Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 29

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 29 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of Margaret Heffernan
Noise is a buffer, more effective than cubicles or booth walls.
- Margaret Heffernan
Collection: Wall
Image of William Butler Yeats
Grant me an old man's frenzy, Myself must I remake Till I am Timon and Lear Or that William Blake Who beat upon the wall Till Truth obeyed his call.
- William Butler Yeats
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
We`re going to build a wall, folks. We`re going to build a wall. That wall will go up so fast, your head will spin.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of William Shakespeare
Thus have I, Wall, my part discharged so; And, being done, thus Wall away doth go.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Wall
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I write the word solitude on my wall and then below it: Do you know me at all? Are my words just air? Is my heart easy to spare?
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Wall
Image of Dennis Miller
Childbirth is a wonderful thing, but the reality is that it can dramatically change a woman's body. SUI occurs when the vaginal wall weakens and cannot provide adequate support to the urethra, thus causing leaking. The good news is that women with SUI have many different treatment options available to them.
- Dennis Miller
Collection: Wall
Image of Barack Obama
I'm not going to Wall Street [after the presidency]. The amount of time that I'll be investing in issues is going to be high. But it'll be necessarily in a different capacity.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Wall
Image of John Stossel
The market performs miracles so routinely that we take it for granted. Supermarkets provide 30,000 choices at rock-bottom prices. We take it for granted that when we stick a piece of plastic in a wall, cash will come out; that when we give the same plastic to a stranger, he will rent us a car, and the next month, Visa will have the accounting correct to the penny. By contrast, "experts" in government can't even count the vote accurately.
- John Stossel
Collection: Wall
Image of Virginia Woolf
I'm fundamentally, I think, an outsider. I do my best work and feel most braced with my back to the wall. It's an odd feeling though, writing aginst the current: difficult entirely to disregard the current. Yet of course I shall.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Wall
Image of Philip Yancey
When we ignore the world outside the walls we suffer-as does it.
- Philip Yancey
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Ondaatje
He knows that the only way he can accept losing her is if he can continue to hold her or be held by her. If they can somehow nurse each other out of this. Not with a wall.
- Michael Ondaatje
Collection: Wall
Image of Gary Snyder
Lay down these words Before your mind like rocks. placed solid, by hands In choice of place, set Before the body of the mind in space and time: Solidity of bark, leaf, or wall riprap of things: Cobble of milky way. straying planets, These poems, people, lost ponies with Dragging saddles -- and rocky sure-foot trails. The worlds like an endless four-dimensional Game of Go. ants and pebbles In the thin loam, each rock a word a creek-washed stone Granite: ingrained with torment of fire and weight Crystal and sediment linked hot all change, in thoughts, As well as things.
- Gary Snyder
Collection: Wall
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
The walls of the arch are covered with blood-red jellies that wink and glisten at me by the light of the moon. My father told me they were completely harmless. I don't believe him. Nothing is completely harmless.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Wall
Image of Ann Patchett
I used to do everything to keep a wall up around myself and keep my life quiet so that I could write.
- Ann Patchett
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and theft. She ran the State Department like her own personal hedge fund, doing favors for oppressive regimes and many others in exchange for cash. Then when she left, she made $21.6 million giving speeches to Wall Street banks and other special interests in less than two years - secret speeches that she does not want to reveal to the public. Lobbyists, CEOs, and foreign governments totally own her, and that will never change if she ever became president.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Elie Wiesel
If you read Exodus 15 carefully, it describes a storm at sea. This is the old Yahwistic source. In the retelling of the story in the later Priestly source, it is more miraculous: The water stands up on either side like a wall. There are walls of water standing up. As you move back in time, oddly enough, the story becomes more historical.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Wall
Image of Barack Obama
Ultimately there is no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street. We will rise or we will fall together as one nation.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Wall
Image of Randy Pausch
Brick walls are there for reason. And once you get over them-- even if someone has practically had to throw you over-- it can be helpful to others to tell them how you did it.
- Randy Pausch
Collection: Wall
Image of George Washington
No compact among men... can be pronounced everlasting and inviolable, and if I may so express myself, that no Wall of words, that no mound of parchment can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent of boundless ambition on the one side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other.
- George Washington
Collection: Wall
Image of T.C. Boyle
I've had many students over the years, sometimes even very sophisticated students, who will be writing and will hit a wall. Often I find it's because they're working out of sequence. Maybe some people can do that, but I don't think that's how fiction works. It's a discovery.
- T.C. Boyle
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
Mexico in some form, and there are many different forms, will reimburse us and they will reimburse us for the cost of the wall. That will happen, whether it's a tax or whether it's a payment - probably less likely that it's a payment. But it will happen.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Rachel Caine
Not everything is about beating your head against the wall until it breaks.” “Just most things.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Wall
Image of Tom Morello
I didn't choose to be a guitar player. That was something that felt like it was chosen for me. And with that blessing and curse, I, throughout my entire career, it's been my job to weave my convictions into my vocation. And whether I'm standing in the streets of Chicago or the Occupy Wall Street or in Madison, Wisconsin, my job is to steel the backbone of people on the frontlines of social justice struggles, and to put wind in sails of those struggles. And people who are fighting on a, on a daily basis, at a grass roots level, for the things that I believe in.
- Tom Morello
Collection: Wall
Image of J.R. Ward
In an earlier life, were you a pair of brakes?" "Try a brick wall.
- J.R. Ward
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Benchley
If only those old walls could boring they would be.
- Robert Benchley
Collection: Wall
Image of Francesca Lia Block
L.A. kills people.' Jacaranda said. 'You're lucky you're leaving. You'll be able to write.' She looked paler, going through another depression, smoking in bed in her lilac room. The walls were the color of her veins. She was getting too thin, even for the modeling. . .Jacaranda died last winter when the flowering trees were bare. You couldn't even tell which ones once cried the purple blossoms she named herself after.
- Francesca Lia Block
Collection: Wall
Image of Christopher Paolini
You'll enjoy it. There is much you can learn from books and scrolls," said Jeod. He gestured at the walls. "These books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life." "It sounds intriguing," admitted Eragon. "Always the scholar, aren't you?" asked Brom. Jeod shrugged. "Not anymore. I'm afraid I've degenerated into a bibliophile.
- Christopher Paolini
Collection: Wall
Image of Rick Riordan
Percy glanced over. He saw the fallen giant and seemed to understand what was happening. He yelled something that was lost in the wind, probably: Go! Then he slammed Riptide into the ice at his feet. The entire glacier shuddered. Ghosts fell to their knees. Behind Percy, a wave surged up from the bay-a wall of gray water even taller than the glacier. Water shot from the chasms and crevices in the ice. As the wave hit, the back half of the camp crumbled. The entire edge of the glacier peeled away, cascading into the void-carrying buildings, ghosts, and Percy Jackson over the edge.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Wall
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
Here are the shadows left behind by a thousand moments, a thousand moods, of needs traced here on the wall by men who are gone. Here is the record of their being here.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Reich
I was there in Washington in the `90s. It was pretty bad then. It`s much worse now [in 2015]. And that vicious cycle is you`ve got again big corporations, executives, Wall Street, very wealthy individuals in both parties who are calling the shots.
- Robert Reich
Collection: Wall
Image of Jonathan Stroud
The Hermit was known to be pretty sniffy about disciples who returned in failure. There was a wall of the institute layered with their skins- an ingenious display that encouraged vigor in his students, as well as nicely keeping out the drafts.
- Jonathan Stroud
Collection: Wall
Image of Ronald Reagan
Isn't it strange that ... people build walls to keep an enemy out, and there's only one part of the world and one philosophy where they have to build walls to keep their people in
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Wall
Image of Ronald Reagan
General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Wall
Image of Georgia O'Keeffe
I like an empty wall because I can imagine what I like on it.
- Georgia O'Keeffe
Collection: Wall
Image of J. K. Rowling
They don’t need walls and water to keep the prisoners in, not when they’re trapped inside their own heads, incapable of a single cheerful thought. Most go mad within weeks - Lupin
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Wall
Image of Toni Morrison
Usually I try to be there by six. Everything has been taken off the walls so that there's nothing to arrest my sight. On the bed I have Roget's Thesaurus, a dictionary, a Bible, and a deck of playing cards.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Wall
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
When a church is faithless to its duties, the real church is outside its walls, in the community.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Wall
Image of Olivia Thirlby
My boyfriend and I just got a projector, so we've been screening movies on the roof and projecting them against the wall next door. The last one we did, the theme was, "The Russians are Coming". So we screened Red Dawn and Top Gun.
- Olivia Thirlby
Collection: Wall
Image of Jeanette Winterson
Walls protect and walls limit. It is in the nature of walls that they should fall. That walls should fall is the consequence of blowing your own trumpet.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Wall
Image of William Shakespeare
Women being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the walls.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Wall
Image of Jerry Spinelli
They don't live here. They live in Heaven.' Where's that?' I don't know,' I said. 'Enos says it's right here, on this side of the wall, but I never saw an angel over here. Kuba says it's in Russia. Olek says Washington America.' What's Washington America?' Enos says it's a place with no wall and no lice and lots of potatoes.
- Jerry Spinelli
Collection: Wall
Image of Derek Landy
I swear, talking to you is like talking to a really good-looking and mildly stupid brick wall.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Wall
Image of Will Smith
I do not have to build a perfect wall today. I just have to lay a perfect brick.
- Will Smith
Collection: Wall
Image of Paul Ryan
We agree with that goal [to secure our border] and will be working with [Donald Trump] to finance on construction of the physical barrier, including the wall on the southern border. The law is already on the books. I voted for it, like, ten years ago, but nothing has gotten done and now we have a president who actually wants to secure the border and we are all in favor of doing that.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Wall
Image of Paul Ryan
There are a lot of different ways of getting Mexico to contribute to doing this. And there are different ways of defining how exactly they pay for it. [Donald Trump] has a promise that he made to the American people which is to secure our border. A wall is a big part of that.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
The secretary of Homeland Security working with myself and my staff will begin immediate construction of a border wall.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Tom Shadyac
If you bounce a tennis ball against a wall it will come back to you the same way every time. But if you shift the wall a few degrees it will come back another way.
- Tom Shadyac
Collection: Wall
Image of Rick Riordan
Whoa," said Nico as he climbed off the bus. "Is that a climbing wall?" "Yeah," I (Percy) said. "Why is there lava pouring down it?" "Little extra challenge..." - Percy
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Wall
Image of Danielle Steel
Like a small animal burrowing into its hole, I shift furniture around, and back myself into a cozy corner, with my back to the wall...and then I can write.
- Danielle Steel
Collection: Wall