Top Way Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Way quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Way quotes.

Image of Vandana Shiva
When you don't take into account the way ecological systems work, then you do damage.
- Vandana Shiva
Collection: Way
Image of Charles Olson
A poem is energy transferred from where the poet got it (he will have some several causations), by way of the poem itself to, all the way over to, the reader.
- Charles Olson
Collection: Way
Image of Kami Garcia
She was my destination. I was always on the way to Lena, even when I wasn't. Even when she wasn't on her way to me.
- Kami Garcia
Collection: Way
Image of John Brunner
We fret about how to keep going the same old way when we should be casting around for another way that’s better.
- John Brunner
Collection: Way
Image of Isaac Rosenberg
Nobody ever told me what to read, or ever put poetry in my way
- Isaac Rosenberg
Collection: Way
Image of Emily Blunt
Things happen in the way they usually should. I'm a pretty fatalistic person.
- Emily Blunt
Collection: Way
Image of Kentaro Yabuki
Oh I get it...You're looking for the quickest way to the hospital, huh? ~Train Heartnet
- Kentaro Yabuki
Collection: Way
Image of Roger Zelazny
The absence of a monument can, in its own way, be something of a monument also.
- Roger Zelazny
Collection: Way
Image of Paul Muldoon
Form is a straitjacket in the way that a straitjacket was a straitjacket for Houdini.
- Paul Muldoon
Collection: Way
Image of Damon Galgut
The only way you can be universal is to be sure you are very specifically local.
- Damon Galgut
Collection: Way
Image of Paolo Giordano
In the end it happens, in some way you couldn't imagine before.
- Paolo Giordano
Collection: Way
Image of Cheryl Strayed
The only way out of a hole is to climb out.
- Cheryl Strayed
Collection: Way
Image of Cheryl Strayed
I'd finally come to understand what it had been: a yearning for a way out, when actually what I had wanted to find was a way in.
- Cheryl Strayed
Collection: Way
Image of K.J. Parker
The easiest way to do something is properly.
- K.J. Parker
Collection: Way
Image of Jennifer Armintrout
If you're afraid of something, face it. Fear is irrational. The only way to conquer your fear is to stand next to it.
- Jennifer Armintrout
Collection: Way
Image of Ad Reinhardt
The only and one way to say what abstract art or art-as-art is, is to say what it is not.
- Ad Reinhardt
Collection: Way
Image of Joseph Delaney
when theres a will theres a way
- Joseph Delaney
Collection: Way
Image of Hillary Jordan
Sometimes it's necessary to do wrong. Sometimes it's the only way to make things right.
- Hillary Jordan
Collection: Way
Image of Nick Jonas
There's always some way to find hope. Remember that.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Way
Image of Helmut Newton
I am very attracted by bad taste-it is a lot more exciting than that supposed good taste which is nothing more than a standardized way of looking at things.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Way
Image of James Carlos Blake
Violence is the most elemental truth of life. It's the central shaper of history, the ultimate determiner of whether A or B is going to get his way.
- James Carlos Blake
Collection: Way
Image of Britney Spears
You'll never see it my way, because you're not me!
- Britney Spears
Collection: Way
Image of Wes  Moore
I just want to make sure that public service doesn't have to be an occupation, but it needs to be a way of life.
- Wes Moore
Collection: Way
Image of Elizabeth George Speare
From that first moment, in a way she could never explain, the Meadows claimed her and made her their own.
- Elizabeth George Speare
Collection: Way
Image of Elizabeth Cunningham
Being lost is the way, how else can you be found?
- Elizabeth Cunningham
Collection: Way
Image of Alison Goodman
You have forced your way into my Hua, Eona. Change me. First, by your power- then, just by who you are.
- Alison Goodman
Collection: Way
Image of Diane Setterfield
For me to see is to read. It has always been that way.
- Diane Setterfield
Collection: Way
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The fastest way to become rich is to socialize with the poor; the fastest way to become poor is to socialize with the rich.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Way
Image of Warren G. Bennis
Charisma is the result of effective leadership, not the other way around.
- Warren G. Bennis
Collection: Way
Image of Tom Waits
The way you do anything is the way you do everything.
- Tom Waits
Collection: Way
Image of Lars von Trier
Everything is going to hell, but we should smile all the way.
- Lars von Trier
Collection: Way
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
Start the day with love, spend the day with love, fill the day with love and end the day with love. That is the way to God.
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Way
Image of John Travolta
Everything is on its way to somewhere.
- John Travolta
Collection: Way
Image of Kristen Wiig
When you're a woman in your thirties, and maybe you don't really know what you want to do with your life, but it seems like everyone else does, and your best friend gets married, and it forces you to look at yourself. I don't know if I described that in a very funny way.
- Kristen Wiig
Collection: Way
Image of Darcey Steinke
You’ll see, there are a million ways to kill off the soft parts of yourself.
- Darcey Steinke
Collection: Way
Image of Winston Groom
There are jus times when you can't let the right thing stand in yo way.
- Winston Groom
Collection: Way
Image of Aya Nakahara
Why's it gotta be Ôtani for me? I don't know because I have way too many reasons to choose from! He's the one for me, that's all. He just is.
- Aya Nakahara
Collection: Way
Image of Hugo Weaving
Film has a tendency to be limiting in some way and it shouldn't be. It's a form that can be explored and changed.
- Hugo Weaving
Collection: Way
Image of Michel Patini
The street is the best way to become a good footballer.
- Michel Patini
Collection: Way
Image of Bill Nye
Science provides a much more satisfactory way to seek answers than does any religion.
- Bill Nye
Collection: Way
Image of Amanda Palmer
I get really fantastic results when I just get out of my own way.
- Amanda Palmer
Collection: Way
Image of Andy Rooney
I've learned... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way.
- Andy Rooney
Collection: Way
Image of Donna Tartt
Not quite what one expected, but once it happened one realized it couldn't be any other way.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Way
Image of Sally Mann
Every image is in some way a “portrait,” not in the way that it would reproduce the traits of a person, but in that it pulls and draws (this is the semantic and etymological sense of the word), in that it extracts something, an intimacy, a force.
- Sally Mann
Collection: Way
Image of Miriam Toews
If, along the way, something is gained, then something will also be lost.
- Miriam Toews
Collection: Way
Image of Florence Scovel Shinn
Endless good now comes to me in endless ways.
- Florence Scovel Shinn
Collection: Way
Image of Brendan Behan
Every cripple has his own way of walking.
- Brendan Behan
Collection: Way
Image of Harold S. Kushner
There is no right way to do a wrong thing.
- Harold S. Kushner
Collection: Way
Image of John Bolton
The only way to resolve the North Korean problem is to change the regime.
- John Bolton
Collection: Way