Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 38

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 38 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Danai Gurira
I write about African women, that's really my topic. I have no shame or qualm in it because it's a very underrepresented topic, which is part of the reason I started to write.
- Danai Gurira
Collection: Writing
Image of Al Madrigal
I bullshit on the phone all day with a variety of people discussing various projects, and occasionally write jokes.
- Al Madrigal
Collection: Writing
Image of Alice McCall
Writing and drawing are very therapeutic, but they are also an excellent manifestation tool. I teach my clients to draw what they want, or to write a story about it to bring the manifestation forward into the present.
- Alice McCall
Collection: Writing
Image of John Petrucci
I'm from the school of putting a lot of hours of practice into playing. But at the same time you have to write original music - that's really important, because that's the things that's going to separate you from everybody else, that's going to give you your unique voice as a music that you create.
- John Petrucci
Collection: Writing
Image of Tristan Wilds
I definitely shut down sometimes. I always just go into my own little cocoon and write, and I surround myself with as much music as possible.
- Tristan Wilds
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter J. Ong
Without writing, the literate mind would not and could not think as it does, not only when engaged in writing but normally even when it is composing its thoughts in oral form. More than any other single invention writing has transformed human consciousness.
- Walter J. Ong
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter J. Ong
There is no way to write unless you read, and read a lot.
- Walter J. Ong
Collection: Writing
Image of Summer Glau
You're not just writing in a vacuum, and then handing it over to someone else to shoot. You're writing, and then getting feedback from the actor and hearing their voice and how they play things.
- Summer Glau
Collection: Writing
Image of Deborah Eisenberg
You write something and there’s no reality to it. You can’t inject it with any kind of reality. You have to be patient and keep going, and then, one day, you can feel something signaling to you from the innermost recesses. Like a little person trapped under the rubble of an earthquake. And very, very, very slowly you find your way toward the little bit of living impulse.
- Deborah Eisenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Deborah Eisenberg
Whether it is done quickly or slowly, however splendid the results, the process of writing fiction is inherently, inevitably, indistinguishable from wasting time.
- Deborah Eisenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Deborah Eisenberg
When one writes, there’s the double horror of discovering not only what it is that one so fears but also the triviality of that fear.
- Deborah Eisenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Deborah Eisenberg
I always thought of writing as holy. I still do. It’s not something to be approached casually.
- Deborah Eisenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Marco Arment
Emphasizing and rewarding length over quality results in worse writing and more reader abandonment.
- Marco Arment
Collection: Writing
Image of Rosemary Daniell
Read a lot, finding out what kind of writing turns you on, in order to develop a criterion for your own writing. And then trust it-and yourself.
- Rosemary Daniell
Collection: Writing
Image of Patricia Powell
An absolute joy to read - it stimulates and engages. Westney is asking new questions not addressed elsewhere . . . and you will be drawn in by the author's inviting, yet quietly compelling style.
- Patricia Powell
Collection: Writing
Image of Elissa Schappell
Write to exhaustion so that you can no longer manage to avoid writing the truth.
- Elissa Schappell
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott McClanahan
Writing should be like skirts. Long enough to cover what it needs to cover and short enough to maintain interest.
- Scott McClanahan
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott McClanahan
We're artists. We cry out to be exploited on some level. Write a dissertation on my work. Write a biography about me.
- Scott McClanahan
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott McClanahan
It's weird. People want you to know that they write. They want you to know they're a musician, rather than making music or making stories. It's the strangest thing.
- Scott McClanahan
Collection: Writing
Image of Frank Smith
Thoughts are created in the act of writing. [It is a myth that] you must have something to say in order to write. Reality: You often need to write in order to have anything to say. Thought comes with writing, and writing may never come if it is postponed until we are satisfied that we have something to say...The assertion of write first, see what you had to say later applies to all manifestations of written language, to well as to diaries and journals
- Frank Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Darius Milhaud
The most difficult thing in music is still to write a melody of several bars which can be self-sufficient. That is the secret of music. While the technique should be as perfected as possible, that is a lesser essential Anybody can acquire a brilliant technique Melody alone permits a work to survive.
- Darius Milhaud
Collection: Writing
Image of B. J. Chute
Grammar is to a writer what anatomy is to a sculptor, or the scales to a musician. You may loathe it, it may bore you, but nothing will replace it, and once mastered it will support you like a rock.
- B. J. Chute
Collection: Writing
Image of Mick Farren
I like to write adventure stories; that's what I tell myself. But you can't help letting your own personality, your own experiences, slip through.
- Mick Farren
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
I don't have much of an imagination, but I have a mind bank of details, which I play with. It's how I daydream, so writing like that is natural for me.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
I never wanted to be a writer; I just had stories I wanted to share so I learnt how to write and kept going. If I could sing or paint, I would.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
What works for me is that I read widely and stay focused on my writing. I'm no longer concerned about what happens in the literary marketplace. It is distracting and can lead to discontent.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
For all forms, writing dialogue is almost like writing music. I pay close attention to rhythms and tones.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
I have to say that writing about my writing process is more daunting than writing non-fiction.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
I'm addicted to writing.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
I can't say L'Etranger influenced me to write, but for the first time I considered the possibility of telling a story that resembled my own experiences in my own voice.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
My accountancy experience could come in handy if ever I find myself in the right position. For now, I'm very happy to write.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Sefi Atta
I had stopped writing plays set in villages because they were not relevant to my experiences and I knew my English classmates wouldn't appreciate them.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Writing
Image of Melissa Febos
You don't have to write like David Foster Wallace or James Baldwin or Maggie Nelson - indeed, you shouldn't. Those writers are doing it better than you ever could.
- Melissa Febos
Collection: Writing
Image of Paula Wagner
Let's make movies, not deals. Let's write movies, not scripts.
- Paula Wagner
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Laird
Most of the poems I write go through forty versions and then stay in a file on my computer. I'm not very good at sending stuff out or feeling that something is ready to send out and I never have been. Part of the problem is that as soon as a poem is finished, it stops being all that interesting to me.
- Nick Laird
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Laird
The whole point of writing poetry or fiction is that you get to agonize over whatever it is you want to say, and you finally say it, and you get it as perfect as you can make it. Then you're forced to babble freestyle.
- Nick Laird
Collection: Writing
Image of Angela Sarafyan
Im looking for a guy who makes you want to dance and write poetry all day long.
- Angela Sarafyan
Collection: Writing
Image of Sally Schneider
I often write into recipes techniques that I learned in the restaurant kitchen. There are ways of organizing your prep and so on that are immensely useful. Those are woven into all the recipes I do.
- Sally Schneider
Collection: Writing
Image of Thurston Moore
Lyric writing is an interesting process in Sonic Youth. There's three people writing now, and we've all had a lot of interest and involvement with expression through words
- Thurston Moore
Collection: Writing
Image of Gayl Jones
I learned to write by listening to people talk. I still feel that the best of my writing comes from having heard rather than having read.
- Gayl Jones
Collection: Writing
Image of Jon Secada
I write in English first, and then I translate to Spanish. I've always felt more comfortable with the English side of things first.
- Jon Secada
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Nersesian
Although I didn't write myself off as a complete failure, all illusion and romance was gone. I was no longer able to inflate myself; I had disappointed my own expectations and was genuinely worried about dying in the streets.
- Arthur Nersesian
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurent Binet
The good thing about writing a true story is that you don't have to worry about giving an impression of realism.
- Laurent Binet
Collection: Writing
Image of Mike Pohjola
We writers have this saying 'Kill your darlings'... but I suppose you family men don't agree with it.
- Mike Pohjola
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Metzinger
Imagine you are trying to lose weight and attempting to concentrate on writing an article, but there is a bowl with your favorite chocolate cookies in your field of vision, a permanent immoral offer. If we are capable of rejecting such offers or to postpone them into the future, then we can also concentrate on that which we currently want to do.
- Thomas Metzinger
Collection: Writing
Image of Ken Saro-Wiwa
The most important thing for me is that I've used my talents as a writer to enable the Ogoni people to confront their tormentors. I was not able to do it as a politician or a businessman. My writing did it. And it sure makes me feel good! I'm mentally prepared for the worst, but hopeful for the best. I think I have the moral victory.
- Ken Saro-Wiwa
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Beatty
I don't write to put it in a drawer, I hope that people see it.
- Paul Beatty
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Beatty
Don't write about trying to change the world, just write about a changed world or a world that's not changing. Let that do the work.
- Paul Beatty
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Beatty
It's all the same for me, how I teach, how I write, how I think.
- Paul Beatty
Collection: Writing