Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 54

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 54 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Holly Johnson
I feel I have to live a little longer before I write a sequel to my auto biography which covers my experiences up until October 1991.
- Holly Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Dana Spiotta
It takes a long time to write a novel when you have to keep interrupting your work to earn money.
- Dana Spiotta
Collection: Writing
Image of Dana Spiotta
I try to write about how we live today, how we use language, technology, our bodies.
- Dana Spiotta
Collection: Writing
Image of Dana Spiotta
I am a great procrastinator. When the writing is going really well, the laundry piles up.
- Dana Spiotta
Collection: Writing
Image of Dana Spiotta
The writer has to take risks and go somewhere full of mystery and possibility for the novel to deepen over the years it takes to write it.
- Dana Spiotta
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Lyons
My theory is that in the age of the internet, it's what you write, not where you write it, that matters.
- Daniel Lyons
Collection: Writing
Image of John Darnielle
[Dennis] Etchison would write stories that were just punch lines at the end. You wouldn't realize something horrific was happening until the last paragraph.
- John Darnielle
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Taylor
Rock n roll is what I would die for, but I love music and I love exploring, taking the challenge of playing, writing or singing... or producing.
- Andrew Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicky Ryan
Enya never writes a bad melody. That's first and foremost her secret. As she goes along, she'll start changing the dynamics, pushing here and there so that not everything is perfectly in unison. It adds a texture you can acquire only from having different voices. The variations lead to interesting quirks. It's an integral part of the Enya sound.
- Nicky Ryan
Collection: Writing
Image of Greg Rucka
The female experience is different from that of the male, and if, as a male writer, you cannot accept that basic premise, then you will never, ever, be able to write women well.
- Greg Rucka
Collection: Writing
Image of Greg Rucka
Look, I like gritty. I write gritty. There is a time and a place for gritty. I'll take my Batman gritty, thank you, and I will acknowledge that such a portrayal means that my 11-year-old has to wait before he sees The Dark Knight. But if Hollywood turns out a Superman movie that I can't take him to? They've done something wrong.
- Greg Rucka
Collection: Writing
Image of KAWS
My first interest in graffitti came when I was in grammar school, around '87 or '88 I was about twelve years old. I did not know much about writing, I just knew that I liked to write my name everywhere I could in my neighborhood.
Collection: Writing
Image of Tananarive Due
I don't think there is enough respect in general for the time it takes to write consistently good fiction. Too many people think they will master writing overnight, or that they are as good as they will ever be.
- Tananarive Due
Collection: Writing
Image of David Shapiro
I love being a lawyer more than I like writing.
- David Shapiro
Collection: Writing
Image of Dana Gioia
What we conceal Is always more than what we dare confide. Think of the letters that we write our dead.
- Dana Gioia
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Bausch
I don't teach writing. I teach patience. Toughness. Stubbornness. The willingness to fail. I teach the life. The odd thing is most of the things that stop an inexperienced writer are so far from the truth as to be nearly beside the point. When you feel glosbal doubt about your talent, that is your talent. People who have no talent don't have any doubt.
- Richard Bausch
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Bausch
When you reach a place where you feel blocked, lower your standards and keep on going. There is no possible way to do permanent damage to a piece of writing. You cannot ruin it. You can only make it a little better a little at a time.
- Richard Bausch
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Bausch
Mostly you write to find out what you have to say.
- Richard Bausch
Collection: Writing
Image of John Crowe Ransom
God have mercy on the sinner Who must write with no dinner, No gravy and no grub, No pewter and no pub, No bellyand no bowels, Only consonants and vowels.
- John Crowe Ransom
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Casnocha
I’m skeptical of passive learning. If you don’t write down what you’re hearing and learning, what the odds you remember it?
- Ben Casnocha
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Casnocha
I've always loved to write, and I kept a diary of what I thought about my business, being an entrepreneur and other things of interest to me.
- Ben Casnocha
Collection: Writing
Image of Anna Olson
I have a rule: before I can throw anything out, I have to write down five possible uses for it. This stretches my mind and keeps it nimble - just like stretching exercises do for my body.
- Anna Olson
Collection: Writing
Image of Win Butler
A lot of artists write about the same things their whole career.
- Win Butler
Collection: Writing
Image of Lemon Andersen
No one touches me when I write my story, unless I hire you to or I allow you to.
- Lemon Andersen
Collection: Writing
Image of Lemon Andersen
Work controls my life, writing controls my life, performing controls my life.
- Lemon Andersen
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Turchi
The key of writing fiction isn't just to remove something that the reader or listener can easily imagine. It's not a matter of being coy, or withholding information. It's allowing for multiple possibilities, recognizing the complexity of human behavior, and making the world of a piece of fiction as marvelously confounding as the world we live in.
- Peter Turchi
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam Kirsch
So how can a poet-an intelligent, serious poet-write mystical verse now? The poetry of Adam Zagajewski provides the beginning of an answer to this question.
- Adam Kirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Gary Lutz
I don't like to read or write about life in its tiring entirety. Most days, months, even years are just filler between those few moments of modest but decisive catastrophe, misfortunes so fittingly flimsy they're almost welcome. The heart doesn't storm that often on its own, so you have to wait for something outside of yourself to get the wrecking ball rolling, and then you're set: you've finally got an impression to make on others - you're in the world distinctly and distinguishable now. It's only by our ravages that we're recognizable to each other at last.
- Gary Lutz
Collection: Writing
Image of Gary Lutz
My writing isn’t a career or a craft or a hobby or anything like that. It is more like a tiny annex to my life, a little crawl space in which I occasionally end up by accident in the dark.
- Gary Lutz
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff VanderMeer
Position yourself to succeed by doing the other things in your life that rejuvenate you. You can create little islands of time away from your novel that will help preserve your balance. Exhaustion will affect both your writing’s quality and your productivity.
- Jeff VanderMeer
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter Damrosch
If a young man at the age of twenty-three can write a symphony like that, in five years he will be ready to commit murder.
- Walter Damrosch
Collection: Writing
Image of Lena Dunham
There is nothing gutsier to me than a person announcing that their story is one that deserves to be told, especially if that person is a woman. As hard as we have worked and as far as we have come, there are still so many forces conspiring to tell women that our concerns are petty, our opinions aren’t needed, that we lack the gravitas necessary for our stories to matter. That personal writing by women is no more than an exercise in vanity and that we should appreciate this new world for women, sit down, and shut up.
- Lena Dunham
Collection: Writing
Image of Lena Dunham
When you're writing a script you have the option to embellish on life or switch the order of events or make it generally more cinematic. I would stick too closely to my own experience and not necessarily think about the fact that it needs to have an event happen. Realising that I could channel my own experience into a story that was slightly more cinematic was a very important moment for me - allowing myself to accept that the kind of screenwriting I'm doing is a work of fiction.
- Lena Dunham
Collection: Writing
Image of Fredric Brown
There are no rules. You can write a story, if you wish, with no conflict, no suspense, no beginning, middle or end. Of course, you have to be regarded as a genius to get away with it, and that's the hardest part - convincing everybody you're a genius.
- Fredric Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Oscar Hijuelos
A great novel is worth one thousand films.
- Oscar Hijuelos
Collection: Writing
Image of Oscar Hijuelos
I grew up with the idealistic notion that writing and literature were noble causes. I had no inkling, no sense of what I would eventually encounter in terms of people who weren't being sincere. I'm not saying that it happens always or a lot, but it happens enough that sometimes it makes me feel a little queasy.
- Oscar Hijuelos
Collection: Writing
Image of Judd Apatow
In the writing, I'm just trying to go deeper, emotionally, and learn more about myself and reveal more and find a way to connect with people in new ways.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Writing
Image of Judd Apatow
Every joke is an experiment. When you sit, alone, and write a script, or just a joke, you really have no idea if it will succeed.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Writing
Image of Judd Apatow
I loved the idea that I could write a joke and someone else would have to take the risk of performing it.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Writing
Image of Judd Apatow
I think, there were probably problems with show business where producers and directors would try to get the writing credit also. So they created a rule where the bar, to get your name added to the writing credits, if you've done a revision, is very high if you're also the producer or director.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Writing
Image of Thurman Arnold
The spectacle of a judge pouring over the picture of some nude, trying to ascertain the extent to which she arouses prurient interests, and then attempting to write an opinion which explains the difference between that nude and some other nude has elements of low comedy.
- Thurman Arnold
Collection: Writing
Image of Kool Moe Dee
I stayed away from drugs, I never smoked a pipe. When I wanna get high, I smoke the mic. I never did white lines, I only write lines, and I ain't sniffin' nothing but the vapors from hype rhymes.
- Kool Moe Dee
Collection: Writing
Image of Kool Moe Dee
I don't write, I build a rhyme.
- Kool Moe Dee
Collection: Writing
Image of Don Hertzfeldt
So much of the writing is not conscious, in the sense that it's not calculated. I remember in film school we had so many studies with big fancy words where you could dissect a movie and make charts of all of the characters' complicated inner relations and themes and what does this mean? And it's overwhelming as a student. It's great for a student, but as a writer, it's paralyzing.
- Don Hertzfeldt
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Ferrara
While I am not a scientist, and write primarily on economics, tax policy and budget issues, I have been fascinated over the years by Heartland's work on climate change.
- Peter Ferrara
Collection: Writing
Image of Lori Perkins
Writing is not the lottery. New writers have to be realistic about what it takes to get published. But there is one similarity to the lottery: You have to play to win.
- Lori Perkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Theodore Dreiser
If you have that unconquerable urge to write, nothing will stop you from writing.
- Theodore Dreiser
Collection: Writing
Image of M. F. K. Fisher
A writing cook and a cooking writer must be bold at the desk as well as the stove.
- M. F. K. Fisher
Collection: Writing
Image of M. F. K. Fisher
Write one good clean sentence and put a period at the end of it. Then write another one.
- M. F. K. Fisher
Collection: Writing