Top yoga Quotes Collection - Page 17

Discover a curated collection of yoga quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 17 provides more yoga quotes.

Image of Patanjali
Chanting is one of the most traditional and first Yoga practices. It helps to open the throat area and is a great way to learn some Sanskrit and the Yoga Sutra.
- Patanjali
Collection: Yoga
Image of Patanjali
Yoga is mind wave quieting.
- Patanjali
Collection: Yoga
Image of Patanjali
Yoga is the cessation of mind.
- Patanjali
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Meditation helps concentration of the mind. Then the mind is free from thoughts and is in the meditated form.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Karan Bajaj
In the year that I take off, I don't have any goals. I just surrender to experiences like traveling or learning yoga and meditation or just living in a completely random place like Mongolia or Portugal or Bhutan. Then when I come back, I am much more intuitive, creative, right-brained. That kind of system has been working very well for me.
- Karan Bajaj
Collection: Yoga
Image of Peter McWilliams
Meditation creates more time than it takes.
- Peter McWilliams
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
The mind is only a bundle of thoughts. The thoughts have their root in the I-thought. Whoever investigates the True "I" enjoys the stillness of bliss.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other thoughts; distraction of mind is a sign of its weakness; by constant meditation it gains strength.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
See who is the doubter, who is the thinker. It is the ego. Hold it; the other thoughts will die away - the ego will be left pure. See the source from where the ego arises and abide in it. That is pure consciousness.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
When the mind is left without anything to cling to, it becomes still.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Andie MacDowell
It's helped my outlook, how I interact with people. It's made me more conscious. It's helped me be able to focus, make better decisions, think on my feet. I don't know what I'd do without it. It's my sanctuary.
- Andie MacDowell
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Meditation depends upon the strength of mind. It must be unceasing even when one is engaged in work. Particular time for it is meant for novices.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
When one makes the mind stick to one thought, the mind becomes rock-steady and the energy is conserved.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Realisation is our nature. It is nothing new to be gained. What is new cannot be eternal. Therefore there is no need for doubting if one would lose or gain the Self.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Good thoughts keep off bad thoughts. They must themselves disappear before the state of realization.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Realization consists of getting rid of the false idea that one is not realized.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
When we turn the mind inwards, God manifests as the inner consciousness.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Terence McKenna
In shamanism and certain yogas, Taoist yoga, claim very clearly that the purpose is to familiarize yourself with this after-death body, in life, and then the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche. You will recognize what is happening. You will know what to do. And you will make the clean break.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
The "I" thought is said to be the sum total of all thoughts. The source of the "I" thought has to be inquired into.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Mind is a wonderful force inherent in the Self.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Food affects the mind. For the practice of any kind of yoga, vegetarianism is absolutely necessary since it makes the mind more pure and harmonious.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
The inquiry "who am I" turns the mind introvert and makes it calm.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
There is no mind to control if you realise the self. The mind having vanished, the self shines forth. In the realised man, the mind may be active or inactive, the self remains for him.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Terence McKenna
Patanjali specifically says that there are three paths to the goal of yoga. And they are, control of the breath, control of posture, and light-filled herbs. It says it right there. Stanza 6 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Realization is to get rid of the delusion that you have not realized.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rumi
I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.
- Rumi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Buddha
In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.
- Buddha
Collection: Yoga
Image of Deepak Chopra
Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there – buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ram Dass
The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can’t be organized or regulated. It isn’t true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.
- Ram Dass
Collection: Yoga
Image of Charlie Chaplin
As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.
- Charlie Chaplin
Collection: Yoga