Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 36

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 36 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Malcolm Cowley
The germ of a story is a new and simple element introduced into an existing situation or mood.
- Malcolm Cowley
Collection: Writing
Image of Malcolm Cowley
Writing offers fairly large rewards to a few successful people, but the rewards come late, and most writers are failures.
- Malcolm Cowley
Collection: Writing
Image of Malcolm Cowley
In matters like writing and painting, a man does what he has to do - if he has to write, why then, he writes; and if he doesn't feel the urgent need of writing, there are dozens of professions in which it is easier to earn a comfortable living.
- Malcolm Cowley
Collection: Writing
Image of Ryan Allis
When you write a goal down your subconscious brain begins to more actively think about bringing into your life the people, resources and knowledge you need to achieve your goals.
- Ryan Allis
Collection: Writing
Image of Kiran Desai
The Indian diaspora is a wonderful place to write from and I am lucky to be part of it.
- Kiran Desai
Collection: Writing
Image of Brad Sherwood
The last guy tried to get out of me writing him a ticket by saying, 'Kiss me, big boy, kiss me like there's no tomorrow!' I recall, I didn't write that ticket.
- Brad Sherwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Watson Fowler
Any one who wishes to become a good writer should endeavour, before he allows himself to be tempted by the more showy qualities, to be direct, simple, brief, vigorous, and lucid.
- Henry Watson Fowler
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Watson Fowler
The purpose of paragraphing is to give the reader a rest. The writer is saying . . . : Have you got that? If so, I'll go to the next point.
- Henry Watson Fowler
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Watson Fowler
Be direct, simple, brief, vigorous, and lucid.
- Henry Watson Fowler
Collection: Writing
Image of Helena Maria Viramontes
Writing is the only way I know how to pray.
- Helena Maria Viramontes
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Humphreys
Don't write what you know. Write what you love. That's what will keep you writing.
- Chris Humphreys
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Humphreys
Everything I say about [writing] battles applies equally well in the boudoir.
- Chris Humphreys
Collection: Writing
Image of Gaby Hoffmann
I always knew when I graduated from high school I’d go to college. I never thought about what I was walking away from . . . I just wanted to study literature and writing.
- Gaby Hoffmann
Collection: Writing
Image of Bryce Dallas Howard
It was such a paradox for me that the only thing I know how to do is act, but that the first thing I abandoned while writing were the characters
- Bryce Dallas Howard
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicola Morgan
Punctuation is a fabulous tool for controlling your reader - you even get to control where they breathe. That's what I call power!
- Nicola Morgan
Collection: Writing
Image of Dale Peck
Writing fiction is fundamentally an irrational act.
- Dale Peck
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattie Boyd
Musicians always have music in their heads about their perceptions of the world.
- Pattie Boyd
Collection: Writing
Image of Ronnie James Dio
It is just that heavy metal musicians write in minor keys, and when you do that, you frighten people.
- Ronnie James Dio
Collection: Writing
Image of Glenn Close
My fellow actors inspire me a lot and really good writing inspires me. And then trying to stick to the decision to only do something that I think will challenge me and that I, personally and very subjectively, I think is good not do something because I think it will bring me a lot of money or bring me a lot of awards. I've tried to very, very rigorously be highly subjective about what I do. And that's something that I think I have basically lived by.
- Glenn Close
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Rae Perkins
I love that when you're writing your mind is sort of figuring things out on its own, without you directing it.
- Lynne Rae Perkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Rae Perkins
Ideas mostly come from the work itself. Often when I'm drawing, the words will be bouncing around in my head, and when I'm writing, ideas about the drawing happen.
- Lynne Rae Perkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Brent Smith
Well, [bluntness in songwriting]'s a lot cheaper than therapy.... There's been a lot of things going on for the past 10 years that I just never really confronted, or used metaphors to do so. This time out I wanted to make sure that everyone knows what I'm talking about and where I'm coming from.
- Brent Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Sizer
Writing is the litmus paper of thoughtthe very center of schooling.
- Ted Sizer
Collection: Writing
Image of Egerton Brydges
I have observed that vulgar readers almost always lose their veneration for the writings of the genius with whom they have had personal intercourse.
- Egerton Brydges
Collection: Writing
Image of John Bishop
I can only develop a stand-up show by being on stage. I can't write it. Whenever I see comedy written down, it very rarely makes me laugh.
- John Bishop
Collection: Writing
Image of Kenneth Slessor
Writing poetry is a pleasure,...a pleasure out of hell
- Kenneth Slessor
Collection: Writing
Image of Dustin Lance Black
To me, you couldn't write a character like J. Edgar Hoover and have it be believable. I mean, he was a crock pot of eccentricities. We couldn't even fit all his eccentricities into [ the same named] movie.
- Dustin Lance Black
Collection: Writing
Image of Carmine Gallo
In writing and speaking, three is more satisfying than any other number.
- Carmine Gallo
Collection: Writing
Image of Maxwell Perkins
If you are not discouraged about your writing on a regular basis, you may not be trying hard enough. Any challenging pursuit will encounter frequent patches of frustration. Writing is nothing if not challenging.
- Maxwell Perkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Maxwell Perkins
You have to throw yourself away when you write.
- Maxwell Perkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Maxwell Perkins
Anybody can find out if he is a writer. If he were a writer, when he tried to write of some particular day, he would find in the effort that he could recall exactly how the light fell and how the temperature felt, and all the quality of it. Most people cannot do it. If they can do it, they may never be successful in a pecuniary sense, but that ability is at the bottom of writing, I am sure.
- Maxwell Perkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Maxwell Perkins
I do not think you should read about writing while you are writing.
- Maxwell Perkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff Tweedy
To be honest, I’m more concerned with living my life than writing about my life. I feel like that’s really the main thing I know now that I didn’t know when I was younger — and that is that you have to have a life to write about one. If you’re more worried about having experiences so you can write about them, I think you’re kinda being ridiculous, and I think a lot of young people look at it like that.
- Jeff Tweedy
Collection: Writing
Image of Red Cloud
The whites, who are educated and civilized, swindle me, and I am not hard to swindle because I do not know how to read and write.
- Red Cloud
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Frank
Yes, letter writing is antiquated - though there remain a few renegades who still so treasure the luxury of contemplating their lives in letters that they would rather write than call.
- Joan Frank
Collection: Writing
Image of Isak Dinesen
Write a little every day, without hope, without despair.
- Isak Dinesen
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
I sit in the dark and wait for a little flame to appear at the end of my pencil.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
Write the poem only you can write.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
You come by your style by learning what to leave out. At first you tend to overwrite—embellishment instead of insight. You either continue to write puerile bilge, or you change. In the process of simplifying oneself, one often discovers the thing called voice.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
The trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Alvin Liberman
The issue Fodor writes about is central to the psychology of perception, cognition, and action. It is the central issue for anyone who would seriously study the neurobiology of behavior: Is the mind organized horizontally or vertically or both, and what are the consequences to psychology of proceeding on one assumption or the other? This has been little analyzed and written about. Jerry Fodor has repaired that omission and had done it brilliantly.
- Alvin Liberman
Collection: Writing
Image of Noah Baumbach
I used a video camera, and shot on film cameras at school and stuff, but I had a lot more training as a writer. I kind of live like a writer. I get up and I write. I've done that my whole life.
- Noah Baumbach
Collection: Writing
Image of Noah Baumbach
I try to write 'and it's all very funny' after each scene description so that the reader can imagine the movie in their head.
- Noah Baumbach
Collection: Writing
Image of George Singleton
Keep a small can of WD-40 on your desk-away from any open flames-to remind yourself that if you don't write daily, you will get rusty.
- George Singleton
Collection: Writing
Image of George Singleton
Don't try to outguess what's going on in publishing, and write what you want to write.
- George Singleton
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Coover
Metafiction says something. It has to do with taking a large fiction itself and writing within it; that kind of self-reflecting writing that emerges from it can be thought of as metafictional.
- Robert Coover
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Coover
I see no reason to stop writing. But the reason isn't always one of your own. The mind is not invulnerable, and it can lose some of its powers.
- Robert Coover
Collection: Writing
Image of Natalie Dormer
I started writing it, because it was seven years ago. But yes, that is the genesis of why I started writing.
- Natalie Dormer
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Taylor
It was always going to be a blues, soul, and rock-'n'-roll thing, because those are our ingredients. That's where we come from, and that's how we write. I think it has just become larger. We've just been able to use our imaginations so much more.
- Daniel Taylor
Collection: Writing