Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 35

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 35 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of Anton Chekhov
If there's a gun on the wall in act one, scene one, you must fire the gun by act three, scene two. If you fire a gun in act three, scene two, you must see the gun on the wall in act one, scene one.
- Anton Chekhov
Collection: Wall
Image of Cassandra Clare
Anyway, he's [Simon] obviously not here. Go back to what you were doing. What's the point in wasting a perfectly good brick wall when you have someone to throw against it, that's what I always say." And she [Isabelle] stalked off, back toward the bar. - City of Fallen Angels pg 188 hardcover
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wall
Image of Hillary Clinton
I've heard [Bernie] Sanders comments, and it's really caused me to wonder who's left in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Under his definition, [Barack] Obama is not progressive because he took donations from Wall Street; [Joe] Biden is not progressive because she supported Keystone; [Jeanne] Shaheen is not progressive because she supports the trade pact. Even the late, great Paul Wellstone would not fit this definition because he voted for DOMA.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles Bukowski
there is moss on the walls and the stain of thought and failure and waiting
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Wall
Image of Cassandra Clare
Niches set back in the walls contained polished marble statues of entwined bodies. Will looked away from them hastily, and then back. It wasn't as if Magnus seemed to be paying attention to what Will was doing, and he'd honestly never imagined two people could get themselves into a position like that, much less make it look artistic.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wall
Image of Warren Buffett
I mean you know at midnight everything is going to turn to pumpkins and mice; right? But if the evening goes along, I mean, you know, the guys look better all the time, the music sounds better, it's more and more fun, you think why the hell should I leave at quarter of 12. I'll leave at two minutes to 12. But the trouble is, there are no clocks on the wall. And everybody thinks they're going to leave at two minutes to 12.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Wall
Image of Cassandra Clare
I don't see why its taking so long," Maryse was saying to Magnus "is that normal?" "What's not normal is the discount I'm giving you."Magnus tapped the heel of his boot against the wall. "Normally I charge twice this much
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wall
Image of Juan Enriquez
The definition of who's literate and who's not keeps changing. So, in Neanderthal times, if you painted on a cave wall, that was enough to transmit how you hunt, how you eat, how you cook, how you dress, and we can read about that.
- Juan Enriquez
Collection: Wall
Image of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I have done most of my talking by post of late years--as people shut up in dungeons take up with scrawling mottoes on the walls.
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Collection: Wall
Image of Cassandra Clare
What's the point in wasting a perfectly good brick wall when you have someone to throw against it, that's what I always say.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wall
Image of Anton Chekhov
If you look at anything long enough, say just that wall in front of you - it will come out of that wall.
- Anton Chekhov
Collection: Wall
Image of Brian Aldiss
The prose poem Walk The Red Road is great stuff and deserves to be read aloud. It compares quite favorably to The Walls Of Emerald by Li Chiang Yen, a Chinese poet of the late Tang period.
- Brian Aldiss
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert M. Hensel
Poetry, is the insulation that lies between the inner walls of the mind.
- Robert M. Hensel
Collection: Wall
Image of Dalia Mogahed
I thought the Wall Street Journal quote, they got a guy in Iowa to say I think exactly where I think this race is right now for a lot Republicans. He said, "Nobody in Iowa wants [Donald]Trump for president. But everybody in Iowa wants somebody like Trump for president." That's what you need.
- Dalia Mogahed
Collection: Wall
Image of Robin Sharma
Great achievement often happens when our backs are up against the wall. Pressure can actually enhance your performance.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Wall
Image of Noam Chomsky
There's a split in the US about how this [split] will be resolved. The main point to look at is the split within the Republican Party. The Republican establishment, and Wall Street, and the bankers, and the corporate executives and so on, they don't want this. They don't want it at all. It's the part of the base that is mobilized that wants it.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Wall
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
The virtuous woman must be treated like a relic - adored, but not handled; she should be guarded and prized, like a fine flower-garden, the beauty and fragrance of which the owner allows others to enjoy only at a distance, and through iron walls.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Wall
Image of Lenny Bruce
The crooks downtown figured out that comedy is like a hammer. It can put up a barn and it can knock down a wall. So they bought it outright and marketed it as Comedy Central.
- Lenny Bruce
Collection: Wall
Image of Johnny Cash
Inside the walls of a prison my body may be, but my Lord has set my soul free.
- Johnny Cash
Collection: Wall
Image of Pearl S. Buck
An intelligent, energetic, educated woman cannot be kept in four walls - even satin-lined, diamond-studded walls - without discovering sooner or later that they are still a prison cell.
- Pearl S. Buck
Collection: Wall
Image of Warren Buffett
I don't have my diploma from the University of Nebraska hanging on my office wall, and I don't have my diploma from Columbia up there either-but I do have my Dale Carnegie graduation certificate proudly displayed.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Wall
Image of Warren Buffett
I think any time you couple the term "Wall Street" with "bailout" or something like that, you know - I don't like what's going on in Wall Street.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Wall
Image of John Cage
I certainly had no feeling for harmony, and Schoenberg thought that that would make it impossible for me to write music. He said, 'You'll come to a wall you won't be able to get through.' So I said, 'I'll beat my head against that wall.'
- John Cage
Collection: Wall
Image of Chris Hedges
The imperial projects will continue, Wall Street will be unimpeded in its malfeasance and criminal activity, social programs will continue to be cut, maybe not at the same speed as under a Republican Administration, but it's all headed in the same direction.
- Chris Hedges
Collection: Wall
Image of Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton at the end of the day will be a friend of Wall Street.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Wall
Image of Chris Hedges
The more we retreat from the culture at large the more room we will have to carve out lives of meaning, the more we will be able to wall off the flood of illusions disseminated by mass culture and the more we will retain sanity in an insane world.
- Chris Hedges
Collection: Wall
Image of Cassandra Clare
You could dress it up with a sequined headband,” Magnus suggested, offering his boyfriend something blue and sparkly. “Just a thought.” “Resist the urge, Alec.” Simon was sitting on the edge of a low wall with Maia beside him, though she appeared to be deep in conversation with Aline. “You’ll look like Olivia Newton-John in Xanadu.” “There are worse things,” Magnus observed.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wall
Image of Cassandra Clare
Isabelle and Jace had left the topic of dead Shadowhunters behind and had moved on to something Jace apparently found even more horrifying__Isabelle's date with Simon. "I can't believe he took you to an actual restaurant." Jace was on his feet now, putting away the floor mats and training gear while Isabelle leaned against the wall and played with her new gloves. "I assumed his idea of a date would be making you watch him play World of Warcraft with his nerd friends." "I," Clary pointed out, "am one of his nerd friends, thank you.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wall
Image of Peter Schiff
Mutual funds are an overrated investment heavily promoted by Wall Street.
- Peter Schiff
Collection: Wall
Image of John Cage
In that case I will devote my life to beating my head against that wall.
- John Cage
Collection: Wall
Image of Deepak Chopra
Success is the ability to meet worthy goals, but it's also the ability to love and have compassion and the ability to get in touch with your creative center, to transform yourself toward more peaceful and just pursuits. I hope we redefine success. Otherwise, we'll see more of what we're already seeing - more aggression, more burnout, more Wall Street scandals, more war, more terrorism, more eco-destruction.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Wall
Image of Cassandra Clare
I'm all right,' Jace protested, but his hand gripped Alec's sleeve tightly. 'I can stand.' It looks to me like you're using a wall to prop you up. That's not my definition of "standing."' It's leaning,' Jace told him. 'Leaning comes right before standing.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wall
Image of Woody Allen
There are three things Jewish people worship-God, Chinese food and wall-to-wall carpeting.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Wall
Image of M.I.A.
The consequence of making it a business thing and making an artist the same as a Wall Street trader is that you do get a robot by the end of it. It becomes more robotic as opposed to being more soulful.
- M.I.A.
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles Bukowski
Long before I became 'rich and famous' I just sat round drinking wine and staring at the walls.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Wall
Image of Denis Waitley
Real motivation is that drive from within: You know where you are going because you have a compelling image inside, not a travel poster on the wall.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Wall
Image of Willa Cather
It is a tragic hour, that hour when we are finally driven to reckon with ourselves, when every avenue of mental distraction has been cut off and our own life and all its ineffaceable failures closes about us like the walls of that old torture chamber of the Inquisition.
- Willa Cather
Collection: Wall
Image of William J. Clinton
I tell you, my fellow Americans, that if we learned anything from the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the governments in Eastern Europe, even a totally controlled society cannot resist the winds of change that economics and technology and information flow have imposed in this world of ours. That is not an option. Our only realistic option is to embrace these changes and create the jobs of tomorrow.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Owen
Where are these rational practices to be taught and acquired? Not within the four walls of a bare building, in which formality predominates... But in the nursery, play-ground, fields, gardens, workshops, manufactures, museums and class-rooms. ...The facts collected from all these sources will be concentrated, explained, discussed, made obvious to all, and shown in their direct application to practice in all the business of life.
- Robert Owen
Collection: Wall
Image of Bill Bryson
Everywhere throughout New England you find old, tumbledown field walls, often in the middle of the deepest, most settled- looking woods- a reminder of just how swiftly nature reclaims the land in America.
- Bill Bryson
Collection: Wall
Image of Anton Chekhov
An expansive life, one not constrained by four walls, requires as well an expansive pocket.
- Anton Chekhov
Collection: Wall
Image of Winston Churchill
I was shown a picture by Cézanne of a blank wall of a house, which he had made instinct with the most delicate lights and colours.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Wall
Image of Cassandra Clare
And second, keep in mind that you are a weapon. In theory, when you're done with training, you should be able to kick a hole in a wall or knock out a moose with a single punch." "I would never hit a moose," said Clary. "They're endangered.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wall
Image of Zhuangzi
A battering ram can knock down a city wall, but it cannot stop a hole. Different things have different uses.
- Zhuangzi
Collection: Wall
Image of Kim Cattrall
In film, the possibilities are greater. You can go beyond the fourth wall. You can go to these incredible locations and you're put into circumstances that are physically sensuous. It sometimes requires much more of a physical talent.
- Kim Cattrall
Collection: Wall
Image of Herodotus
The wooden wall alone should remain unconquered.
- Herodotus
Collection: Wall
Image of Louis-Ferdinand Celine
whenever they get a chance, never fear, people make you waste hours and months ... they use you as a wall to bounce their bullshit off of ... blah! and blah! and blahblahblah! ... you put up with it for an hour, you'll need two weeks to recover ... blah! blah!
- Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Collection: Wall