Elia Kazan

Image of Elia Kazan
The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don't dare reveal.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Art
Image of Elia Kazan
Our relationship was cursed by the fact that we agreed on everything.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Relationship
Image of Elia Kazan
Stylized acting and direction is to realistic acting and direction as poetry is to prose.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Poetry
Image of Elia Kazan
I spoke without fear of contradiction. I simply did not suffer self-doubt.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Fear
Image of Elia Kazan
Miller didn't write Death of a Salesman. He released it. It was there inside him, waiting to be turned loose. That's the measure of its merit.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Death
Image of Elia Kazan
I want to thank the Academy for its courage and generosity.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Courage
Image of Elia Kazan
Whatever hysteria exists is inflamed by mystery, suspicion and secrecy. Hard and exact facts will cool it.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Cool
Image of Elia Kazan
Anybody who informs on other people is doing something disturbing and even disgusting.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
To be a member of the Communist Party is to have a taste of the police state. It is a diluted taste but is bitter and unforgettable.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
The world was like a huge red carpet out ahead of me to be walked on. And it stretched on and on, no end.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was the true future. I understood Communism better than they did.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I said to Tennessee, this thing is becoming the Marlon Brando show.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
The more ambivalent you are and the more uncertain you are, then you can get something that you cannot anticipate.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was not a collective person or a bohemian; I was an elitist.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
The motion pictures I have made and the plays I have chosen to direct represent my convictions.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I didn't have that much confidence. Maybe it looks that way. I'm glad it does.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
What's called a difficult decision is a difficult decision because either way you go there are penalties.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I hate the Communists and have for many years and don't feel right about giving up my career to defend them. I will give up my film career if it is in the interests of defending something I believe in, but not this.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
There was no doubt that there was a vast organization which was making fools of all the liberals in Hollywood and taking their money, that there was a police state among the Left element in Hollywood and Broadway.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I would rather do what I did than crawl in front of a ritualistic Left and lie the way those other comrades did betray my own soul.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I truly believe that all power corrupts. Such is probably the thinking behind every political film ever made in Hollywood.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I'm small, but I'm neither compliant nor agreeable.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
Hey, you must be doin' good, 'cause I never hear from you.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I value peace when it is not bought at the price of fundamental decencies.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I joined the Communist Party late in 1934. I got out a year and a half later.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I have no spy stories to tell, because I saw no spies. Nor did I understand, at that time, any opposition between American and Russian national interest.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was taken in by what might be called the Hard Times version of the Communists' advertising or recruiting technique.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
The Communists automatically violated the daily practices of democracy to which I was accustomed.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I used to spend most of my time straining to be a nice guy so people would like me.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was an outsider... but I was also sympathetic with people that were struggling to get up, because I struggled to get up.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was the hero of the young insurgent working class art movement.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
Acting... was the biggest charge I ever had. What other artist has it so good? Approval so quick?
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I knew the exuberance of playing before an admiring audience and hearing my secret voice.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was always a self-conscious person.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I wouldn't go up on a stage now if you paid a thousand dollars for one minute of acting. It's a nasty experience. You're up there all by yourself. You're so damn exposed.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was not what you'd call a first-class actor, but I did all right.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was very intense. I think it's a privilege to be an actor.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
You can't just sit there and do the lines. You have to do something revealing or unusual.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
You have to remind people of their own struggles. It's a responsibility.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I was even superior to the Communists and when they didn't go along with me, I quit them.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
For years after I resigned, I was still faithful to their way of thinking. But not in the American Communists.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I gave my life to the Group Theatre, because in it I'm building something for myself. What I build, I am.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
Very often the Group actor is a critic when he's acting and an actor when he's criticizing.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
There is only one thing I respect in so-called Broadway actors... and that is their competitive sense.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I may be getting old, but not foolish.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
Every fighter has one fight that makes or breaks him.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I owe Bankhead a gift; she made a director out of me.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
I will say nothing to an actor that cannot be translated into action.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
Every picture that is successful has one little miracle in it.
- Elia Kazan
Image of Elia Kazan
A film director has to get a shot, no matter what he does. We're desperate people.
- Elia Kazan