Agatha Christie

Image of Agatha Christie
Sensationalism dies quickly, fear is long-lived.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Long
Image of Agatha Christie
There's nothing so dangerous for anyone who has something to hide as conversation.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Conversation
Image of Agatha Christie
In the midst of life, we are in death.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Life
Image of Agatha Christie
I've always noticed that if you speak the truth in a rather silly way nobody believes you.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Believe
Image of Agatha Christie
Words are such uncertain things, they so often sound well but mean the opposite of what one thinks they do.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Mean
Image of Agatha Christie
Everybody said, "Follow your heart". I did, it got broken
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Heart
Image of Agatha Christie
It often seems to me that's all detective work is, wiping out your false starts and beginning again." Yes, it is very true, that. And it is just what some people will not do. They conceive a certain theory, and everything has to fit into that theory. If one little fact will not fit it, they throw it aside. But it is always the facts that will not fit in that are significant.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: People
Image of Agatha Christie
Intuition is like reading a word without having to spell it out. A child can't do that because it has had so little experience. A grown-up person knows the word because they've seen it often before.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Children
Image of Agatha Christie
If you love, you will suffer, and if you do not love, you do not know the meaning of a Christian life.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Christian
Image of Agatha Christie
There is too much tendency to attribute to God the evils that man does of his own free will. I must concede you the Devil. God doesn't really need to punish us, Miss Barton. We're so busy punishing ourselves.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Men
Image of Agatha Christie
Ideas are like everything else. They've got to be marketed.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Ideas
Image of Agatha Christie
At my time of life, one knows that the worst is usually true.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Worst
Image of Agatha Christie
There speaks the passion and the rebellion that go with red hair. My second wife had red hair. She was a beautiful woman, and she loved me. Strange, is it not? I have always admired red-haired women. Your hair is very beautiful. There are other things I like about you. Your spirit, your courage; the fact that you have a mind of your own. ~Mr. Aristides
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Agatha Christie
a great man always knows better than to explain unless an explanation is demanded. To rush into explanations and excuses is always a sign of weakness.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Men
Image of Agatha Christie
I admit," I said, "that a second murder in a book often cheers things up." - Hastings
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Cheer
Image of Agatha Christie
You travel life has the aspect of a dream. It is something outside the normal, yet you are in it. It is peopled with characters you have never seen before and in all probability will never see again. It brings occasional homesickness, and loneliness, and pangs of longing ... But you are like the Vikings who have gone into a world of adventure, and home is not home until you return.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Dream
Image of Agatha Christie
I didn't want to work. It was as simple as that. I distrusted work, disliked it. I thought it was a very bad thing that the human race had unfortunately invented for itself.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Simple
Image of Agatha Christie
marriage is an extraordinary thing - and I doubt if any outsider - even a child of the marriage - has the right to judge.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Children
Image of Agatha Christie
Then there are some minor points that strike me as suggestive - for instance, the position of Mrs. Hubbard's sponge bag, the name of Mrs. Armstrong's mother, the detective methods of Mr. Hardman, the suggestion of Mr. MacQueen that Ratchett himself destroyed the charred note we found, Princess Dragomiroff's Christian name, and a grease spot on a Hungarian passport.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Christian
Image of Agatha Christie
I often wonder why the whole world is so prone to generalise. Generalisations are seldom if ever true and are usually utterly inaccurate.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: World
Image of Agatha Christie
It's no good starting out by thinking one is a heaven-born genius- some people are, but very few. No, one is a tradesman - a tradesman in a good honest trade. You must learn the technical skills, and then, within that trade, you can apply your own creative ideas, but you must submit them to the discipline of form.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Agatha Christie
Writers are diffident creatures -- they need encouragement.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Agatha Christie
I'm sorry, but I do hate this differentiation between the sexes. The modern girl has a thoroughly businesslike attitude to life! That sort of thing. It's not a bit true! Some girls are businesslike and some aren't. Some men are sentimental and muddle-headed, others are clear-headed and logical. There are just different types of brains.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Girl
Image of Agatha Christie
If I were at any time to set out on a career of deceit, it would be of Miss Marple that I should be afraid.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Careers
Image of Agatha Christie
Sometimes I feel sure he is as mad as a hatter and then, just as he is at his maddest, I find there is a method in his madness.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Mad
Image of Agatha Christie
My remarks are, as always, apt, sound, and to the point. (Hercule Poirot)
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Sound
Image of Agatha Christie
Plots come to me at such odd moments, when I am walking along the street, or examining a hat shop… suddenly a splendid idea comes into my head.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Ideas
Image of Agatha Christie
Achievement brings with it its own anticlimax.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Success
Image of Agatha Christie
I don't know. I don't know at all. And that's what's frightening the life out of me. To have no idea.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Ideas
Image of Agatha Christie
You have a tendency, Hastings, to prefer the least likely. That, no doubt, is from reading too many detective stories.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Reading
Image of Agatha Christie
One does see so much evil in a village,' murmured Miss Marple in an explanatory voice.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Voice
Image of Agatha Christie
One does what one can, not what one cannot.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Life
Image of Agatha Christie
There is no detective in England equal to a spinster lady of uncertain age with plenty of time on her hands.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Hands
Image of Agatha Christie
"I think you're begging the question," said Haydock, "and I can see looming ahead one of those terrible exercises in probability where six men have white hats and six men have black hats and you have to work it out by mathematics how likely it is that the hats will get mixed up and in what proportion. If you start thinking about things like that, you would go round the bend. Let me assure you of that!"
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Math
Image of Agatha Christie
I'm going to marry him. And if he thinks he can get divorced and married every two or three years in the approved Hollywood fashion, well, he never made a bigger mistake in his life. He's going to marry and stick to me.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Fashion
Image of Agatha Christie
Beastly things, teeth. Give us trouble from the cradle to the grave.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Giving
Image of Agatha Christie
Unless you are good at guessing, it is not much use being a detective.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Use
Image of Agatha Christie
Authors were shy, unsociable creatures, atoning for their lack of social aptitude by inventing their own companions and conversations.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Writing
Image of Agatha Christie
As you yourself have said, what other explanation can there be?' Poirot stared straight ahead of him. 'That is what I ask myself,' he said. 'That is what I never cease to ask myself.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Said
Image of Agatha Christie
At the small table, sitting very upright, was one of the ugliest old ladies he had ever seen. It was an ugliness of distinction - it fascinated rather than repelled.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Sitting
Image of Agatha Christie
Doctors can do almost anything nowadays, can't they, unless they kill you while they're trying to cure you.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Death
Image of Agatha Christie
I have a certain experience of the way people tell lies.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Lying
Image of Agatha Christie
I know nothing about pistols and revolvers, which is why I usually kill off my characters with a blunt instrument or better with poisons. Besides, poisons are neat and clean and really exciting... I do not think I could look a really ghastly mangled body in the face. It is the means that I am interested in. I do not usually describe the end, which is often a corpse.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Character
Image of Agatha Christie
Prisoners at the bar, have you anything to say in your defence?
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Bars
Image of Agatha Christie
I looked at her. Sheila was my girl--the girl I wanted--and wanted for keeps. But it wasn't any use having illusions about her. Sheila was a liar and probably always would be a liar. It was her way of fighting for survival--the quick easy glib denial. It was a child's weapon--and she'd probably never got out of using it. If I wanted Sheila, I must accept her as she was--be at hand to prop up the weak places. We've all got our weak places. Mine were different from Sheila's, but they were there.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Girl
Image of Agatha Christie
You're shocked, Mr. Burton, at hearing what our gossiping little town thinks. I can tell you this - they always think the worst!
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Agatha Christie
Why shouldn't I hate her? She did the worst thing to me that anyone can do to anyone else. Let them believe that they're loved and wanted and then show them that it's all a sham.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Heartbreak
Image of Agatha Christie
It had come about ex­act­ly in the way things hap­pened in books.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Book
Image of Agatha Christie
Nurses - nurses, you'm all the same. Full of cheerfulness over other people's troubles.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Nurse