Donna Tartt

Image of Donna Tartt
But romantic vision can also lead one away from certain very hard, ugly truths about life that are important to know.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Romantic
Image of Donna Tartt
Everything takes me longer than I expect. It's the sad truth about life.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Sad
Image of Donna Tartt
Sometimes you can do all the right things and not succeed. And that's a hard lesson of reality.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Character, to me, is the life's blood of fiction.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
When I'm writing, I am concentrating almost wholly on concrete detail: the color a room is painted, the way a drop of water rolls off a wet leaf after a rain.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
The novel is about five students of classics who are studying with a classics professor, and they take the ideas of the things that they're learning from him a bit too seriously, with terrible consequences.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
The Little Friend is a long book. It's also completely different from my first novel: different landscape, different characters, different use of language and diction, different approach to story.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I think innocence is something that adults project upon children that's not really there.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
There's an expectation these days that novels - like any other consumer product - should be made on a production line, with one dropping from the conveyor belt every couple of years.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I believe, in a funny way, the job of the novelist is to be out there on the fringes and speaking for an experience that has not really been spoken for.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
The job of the novelist is to invent: to embroider, to color, to embellish, to make things up.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
So I'm not a Southern writer in the commonly held sense of the term, like Faulkner or Eudora Welty, who took the South for their entire literary environment and subject matter.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
You are - all your experience just kind of accumulates, and the novel takes a richness of its own simply because it has the weight of all those years that one's put into it.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Well, I do have some maiden aunts that are not quite like the aunts in the book, but I definitely do have a couple of them, and a couple of old aunties.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Well, I think storytellers have always found murder a fascinating device.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
On the other hand, I mean, that is what writers have always been supposed to do, was to rely on their own devices and to - I mean, writing is a lonely business.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I think it's hard to write about children and to have an idea of innocence.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Children - if you think back really what it was like to be a child and what it was like to know other children - children lie all the time.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Children love secret club houses. They love secrecy even when there's no need for secrecy.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I really do work in solitude.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
It's hard for me to show work while I'm writing, because other people's comments will influence what happens.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
To really be centered and to really work well and to think about the kinds of things that I need to think about, I need to spend large amounts of time alone.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
In order for a long piece of work to engage a novelist over an extended period of time, it has to deal with questions that you find very important, that you're trying to work out.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
My novels aren't really generated by a single conceptual spark; it's more a process of many different elements that come together unexpectedly over a long period of time.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I'm not sure whay I've been drawn to this subject, except that murder is a subject that has always drawn people for as long as people have been telling stories.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I love the tradition of Dickens, where even the most minor walk-on characters are twitching and particular and alive.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I just finished writing an essay about William Maxwell, an American writer whose work I admire very much.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Actually, I enjoy the process of writing a big long novel.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I've written only two novels, but they're both long ones, and they each took a decade to write.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
But it's for every writer to decide his own pace, and the pace varies with the writer and the work.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Taking on challenging projects is the way that one grows and extends one's range as a writer, one's technical command, so I consider the time well-spent.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
I'd rather write one good book than ten mediocre ones.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Children have very sharp powers of observation - probably sharper than adults - yet at the same time their emotional reactions are murky and much more primitive.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
Storytelling and elegant style don't always go hand in hand.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
The storytelling gift is innate: one has it or one doesn't. But style is at least partly a learned thing: one refines it by looking and listening and reading and practice - by work.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
The books I loved in childhood - the first loves - I've read so often that I've internalized them in some really essential way: they are more inside me now than out.
- Donna Tartt
Image of Donna Tartt
The first duty of the novelist is to entertain. It is a moral duty. People who read your books are sick, sad, traveling, in the hospital waiting room while someone is dying. Books are written by the alone for the alone.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Book
Image of Donna Tartt
Beauty is terror. Whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Donna Tartt
The job of the novelist is to invent: to embroider, to color, to embellish, to entertain, to make things up. The art of what I do lies not in research or even recollection but primarily in invention.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Art
Image of Donna Tartt
It is is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Book
Image of Donna Tartt
Sometimes it's about playing a poor hand well.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Hands
Image of Donna Tartt
Everything takes me longer than I expect. It's the sad truth about life
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Truth
Image of Donna Tartt
And as much as I’d like to believe there’s a truth beyond illusion, I’ve come to believe that there’s no truth beyond illusion. Because, between ‘reality’ on the one hand, and the point where the mind strikes reality, there’s a middle zone, a rainbow edge where beauty comes into being, where two very different surfaces mingle and blur to provide what life does not: and this is the space where all art exists, and all magic.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Art
Image of Donna Tartt
The books I loved in childhood - the first loves - I’ve read so often that I’ve internalized them in some really essential way: they are more inside me now than out.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Book
Image of Donna Tartt
Shakespearean words, foreign words, slang and dialect and made-up phrases from kids on the street corner: English has room for them all. And writers - not just literary writers, but popular writers as well - breathe air into English and keep it lively by making it their own, not by adhering to some style manual that gets handed out to college Freshmen in a composition class.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Kids
Image of Donna Tartt
A great sorrow, and one that I am only beginning to understand: we don’t get to choose our own hearts. We can’t make ourselves want what’s good for us or what’s good for other people. We don’t get to choose the people we are.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Heart
Image of Donna Tartt
Anything is grand if it's done on a large enough scale.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Done
Image of Donna Tartt
Stay away from the ones you love too much. Those are the ones who will kill you.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Love
Image of Donna Tartt
Any action, in the fullness of time, sinks to nothingness.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Action
Image of Donna Tartt
Sometimes we want what we want even if we know it’s going to kill us.
- Donna Tartt
Collection: Want