Alan Watts

Image of Alan Watts
There is an ineffable mystery that underlies ourselves and the world. It is the darkness from which the light shines. When you recognize the integrity of the universe and that death is as certain as birth, then you can relax and accept that this is the way it is. There is nothing else to do.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Integrity
Image of Alan Watts
There is no way of making a hedge grow like pruning it. There is no way of making sex interesting like repressing it.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Sex
Image of Alan Watts
LSD is simply an exploratory instrument like a microscope or telescope, except this one is inside of you instead of outside of you.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Telescopes
Image of Alan Watts
In Hindu philosophy the whole creation is regarded as the Vishnu Lila, the play of Vishnu. Lila means dance or play. Also in Hindu philosophy, they call the world illusion; and in Latin the root of the word illusion is ludere, to play.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Alan Watts
Without birth and death, and without the perpetual transmutation of all the forms of life, the world would be static, rhythm-less, undancing, mummified.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Would Be
Image of Alan Watts
Make a spurious division of one process into two, forget that you have done it, and then puzzle for centuries as to how the two get together.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Two
Image of Alan Watts
To remain stable is to refrain from trying to separate yourself from a pain because you know that you cannot. Running away from fear is fear, fighting pain is pain, trying to be brave is being scared. If the mind is in pain, the mind is pain. The thinker has no other form than his thought. There is no escape.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Running
Image of Alan Watts
The soul is something which contains the body. The body doesn't contain the soul. The soul, if we put it into modern language, is the entire complex of relationships in whose context this organism exists.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Soul
Image of Alan Watts
It is also in despair of being able to understand or make any productive contribution to the highly organised chaos of our politico-economic system that large numbers of people simply abandon political and social committments. They just let society be taken over by a pattern of organisation which is as self-proliferative as a weed, and whose ends and values are neither human nor instinctive but mechanical.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Weed
Image of Alan Watts
But, as Douglas E Harding has pointed out, we tend to think of this planet as a life-infested rock, which is as absurd as thinking of the human body as a cell infested skeleton. Surely all forms of life, including man, must be understood as "symptoms" of the earth, the solar system, and the galaxy in which case we cannot escape the conclusion that the galaxy is intelligent.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Men
Image of Alan Watts
But the disappearance of the effort to let go is precisely the disappearance of the separate thinker, of the ego trying to watch the mind without interfering.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Alan Watts
Every intelligent individual wants to know what makes him tick, and yet is at once fascinated and frustrated by the fact that oneself is the most difficult of all things to know.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Alan Watts
For we have never actually understood the revolutionary sense beneath them – the incredible truth that what religion calls the vision of God is found in giving up any belief in the idea of God.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Alan Watts
The problem is to overcome the ingrained disbelief in the power of winning nature by love, in the gentle (ju) way (do) of turning with the skid, of controlling ourselves by cooperating with ourselves.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Love
Image of Alan Watts
But when no risk is taken there is no freedom. It is thus that, in an industrial society, the plethora of laws made for our personal safety convert the land into a nursery, and policemen hired to protect us become selfserving busybodies.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Taken
Image of Alan Watts
The world is filled with love-play, from animal lust to sublime compassion.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Sex
Image of Alan Watts
Someone once described “Christian Secularism” as the assumption that there is nothing at all to life except a pilgrimage between the maternity ward and the crematorium, and that it is within that span that Christian concern must be exercised because that is all there is.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Maternity
Image of Alan Watts
The individual may be understood as one particular focal point at which the whole universe expresses itself - as an incarnation of the self, or of the Godhead, or whatever one may choose to call it.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Self
Image of Alan Watts
Sex is no longer a serious taboo. Teenagers sometimes know more about it than adults.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Sex
Image of Alan Watts
As a human being it is just my nature to enjoy and share philosophy. I do this in the same way that some birds are eagles and some doves, some flowers lilies and some roses.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Alan Watts
The role of the Guru is to show the person that he already has what he is looking for.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Roles
Image of Alan Watts
When we dance, the journey itself is the point, as when we play music the playing itself is the point.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Dance
Image of Alan Watts
The sound of the rain needs no translation. In music one doesn't make the end of the composition the point of the composition... Same way in dancing, you don't aim at one particular spot in the room... The whole point of dancing is the dance.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Rain
Image of Alan Watts
You find out that the universe is a system that creeps up on itself and says 'Boo' and then laughs at itself for jumping.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Jumping
Image of Alan Watts
I have no other self than the totality of the things of which I am aware.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Self
Image of Alan Watts
Perhaps there is no other knowing than the mere competence of the act. If at the heart of one's being, there is no self to which one ought to be true, then sincerity is simply nerve; it lies in the unabashed vigor of the pretense. But pretense is only pretense when it is assumed that the act is not true to the agent. Find the agent.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Truth
Image of Alan Watts
Essentially Satori is a sudden experience, and it is often described as a "turning over" of the mind, just as a pair of scales will suddenly turn over when a sufficient amount of material has been poured into one pan to overbalance the weight in the other. Hence it is an experience which generally occurs after a long and concentrated effort to discover the meaning of Zen.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Long
Image of Alan Watts
Now, you see, if you understand what I'm saying, with your intelligence, and then take the next step and say "But I understood it now, but I didn't feel it." Then, next I raise the question: Why do you want to feel it? You say: "I want something more", because that's again that spiritual greed. And you could only say that because you didn't understand it.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Alan Watts
A scholar tries to learn something everyday; a student of Buddhism tries to unlearn something daily.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Education
Image of Alan Watts
We identify in our exerience a differentiation between what we do and what happens to us.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Differentiation
Image of Alan Watts
There is always something taboo, something repressed, unadmitted, or just glimpsed quickly out of the corner of one's eye because a direct look is too unsettling. Taboos lie within taboos, like the skin of an onion.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Alan Watts
Cows scream louder than carrots.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Cows
Image of Alan Watts
I have suggested that behind almost all myth lies the mono-plot of the game of hide-and-seek.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Lying
Image of Alan Watts
We accepted a definition of ourselves which confined the self to the source and to the limitations of conscious attention. This definition is miserably insufficient, for in fact we know how to grow brains and eyes, ears and fingers, hearts and bones, in just the same way that we know how to walk and breathe, talk and think - only we can't put it into words. Words are too slow and too clumsy for describing such things, and conscious attention is too narrow for keeping track of all their details.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Eye
Image of Alan Watts
...for since there is no real 'way' to sartori, the way you are following makes very little difference.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Real
Image of Alan Watts
Playing a violin is, after all, only scraping a cat's entrails with horsehair.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Cat
Image of Alan Watts
The idea of the Universe being ruled by that marvelous old gentleman, is no longer plausible. It isn't that anybody has disproved it, but it just somehow doesn't go with the vast infinitude of the Universe.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Ideas
Image of Alan Watts
Altough we all realize that monotony is boring, almost every form of industrial work- banking, accounting, mass-producing, service- is monotonous, and most people are paid for simply putting up with monotony
- Alan Watts
Collection: People
Image of Alan Watts
It is obvious that the only interesting people are interested people, and to be completely interested is to have forgotten about "I".
- Alan Watts
Collection: Self
Image of Alan Watts
...the whole universe is through and through the playing of love in every shade of the word's use, from animal lust to divine charity.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Animal
Image of Alan Watts
Where does my fist go when I open up my hand? Where does my lap go when I stand up?
- Alan Watts
Collection: Hands
Image of Alan Watts
If the human race develops an electronic nervous system, outside the bodies of individual people, thus giving us all one mind and one global body, this is almost precisely what has happened in the organization of cells which compose our own bodies. We have already done it. [...] If all this ends with the human race leaving no more trace of itself in the universe than a system of electronic patterns, why should that trouble us? For that is exactly what we are now!
- Alan Watts
Collection: Race
Image of Alan Watts
But at any rate, the point is that God is what nobody admits to being, and everybody really is. If you awaken from this illusion, and you understand that black implies white, self implies other, life implies death - or shall I say, death implies life - you can conceive yourself.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Self
Image of Alan Watts
...[W]ords can be communicative only between those who share similar experiences.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Share
Image of Alan Watts
Philosophers, for example, often fail to recognize that their remarks about the universe apply also to themselves and their remarks. If the universe is meaningless, so is the statement that it is so.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Example
Image of Alan Watts
In life as well as in art Zen never wastes energy in stopping to explain; it only indicates.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Art
Image of Alan Watts
The agnostic, the skeptic, is neurotic, but this does not imply a false philosophy; it implies the discovery of facts to which he does not know how to adapt himself. The intellectual who tries to escape from neurosis by escaping from the facts is merely acting on the principle that “where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Wise
Image of Alan Watts
The police have enough work to keep them busy regulating automobile traffic, preventing robberies and crimes of violence and helping lost children and little old ladies find their way home. As long as the police confine themselves to such activities they are respected friends of the public. But as soon as they begin inquiring into people's private morals, they become nothing more than armed clergymen.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Children
Image of Alan Watts
To resist change, to try to cling to life, is therefore like holding your breath: if you persist you kill yourself.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Life