Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 232

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 232 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Erica Jong
You must find the right voice (or voices) for the timbre that can convince a reader to give himself up to you.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Writing
Image of Garrison Keillor
A young writer is easily tempted by the allusive and ethereal and ironic and reflective, but the declarative is at the bottom of most good writing.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Writing
Image of Garrison Keillor
We writers don't really think about whether what we write is good or not. It's too much to worry about. We just put the words down, trying to get them right, operating by some inner sense of pitch and proportion, and from time to time, we stick the stuff in an envelope and ship it to an editor.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Writing
Image of John Flansburgh
I feel like the future is unwritten. So many of the things that we write now haven't been about educating people on the environment, they've been about disseminating facts. But I feel like it could be productive to write something that explored directly the idea of fragility.
- John Flansburgh
Collection: Writing
Image of Franz Kafka
Writing sustains me. But wouldn’t it be better to say it sustains this kind of life? Which doesn't mean life is any better when I don’t write. On the contrary, it is far worse, wholly unbearable, and inevitably ends in madness. This is, of course, only on the assumption that I am a writer even when I don’t write - which is indeed the case; and a non-writing writer is, in fact, a monster courting insanity.
- Franz Kafka
Collection: Writing
Image of Franz Kafka
To write prescriptions is easy, but to come to an understanding with people is hard.
- Franz Kafka
Collection: Writing
Image of Kitty Kelley
It would be morally reprehensible not to tell the truth... Everything I have written has stood the test of time.
- Kitty Kelley
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph Kosinski
But the script's got to be at a level that makes it worth going back for, because it's a lot of work to make a movie like this and it's a multi-year project. So we've got our writer Jesse Wigutow on it right now writing, and fingers crossed if it all comes together, as we hope it will, there could be another Tron in the next few years, and it's going to be awesome.
- Joseph Kosinski
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry James
Writing is not primarily escape, but use.
- Henry James
Collection: Writing
Image of Francis Bacon
But I account the use that a man should seek of the publishing of his own writings before his death, to be but an untimely anticipation of that which is proper to follow a man, and not to go along with him.
- Francis Bacon
Collection: Writing
Image of Erica Jong
The only rule I have when writing is to try to tell the truth. That doesn't mean you can't exaggerate, edit, rewrite things to make them more dramatic. But emotional truth is what I look for in writing.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Writing
Image of Erica Jong
I think poetry is the best thing I do. It's certainly the purest. I seem to switch gears without too much trouble. Non-fiction is in many ways the easiest to write.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Bach
Thousands of volumes have been written about aviation, but we do not automatically have thousands of true and special friends in their authors. That rare writer who comes alive on a page does it by giving of himself, by writing of meanings, and not just of fact or of things that have happened to him. The writers of flight who have done this are usually found together in a special section on private bookshelves.
- Richard Bach
Collection: Writing
Image of Khloe Kardashian
I never said I was a weightlifter. I never said I was trained. I'm not a personal trainer. I just enjoy working out. So sometimes I feel like, do I have to write a disclaimer? Like, disclaimer: "I'm not a trainer."
- Khloe Kardashian
Collection: Writing
Image of Etgar Keret
When my works are being translated, I always get this question from my translators: Up or down? Which means, should it sound biblical and highbrow, or should we take it all down to sound colloquial? In Hebrew, it's both all the time. People in Israel would write in a high register, they wouldn't write colloquial speech. I do a special take on colloquial speech.
- Etgar Keret
Collection: Writing
Image of Etgar Keret
I remember a point in [writing] the story where I said, "This isn't working, I should go and buy something at the supermarket or my wife will kill me." Then I said, "No, I'll go on."
- Etgar Keret
Collection: Writing
Image of Etgar Keret
Making up characters and places and plots, unlike fixing your plumbing or doing dishes, is anything but practical or rational. I write what needs to be written the way that seems genuinely right.
- Etgar Keret
Collection: Writing
Image of Denis Johnson
In my writing, I want to be laid bare as a human being.
- Denis Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Henrik Ibsen
Writing has... been to me like a bath from which I have risen feeling cleaner, healthier, and freer.
- Henrik Ibsen
Collection: Writing
Image of Henrik Ibsen
Everything that I have written is closely related to something that I have lived through.
- Henrik Ibsen
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
A writer who obtains his full purpose loses himself in his own lustre.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Guy Kawasaki
It's hard to build community around mediocre and mundane writing.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Writing
Image of Guy Kawasaki
Writing is therapeutic. It helps you cope with issues that seem gargantuan at the time. The process of expressing yourself about a problem, editing your thoughts, and writing some more can help you control issues that you face.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayana Mathis
I've been writing all my life. Even though I didn't have sort of careerist aspirations as a writer, it was very much my identity.
- Ayana Mathis
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Jackson
The key to being a wonderful writer is not to write. You just get out of the way. Leave room for God to walk in the room. And when I write something that I know is right, I get on my knees and say 'thank you.'
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Kerouac
Keep it kickwriting at all costs too, that is, write only what kicks you and keeps you overtime awake from sheer mad joy.
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: Writing
Image of Nikos Kazantzakis
All those who actually live the mysteries of life haven't the time to write, and all those who have the time don't live them! D'you see?
- Nikos Kazantzakis
Collection: Writing
Image of Douglas Adams
The more I think about our species the more I think we just do stuff and make up explanations later when asked. But it's not true that I would rather write than read. I would rather read than write. To be honest I would rather hang upside down in a bucket than write.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
An author places himself uncalled before the tribunal of criticism and solicits fame at the hazard of disgrace.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
Those authors who would find many readers, must endeavour to please while they instruct.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
It ought to be the first endeavour of a writer to distinguish nature from custom; or that which is established because it is right, from that which is right only because it is established; that he may neither violate essential principles by a desire of novelty, nor debar himself from the attainment of beauties within his view, by a needless fear of breaking rules which no literary dictator had authority to enact.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
To read, write, and converse in due proportions, is, therefore, the business of a man of letters.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
There is nothing more dreadful to an author than neglect; compared with which reproach, hatred, and opposition are names of happiness; yet this worst, this meanest fate, every one who dares to write has reason to fear.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Clive James
People should be stopped from writing poetry. There's far too much of it. And if they're any good, they'll go ahead anyways.
- Clive James
Collection: Writing
Image of Clive James
Writers quite often starve. And I'm mainly just writing critical prose and poetry, that's a formula for starvation.
- Clive James
Collection: Writing
Image of John Kasich
What had the board been doing when they see these things happening. I mean, you can write a law that says you cannot provide incentives for the openings of accounts, but I think it gets to be a deeper issue of the value structure of any organization and the value of its leaders.
- John Kasich
Collection: Writing
Image of Doug Liman
You can find truly original pieces of writing, but they're original because you go, "Who would have even have thought of that?," or, "Why would anyone ever want to go see that?"
- Doug Liman
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
About a year after I moved to Los Angeles, I decided I wanted to be a joke writer for a late night talk show. So I met with a late night joke writer and he told me that I should start by doing stand-up comedy, because that would really hone my sense of humor and joke writing ability. Eventually I took a stand-up class and a few months later I had a seven-minute act.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
As the faculty of writing has chiefly been a masculine endowment, the reproach of making the world miserable has always been thrown upon the women.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jillian Hervey
Even now, it's so funny how much we do have in common and how much her experiences were similar to mine. But I just wanted to be like 'If I'm going to do it, I'm going to write all of my own music, every lyric, and all this stuff.
- Jillian Hervey
Collection: Writing
Image of John Keats
I am convinced more and more day by day that fine writing is next to fine doing, the top thing in the world.
- John Keats
Collection: Writing
Image of Juvenal
In the present state of the world it is difficult not to write lampoons.
- Juvenal
Collection: Writing
Image of Elia Kazan
Truth gets buried, that's why people write autobiographies.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Writing
Image of Sue Monk Kidd
Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here.
- Sue Monk Kidd
Collection: Writing
Image of Aldous Huxley
I write everything many times over. All my thoughts are second thoughts.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Joel
Critics have said I write without spontaneity, in cold blood. I don't. I write in hot blood.
- Billy Joel
Collection: Writing
Image of Franz Kafka
A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000-word document and calls it a "brief."
- Franz Kafka
Collection: Writing
Image of Victor Hugo
Despots play their part in the works of thinkers. Fettered words are terrible words. The writer doubles and trebles the power of his writing when a ruler imposes silence on the people. Something emerges from that enforced silence, a mysterious fullness which filters through and becomes steely in the thought.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
There is scarcely any writer who has not celebrated the happiness of rural privacy, and delighted himself and his reader with the melody of birds, the whisper of groves, and the murmur of rivulets.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing