Anne Lamott

Image of Anne Lamott
If I were going to begin practicing the presence of God for the first time today, it would help to begin by admitting the three most terrible truths of our existence: that we are so ruined, and so loved, and in charge of so little.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Three
Image of Anne Lamott
Feeding a baby is like filling a hole with putty - you get it in and then you sort of shave off all the excess around the hole and get it back in, like you're spackling.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Baby
Image of Anne Lamott
Needless to say, there was no one around remotely fitting the description of a normal person: I was at a writing conference.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
The last song was so deep and raw and pure that I could not escape. It was as if the people were singing in between the notes, weeping and joyful at the same time, and I felt like their voices or something was rocking me in its bosom, holding me like a scared kid, and I opened up to that feeling-and it washed over me.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Song
Image of Anne Lamott
Think of a fine painter attempting to capture an inner vision, beginning with one corner of the canvas, painting what she thinks should be there, not quite pulling it off, covering it over with white paint, and trying again, each time finding out what her painting isn't, until she finally finds out what it is. And when you finally do find out what one corner of your vision is; you're off and running.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Running
Image of Anne Lamott
Plot springs from character... I've always sort of believed that these people inside me- these characters- know who they are and what they're about and what happens, and they need me to help get it down on paper because they don't type.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Spring
Image of Anne Lamott
Just don't pretend you know more about your characters than they do, because you don't. Stay open to them. It's teatime and all the dolls are at the table. Listen. It's that simple.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Character
Image of Anne Lamott
I suspect that he was a child who thought differently than his peers, who may have had serious conversations with grown-ups, who as a young person, like me, accepted being alone quite a lot. I think that this sort of person often becomes either a writer or a career criminal.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Children
Image of Anne Lamott
I don't think you have time to waste not writing because you are afraid you won't be good at it.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
Writing can be a pretty desperate endeavor, because it is about some of our deepest needs: our need to be visible, to be heard, our need to make sense of our lives, to wake up and grow and belong. It is no wonder if we sometimes tend to take ourselves perhaps a bit too seriously.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
Dialogue that is written in dialect is very tiring to read. If you can do it brilliantly, fine. If other writers read your work and rave about your use of dialect, go for it. But be positive that you do it well, because otherwise it is a lot of work to read short stories or novels that are written in dialect. It makes our necks feel funny.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
Frederick Buechner is one of my favorite writers. The Eyes of the Heart is beautiful and wise, full of insight, charm, and tenderness.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Anne Lamott
At some point I started getting published, and experienced a meager knock-kneed standing in the literary world, and I started to get almost everything that many of you graduates are hoping for--except for the money. I got a lot of things that society had promised would make me whole and fulfilled--all the things that the culture tells you, from preschool on, will quiet the throbbing anxiety inside you. I got some stature, the respect of other writers, even a low-grade fame. The culture says these things will save you, as long as you also manage to keep your weight down. But the culture lies.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Lying
Image of Anne Lamott
I kept asking God for help, and after a while I realized something -- that Josh was not enjoying this either. He was just trying to take care of himself, and I made the radical decision to let him off the hook.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Decision
Image of Anne Lamott
If you are hoping to find your self-worth and fulfillment in other peoples' opinion of your writing, you will never find it.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
They always threw their arms around and hugged me while crying our Yiddish endearments. Yet none of them believed in God. They believed in social justice, good works, Israel, and Bette Midler. I was nearly thirty before I met a religious Jew.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Religious
Image of Anne Lamott
Some people may have thought that this book was too personal, too confessional. But what these people think about me is none of my business.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Book
Image of Anne Lamott
Good writing is about telling the truth.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
You are going to love some of your characters because they are you or some facet of you, and you are going to hate some of your characters for the same reason.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Hate
Image of Anne Lamott
So I was doing well academically, and I was a well-ranked tennis player and was the apple of my handsome father's eye-and then I would bring home a report card with a B-plus on it, and my parents would look at the report card as if I'd flunked. "Uh, honey?" one of them would ask, looking perplexed. "Now, this isn't a criticism but, if you could get a B-plus in philosophy, how much harder would it have been to get an A-minus?"
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Father
Image of Anne Lamott
That's about 90 percent of my theological life - radical self-care. Put your own oxygen mask on first. I watch the self-talk that goes through my mind, and if I am being critical with myself, I shake myself out of it.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Self
Image of Anne Lamott
The stuff I write about is pretty universal, the things my closest friends and I talk about - our anxiety about being here on this scary planet, during these scary times, as vulnerable as kittens, having lost so many people I couldn't live without.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
I’m probably just as good a mother as the next repressed, obsessive-compulsive paranoiac.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Mother
Image of Anne Lamott
At our most primitive we are storytellers and dancers.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Dancer
Image of Anne Lamott
Sam said to me the other day, "I love you like 20 tyrannosauruses on 20 mountaintops," and this is the exact same way in which I love him.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Love You
Image of Anne Lamott
Being a writer is part of a noble tradition, as is being a musician – the last egalitarian and open associations. No matter what happens in terms of fame and fortune, dedication to writing is a marching-step forward from where you were before, when you didn’t care about reaching out to the world, when you weren’t hoping to contribute, when you were just standing there doing some job into which you had fallen.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anne Lamott
Don’t underestimate this gift of finding a place in the writing world: if you really work at describing creatively on paper the truth as you understand it, as you have experienced it, with the people or material who are in you, who are asking that you help them get written, you will come to a secret feeling of honor.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
My best teachers were mess, failure, death, mistakes, and the people I hated, including myself.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Teacher
Image of Anne Lamott
The problem with God - or at any rate, one of the top five most annoying things about God - is that he or she rarely answers right away.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Answers
Image of Anne Lamott
If God was giving me a ham, I'd be crazy not to receive it. Maybe it was the ham of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Crazy
Image of Anne Lamott
Write regularly, whether you feel like writing or not, and whether you think what you're writing is any good or not.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
Learning to love back is the hardest part of being alive.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Alive
Image of Anne Lamott
Toni Morrison said, "The function of freedom is to free someone else," and if you are no longer wracked or in bondage to a person or a way of life, tell your story. Risk freeing someone else. Not everyone will be glad that you did. Members of your family and other critics may wish you had kept your secrets. Oh, well, what are you going to do?
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Risk
Image of Anne Lamott
My friend Terry says that when you need to make a decision, in your work or otherwise, and you don’t know what to do, just do one thing or the other, because the worst that can happen is that you will have made a terrible mistake.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Mistake
Image of Anne Lamott
Rituals are a good signal to your unconscious that it is time to kick in.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Anne Lamott
Most people's intuitions are drowned out by folk sayings. We have a moment of real feeling or insight, and then we come up with a folk saying that captures the insight in a kind of wash. The intuition may be real and ripe, fresh with possibilities, but the folk saying is guaranteed to be a cliche, stale and self-contained.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Real
Image of Anne Lamott
The depth of the feeling continued to surprise and threaten me, but each time it hit again and I bore it...I would discover that it hadn't washed me away.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Feelings
Image of Anne Lamott
Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life Besides, perfectionism will ruin your writing, blocking inventiveness and playfulness and life force (these are words we are allowed to use in California).
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Block
Image of Anne Lamott
Talking to the parents of older kids was helpful for me, since parents of kids the same age as yours won't admit how horrible their children are.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Children
Image of Anne Lamott
And we've read scary books and watched scary movies and TV shows together. He's met monsters, ghouls, and demons on the page and on the screen. There's nothing like watching Anaconda with your best friend or lying in bed next to your mother reading Roald Dahl, because that way you get to explore dark stuff safely. You get to laugh with it, to step out on the vampire's dance floor and take him for a spin, and then step back into your life. When you make friends with fear, it can't rule you.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Mother
Image of Anne Lamott
We write to expose the unexposed. If there is one door in the castle you have been told not to go through, you must. The writer's job is to turn the unspeakable into words - not just into any words, but if we can, into rhythm and blues.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anne Lamott
We are a species that needs and wants to understand who we are. Sheep lice do not seem to share this longing, which is one reason why they write so little.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Lamott
Writing takes a combination of sophistication and innocence; it takes conscience, our belief that something is beautiful because it is right.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Anne Lamott
Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. It's like singing on a boat during a terrible storm at sea. You can't stop the raging storm, but singing can change the hearts and spirits of the people who are together on that ship
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Reading
Image of Anne Lamott
Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor; the enemy of the people. It will keep you insane your whole life.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Positive
Image of Anne Lamott
And I felt like my heart had been so thoroughly and irreparably broken that there could be no real joy again, that at best there might eventually be a little contentment. Everyone wanted me to get help and rejoin life, pick up the pieces and move on, and I tried to, I wanted to, but I just had to lie in the mud with my arms wrapped around myself, eyes closed, grieving, until I didn’t have to anymore.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Real
Image of Anne Lamott
What if we never 'get over' certain deaths, or our childhoods? What if the idea that we should have by now, or will, is a great palace lie? What if we're not supposed to? What if it takes a life time...?
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Lying
Image of Anne Lamott
Lies cannot nourish or protect you. Only freedom from fear, freedom from lies, can make us beautiful, and keep us safe.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Beautiful