Tim Minchin

Image of Tim Minchin
Christopher Hitchens's autobiography, 'Hitch 22', is a poignant read and very interesting because I have a very poor knowledge of recent political history - or, for that matter, distant political history.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Tim Minchin
Mum and Dad had high expectations of us as human beings - it wasn't just about education. It's a fantastic way to go about parenting, and I aspire to that.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Parenting
Image of Tim Minchin
I spent thousands of thousands of hours playing the piano, and by thousands of hours, I mean playing in cover bands or wedding bands or disco bands or original bands or playing cabaret for Todd McKenney.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Wedding
Image of Tim Minchin
At its essence, 'Groundhog Day' is an existential journey of an unhappy, judgmental, slightly narcissistic, misogynistic, dissatisfied, aspirational, entitled, privileged male who has to learn to be the opposite of all those things to find happiness - to learn that learning is important and that you don't get to control everything.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Learning
Image of Tim Minchin
I wake up in the morning quite excited by the notion that I get to immediately have a meal. That's the thing that gets me out of bed - just the thought of having a poached egg, or even some granola.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Morning
Image of Tim Minchin
I've been atheist since I became aware of the term, but my material is not all about religion - not by a long shot - and when I do address the topic, it is to point out where religiosity meets discrimination.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Religion
Image of Tim Minchin
If we talk about 'Groundhog Day' as a humanistic text - we only have one life, and there's no punishment or reward afterwards - then the wisdom is, just be kind because that will make you happy and the people around you happy.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Tim Minchin
I don't think you should bring up your kids with no wallowing. Somewhere in there is an area where you make sure your kids are all right, but they can also cry. Just maybe not every morning.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Morning
Image of Tim Minchin
These days, I'm a hypocritical, philosophical vegetarian. Vegetarianism would be the right choice, but I really, really love meat.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I am not a redhead. I have never been and am still not. Well, just a little... but I was blond as a kid and then mousy brown. As I got older... it came up. I've got a lot of red in my hair, but I'm not a ginge.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
You've got to teach yourself you can do your job no matter what happens.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I am a very ginger-coloured person, but I don't have orange hair.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
That's the incredible thing about 'Matilda': it keeps manifesting itself in different ways.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
In particular, Stewart Lee and Tony Law, people who could have been really critical, were really supportive of me, and I'll never forget that, and I want to be that person, so you have to work really hard to repress your natural jealousies and be one of those people.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
My brother and I played music together, and we all liked to show off. But I wasn't a particularly musical kid. I did piano lessons and quit. I got kicked out of the choir.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
The point of privilege and the notion of mansplaining is that sometimes I definitely feel like I should shut up. That's it functioning. That's the notion of privilege functioning.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
In terms of comedy, I never did five-minute sets or clubs or anything. I just started doing shows. Coming from that theater background, it never crossed my mind that I should start doing five-minute sets.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I was naive. Before 'Larrikins,' I thought passion, hard work, and a skill set will mean that anything you want to do will get done. I don't think that anymore.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
Fight for what is true. What is true is enough.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
Trying to work out where you find meaning and sense in a meaningless world is my obsession.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
Dad was known for his barbecues at weekends and bubble and squeak on Sundays. We'd all have to set the table and clear the table. We had our own seats, totally structured.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I'm the son of a surgeon and the grandson of a surgeon.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I'm not a good philanthropist yet; I'm not as good as I'd like to be... I believe very hard in luck. It's all chance; therefore, any privilege you have is chaos.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
Comedy actually works best when you're living in an OK world, and you are pointing out the hypocrisy in apathy.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
In a global world, nationalism is a fantasy, and it's poison. It used to be appropriate, but it's not anymore, and we haven't learned that lesson yet.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
Comedy is often a short career because you get to a point where you are no longer a small thing punching up at targets; you are the big thing, and it's hard to write from that position.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I played piano for cabaret stars and stuff and then eventually moved from my hometown of Perth in Western Australia to Melbourne, and somewhere in there, I decided to book myself a room and do a cabaret show of my own material.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I see myself as an utterly unchanged Perth dude who likes sport as much as I like music and who just likes my family.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
Every song in 'Groundhog Day' works to forward the story in a chronological, narrative sense, to illuminate the state of mind of the person singing it and comment on the world.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
The thing I love about my career is the variety and that people can't predict what I'm going to do next.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I had terrible ear problems and asthma and allergies. I spent quite a bit of time in hospital up to the age of eight so was not - am still not - extraordinarily intelligent.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
It's about the audience - if they laugh and clap, you feed off that, and if they don't, you doubt everything you've ever done.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I lived at home while attending the University of Western Australia in Perth, while doing a gap year and - partly - while attending the Academy of Performing Arts on the other side of town.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
My most visceral childhood memory is getting home from hockey. Much of our family time revolved around hockey, and it rains a lot in Perth, and we'd get home tired and wet in our tracksuits, and the smell I'd hold in my nose is of mother's vegetable soup.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I was a late bloomer, but I realised that people really liked it when I played blues scales and, with the piano, I had that insatiable need to prove myself.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I'm as strict as my parents - I have high expectations, too. I'd never ask the kids to do something outside their capabilities, but I'll encourage them not to be lazy and to try hard.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I've stopped asking for criticism, even from friends, because I don't think anyone knows my little world of mega-thorough critical thinking/musical comic rambling better than I do.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I want to be here for my family. I want to make stuff in Australia. I want to take what I've learned and contribute it to the industry. I think there's a moral imperative to do so for people like me.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
There's a lot of great, talented, passionate musical theatre practitioners and directors here. But it's very hard to suddenly start building great musicals in a town like Sydney where there hasn't been any great musicals built.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I have written a lot of musical theatre over my life - two Olivier Award-winning musicals - and I still don't think I'm ready to be the boss in the room.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I just see myself as someone who has a bit of a way with words, basically.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I have these rhyme-based ideas because I love Julia Donaldson. 'The Snail and the Whale' is one of the most beautiful poems, and I feel like I could do that.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I can make rhymes. My style of writing is kind of childlike anyway.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I think it's great that these little various skills I have seem to add up to something, because I'm not the greatest pianist or the greatest vocalist or the greatest actor.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
Acting's just always been one of those things I've enjoyed.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I've always been aware that probably writing songs - stupid songs or, at least, theatrical songs - is, I dunno, I certainly don't think about that, about my persona on stage. In fact, I work really hard not to address it too much in my head.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
My granddad had a 1,500-acre hobby farm that he had built up from scratch in Western Australia, so my siblings and I spent our childhoods going there a lot.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I like stories, and I really like words. So I like stories that rely on dialogue.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
If you don't have anything different to say, don't say it at all. That's my rule.
- Tim Minchin
Image of Tim Minchin
I want to write musicals for my whole life. I always did.
- Tim Minchin