Top world Quotes Collection - Page 72

Discover a curated collection of world quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 72 provides more world quotes.

Image of Bob Marley
until the end of the world,all whys will be answered,but now,you can only ask!
- Bob Marley
Collection: World
Image of Karl Marx
2 is a proletariat prime, but 4, 6 and 8 are also composite proletariats. Composites of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains!
- Karl Marx
Collection: World
Image of George R. R. Martin
If you would wed, wed. If not, take your pleasure where you find it. There's little enough of it in this world." - Oberyn
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: World
Image of Marilyn Manson
I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: World
Image of Juliet Marillier
My world was changing, and I was not ready for it.
- Juliet Marillier
Collection: World
Image of Jacques Maritain
There is no place in the world but contains some trace of God.
- Jacques Maritain
Collection: World
Image of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
She knew that he loved her above all else, more than anything in the world, but only for his own sake.
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Collection: World
Image of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
This was his world, he said to himself, the sad, oppressive world that God had provided for him, and he was responsible to it.
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Collection: World
Image of Lois Lowry
The whole world had changed. Only the fairy tales remained the same. "And they lived happily ever after.
- Lois Lowry
Collection: World
Image of Niccolo Machiavelli
For the mob is always impressed by appearances and by results, and the world is composed of the mob.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Collection: World
Image of Marilyn Manson
The aspiration to save the world is a morbid phenomenon of today's youth.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: World
Image of Ewan McGregor
I wanted to go and explore the world, I guess. And I suddenly thought well, I'll just do it.
- Ewan McGregor
Collection: World
Image of Ewan McGregor
I wanted to make sure that I was making films about the world. So I thought well, I should go and see it. I'm spending a lot of time in - we call them caravans in Britain.
- Ewan McGregor
Collection: World
Image of Max Lucado
No person [should] walk out into the world to begin the day until he or she has stood beneath the cross to receive God’s love.
- Max Lucado
Collection: World
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm still going to Disney World.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: World
Image of Andrew Marvell
Though I carry always some ill-nature about me, yet it is, I hope, no more than is in this world necessary for a preservative.
- Andrew Marvell
Collection: World
Image of Michael T. Flynn
One thing I agree with Donald Trump on is, there's something going on in the Muslim world.
- Michael T. Flynn
Collection: World
Image of Michael T. Flynn
The threat of nuclear warfare is very, very low. Trump is no fool, and he sees the world as a globalized world.
- Michael T. Flynn
Collection: World
Image of Benoit Mandelbrot
Fractal geometry is not just a chapter of mathematics, but one that helps Everyman to see the same world differently.
- Benoit Mandelbrot
Collection: World
Image of Terence McKenna
Matter is simply a concept. The world is made of language.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: World
Image of Carson McCullers
The world is certainty a sudden place.
- Carson McCullers
Collection: World
Image of Martin Luther
Nothing in the world causes so much misery as uncertainty.
- Martin Luther
Collection: World
Image of Simon Mainwaring
Consumers around the world are more aware of the multiple global crises we face than ever before, thanks to information found on the Internet.
- Simon Mainwaring
Collection: World
Image of David Lynch
Float with me in the world of ether.
- David Lynch
Collection: World
Image of David Lynch
I like making films because I like to go into another world. I like to get lost into another world.
- David Lynch
Collection: World
Image of David Lynch
I just like going into strange worlds.
- David Lynch
Collection: World
Image of Barack Obama
For the world has changed, and we must change with it.
- Barack Obama
Collection: World
Image of Billy Graham
God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’
- Billy Graham
Collection: World
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
The world is not in your books and maps, it’s out there.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: World
Image of Rumi
Keep silent, because the world of silence is a vast fullness.
- Rumi
Collection: World
Image of Leo Tolstoy
The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: World
Image of Muhammad Ali
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: World
Image of Khalil Gibran
A man’s true wealth is the good he does in the world.
- Khalil Gibran
Collection: World
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
When I was young I used to have this thing where I wanted to see everything I used to think ‘How can I die without seeing every inch of this world?’
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: World
Image of Marc Andreessen
Software is eating the world.
- Marc Andreessen
Collection: World
Image of Will Smith
I want the world to be better because I was here. I want my life, I want my work, my family, I want it to mean something and if you are not making someone else’s life better then you are wasting your time.
- Will Smith
Collection: World
Image of Ram Dass
You have all the time in the world, but don’t waste a moment.
- Ram Dass
Collection: World