Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 52

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 52 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Leslie Jamison
Armchair poverty tourism has been around as long as authors have written about class. As an author, I have struggled myself with the nuances of writing about poverty without reducing any community to a catalog of its difficulties.
- Leslie Jamison
Collection: Writing
Image of C.C. Chapman
People put off writing thinking they don't have the time or enough of an opinion to matter and that is crap. You are the only one standing in your own way, so get started.
- C.C. Chapman
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Lebbon
I like to think I'm positive and optimistic about things generally, but what I write does tend towards the darker end of the spectrum.
- Tim Lebbon
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Lebbon
Get an agent. Seriously, submitting stuff unagented means it will end up on the slush pile. An agent is the first quality filter, and a good agent is worth his or her weight in gold, as they'll often know the editors on a personal level and will be able to talk to them directly about the project.
- Tim Lebbon
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Madsen
I really didn't like Batgirl. I was like, "No, if I'm not gonna be Batman, I'm not gonna play." Maybe they could write an evil female super villain who takes over Batman, and nobody knows.
- Virginia Madsen
Collection: Writing
Image of Creed Bratton
I never took drug to escape. I know some people take drugs to escape, but I took drugs because I was an experimenter. And an artist. And I was always trying to go to the other side of that veil and get information, like all writers have done through the millennia. To get some insights on how the whole thing works, if there's any way to know how it works, and write about it.
- Creed Bratton
Collection: Writing
Image of Hal David
In writing I search for believability, simplicity, and emotional impact.
- Hal David
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard North Patterson
The business of writing is empathising with situations that aren't your own.
- Richard North Patterson
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Hell
Another thing that's good about writing to describe a situation or a state of consciousness is that you can finally get it right. That was my intention, and that's always interesting.
- Richard Hell
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Hell
You're always thinking, "What does that add up to?" You can't really get a handle on it. I was curious. I felt like it would be an interesting challenge for me to write down what I'd seen and done and learned - all the convolutions captured in one item that I could look at and get some grip on what the hell happened.
- Richard Hell
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Hell
I'm not into this memoir craze that's been going on for 20 years now and doesn't seem to ever let up. People just indiscriminately say "memoir" now when it's a person writing about their own life.
- Richard Hell
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Hell
I never thought I would write an autobiography, probably because my first novel, Go Now, is really all drawn from my life, even though it's more about the psychology going on.
- Richard Hell
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonas Mekas
Just as in writing, there are novelistic and sort of pedestrian ways of telling a story, to write a postcard with your little pocket camera and put it on websites. I think that's where the most exciting kind of imagery and content is being recorded and exchanged today.
- Jonas Mekas
Collection: Writing
Image of James Whitbread Lee Glaisher
[Lord Brougham's writings on the bee's cell contain] as striking examples of bad reasoning as are often to be met with in writings related to mathematical subjects.
- James Whitbread Lee Glaisher
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Capaldi
I'd say, don't listen to what anyone says: you're good. Go put your anorak on. Get your thick bottle-top specs. Draw your little cartoons and your comics and keep writing to the BBC.
- Peter Capaldi
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Capaldi
I was just interested in directing. So I just kept having a go at trying to write little scripts and get things together, and my wife just had a slip of the tongue and said, "Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Life" when she meant to say "Frank Capra's." There it is right there. That's a gag that we could make into something.
- Peter Capaldi
Collection: Writing
Image of David Gray
In terms of writing, I think something happens to you, and you think, "Oh I'm going to write about that. That's an emotional event." But obviously, if you keep going, and it's something you do with regularity, you've got to find other ways to write.
- David Gray
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Morgan
The thing that I'm most in love with is the thing that I'm writing at the moment.
- Peter Morgan
Collection: Writing
Image of Nora Ephron
The hardest thing about writing is writing.
- Nora Ephron
Collection: Writing
Image of Imelda May
My music is a mix of everything, mostly my own life. I just write about things that mean something and that I can write about. There's no point in pretending.
- Imelda May
Collection: Writing
Image of Sami Michael
It sometimes happens to me while writing, that I seek a word; mischievous as it is it appears in English, it appears in Arabic, but refuses to come in Hebrew. To some extent I made up my Hebrew. Unquestionably, the influence of Arabic is dominant, my syntax is almost Arabic.
- Sami Michael
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Sommers
I never want to write something until I know every scene in the movie. I don't want someone hiring me and then me not being able to write it. Which is always a fear. So I like to figure it out, know all the characters, and know almost every scene in the movie before I start writing.
- Stephen Sommers
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Orner
One story I've been trying to write for years, and haven't been able to finish, is about a face I saw, just a glimpse of a face, in a max security prison in North Carolina. I'm still trying to understand what I saw in that guy's face.
- Peter Orner
Collection: Writing
Image of Rosario Castellanos
Writing has been a way of explaining to myself the things I do not understand.
- Rosario Castellanos
Collection: Writing
Image of Olga Broumas
Even when I cannot write, I know I am still a writer, just the way I know I am still sexual even if I have not had a lover for many months.
- Olga Broumas
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott Meyers
Do that, and the best you can hope for is that people will ignore you. More realistically, you'd be skinned alive, or possibly sentenced to ten year hard labor writing microcode for waffle irons and toaster ovens.
- Scott Meyers
Collection: Writing
Image of Karen Traviss
Writing is like a rollercoaster ride for me, an adventure. I love exploring the world through playing people who are absolutely nothing like me.
- Karen Traviss
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurie Alberts
Inexperienced fiction and creative nonfiction writers are often told to show, not tell - to write scenes, dramatize, cut exposition, cut summary - but it can be misguided advice. Good prose almost always requires both showing and telling, scenes and summary, the two basic components of creative prose
- Laurie Alberts
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurie Alberts
Good prose almost always requires both showing and telling, scenes and summary, the two basic components of creative prose.
- Laurie Alberts
Collection: Writing
Image of Patricia McConnell
People think I'm educated because I talk and write well, but the fact is I never finished high school. I've read a lot, is all.
- Patricia McConnell
Collection: Writing
Image of Donavon Frankenreiter
When I'm out in the water surfing, it clears my mind and it makes me want to play music and write music, and then when I'm playing a lot of music and touring, I can't wait to get in the water again and surf. So, I'm striving to find that perfect balance, and it's all good.
- Donavon Frankenreiter
Collection: Writing
Image of Fannie Flagg
If you do everything in your power to avoid writing and still can't, then you must be a writer.
- Fannie Flagg
Collection: Writing
Image of James Arthur
I do own CDs by Neil Young, Leonard Cohen, and Joni Mitchell, but I don't think of them as being major influences on my writing.
- James Arthur
Collection: Writing
Image of James Arthur
Our analytical faculties allow us to look critically at our writing and interpret it. Sometimes we make bold, impulsive edits to our poems, but most forms of precision and economy in poetry, it seems to me, are signatures of the analytical mind.
- James Arthur
Collection: Writing
Image of John DeChancie
If Robert Benchley and Dorothy Parker had teamed up to write epic fantasy, something like Split Heirs might have resulted.
- John DeChancie
Collection: Writing
Image of Wes Anderson
I don't really wanna think about themes. I wanna just think about the experience of the movie. I feel like, as soon as I reduce it to a theme, once I write that sentence, it won't be that great. I feel like there's more potential for it to mean something interesting if I'm not forcing it to mean something I've already decided.
- Wes Anderson
Collection: Writing
Image of Piri Thomas
Writing has such a power for expressionEven when you can’t talk with no one else in the whole world you can talk to your paper. Your feelings whether good, bad or indifferent. We call it despojo in Spanish, which means to be able to get rid of all this agony, weight inside of you. It brings clarity.
- Piri Thomas
Collection: Writing
Image of Tama Janowitz
Whether you're acting or you're writing, your skin is just basically ripped off and you're putting yourself out there. At least the acting part comes with a bit more social interaction. And you're a bit less isolated because you are working with the director and the crew, and there's a general camaraderie. Writing, you're totally isolated. You're just trying to get the words on paper.
- Tama Janowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Tama Janowitz
I think in a lot of ways, writing, when you're really in there, is like being an actress because you're in somebody else's head.
- Tama Janowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Tama Janowitz
As a writer, I don't think it's my responsibility to make a point. I just write and hope there's someone who'll like it.
- Tama Janowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Gabriel Zaid
As publishing has become less expensive, the urge to write my own self has become the opportunity to publish my own self. Everyone now can afford to preach in the desert.
- Gabriel Zaid
Collection: Writing
Image of Firoozeh Dumas
For me, writing clarifies things. It gives meaning, and it makes me see the connections.
- Firoozeh Dumas
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Thile
My thesis statement would be—Bach didn't write Baroque music. He wrote great music.
- Chris Thile
Collection: Writing
Image of Mikey Welsh
Dreamt I died in Chicago next weekend (heart attack in my sleep). Need to write my will today.
- Mikey Welsh
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Specter
I started to write about science and medicine at the Washington Post, in the early days of the AIDS epidemic.
- Michael Specter
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Cera
It's so easy to get caught up in your own self-doubt when you're writing. It can be so easy to tell yourself, "Who am I kidding?"
- Michael Cera
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Benton
I couldn't sit down and write a novel or a short story - even now - because of my dyslexia. But I learned narration through movies.
- Robert Benton
Collection: Writing
Image of J. Anthony Lukas
All writers, I think, are to one extent or another, damaged people. Writing is our way of repairing ourselves.
- J. Anthony Lukas
Collection: Writing
Image of Pamela Clare
I'm a pantser. I try to plot. I always try to plot. I end up with a few paragraphs that basically outline the gist of the story.But I never get much beyond that. I get too impatient to write.
- Pamela Clare
Collection: Writing