimate punishment.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Punishment
Image of Barack Obama
Public school system status quo is indefensible.
- Barack Obama
Collection: School
Image of Barack Obama
It's very important that we have a president who is mindful of the cruelty that is perpetrated on animals.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Animal