Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 28

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 28 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of Andy Warhol
You'd be surprised how many people want to hang an electric chair on their living-room wall. Specially if the background color matches the drapes.
- Andy Warhol
Collection: Wall
Image of Wendell Phillips
There is a very broad theory that society gets the right to hang, as the individual gets the right to defend himself. Suppose she does; there are certain principles which limit this right. Society has got the murderer within four walls; he never can do any more harm. Has society any need to take that man's life to protect itself? If any society has only the right that the individual has, she has no right to inflict the penalty of death, because she can effectually restrain the individual from ever again committing his offence.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Wall
Image of Larry Wall
Must be a different Larry Wall. There are at least 137 of us in the U.S.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
I want to build the wall. We need the wall. And the Border Patrol, ICE, they all want the wall. We stop the drugs. We shore up the border.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton wanted the wall on the border. Hillary Clinton fought for the wall in 2006 or thereabouts. Now, she never gets anything done, so naturally the wall wasn't built. But Hillary Clinton wanted the wall.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Georgia O'Keeffe
Did you ever have something to say and feel as if the whole side of the wall wouldn't be big enough to say it on, and then sit down on the floor and try to get it onto a sheet of charcoal paper?
- Georgia O'Keeffe
Collection: Wall
Image of Cecelia Ahern
We had come here to have a break from thoughts and the hard work that came with the constant interaction with idiots. Or at least people we considered idiots because they were not mind readers and we had to, patiently, use polite words to explain things that we were thinking when really inside we were fighting the urge to take their heads in our hands and softly and repeatedly thud their foreheads off the wall.
- Cecelia Ahern
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
The president of Mexico, or the ex-president, or whatever, whoever, who cares, he said, we will not even consider paying for the wall.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
Mexico will pay for it [the wall], because they are not doing us any favors. They could stop all of this illegal trade if they wanted to immediately.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Laura Riding
Every thought sounds like a footfall, Till a thought like a boot kicks down the wall.
- Laura Riding
Collection: Wall
Image of Barack Obama
Here at home, we will strengthen our defenses but not succumb to a siege mentality that sacrifices the open society and liberties and values that we cherish as Americans, because great and proud nations don't hunker down and hide behind walls of suspicion and mistrust.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Wall
Image of Adrienne Rich
The [Vietnam War Memorial] Wall became a magnet for citizens of every generation, class, race, and relationship to the war perhaps because it is the only great public monument that allows the anesthetized holes in the heart to fill with a truly national grief.
- Adrienne Rich
Collection: Wall
Image of Edward Snowden
The bare bones tools for a cyber-attack are to identify a vulnerability in the system you want to gain access to or you want to subvert or you want to deny, destroy, or degrade, and then to exploit it, which means to send codes, deliver code to that system somehow and get that code to that vulnerability, to that crack in their wall, jam it in there, and then have it execute.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
[The wall will be] ten feet taller. And every time they [Mexicans] protest, it`s going to go up a little bit higher.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Warren W. Wiersbe
A good book is like a seed: it produces fruit that has in it seed for more fruit. It is not a picture on the wall; it is a window that invies us to wider horizons.
- Warren W. Wiersbe
Collection: Wall
Image of Jules Verne
External objects produce decided effects upon the brain. A man shut up between four walls soon loses the power to associate words and ideas together. How many prisoners in solitary confinement become idiots, if not mad, for want of exercise for the thinking faculty!
- Jules Verne
Collection: Wall
Image of Viola Davis
The world is very good at encouraging you to go along with the status quo and at basking in your successes. But when you hit a wall in your personal life, and you screw up, people don't give you a chance to navigate your way through it and tap into what's extraordinary about you.
- Viola Davis
Collection: Wall
Image of William Morris
If there is a reason for keeping the wall very quiet, choose a pattern that works all over without pronounced lines...Put very succinctly, architectural effect depends upon a nice balance of horizontal, vertical and oblique. No rules can say how much of each; so nothing can really take the place of feeling and good judgement.
- William Morris
Collection: Wall
Image of Gayle Forman
Except even at the start, when we were in that can't-get-enough-of-you-phase, there was like some invisible wall between us. At first I tried to take it down, but it took so much effort to even make cracks. And then I got tired of trying. Then I justified it. This was just how adult relationships were, how love felt once you had a few battle scars.
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Wall
Image of Jandy Nelson
I have an impulse to write all over the orange walls- I need an alphabet of endings ripped out of books, of hands pulled off of clocks, of cold stones, of shoes filled with nothing but wind.
- Jandy Nelson
Collection: Wall
Image of Zadie Smith
Step back from your Facebook Wall for a moment: Doesn't it, suddenly, look a little ridiculous? Your life in this format?
- Zadie Smith
Collection: Wall
Image of Joaquin Phoenix
There are certain aspects of acting that I don't like. I'm not a person who loves being on set. I mean, I know people that have their espresso machines in their trailers and they like being in there and they put pictures on walls. But I don't like it. I don't like sitting around.
- Joaquin Phoenix
Collection: Wall
Image of Lauren Oliver
But for now, the future, like the past, means nothing. For now, there is only a homestead built of trash and scraps, at the edge of a broken city, just beyond a towering city dump; and our arrival-hungry, and half-frozen, to a place of food and water and walls that keep out the brutal winds. This, for us, is heaven.
- Lauren Oliver
Collection: Wall
Image of Edward Abbey
Writing on the wall: Will trade three blind crabs for two with no teeth.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
We're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay. And the reason they're going to pay and the way they're going to pay, Bob, is this. We have a trade deficit now with Mexico of $58 billion a year. The wall is going to cost $10 billion a year. That's what it's going to cost. It's going to be a powerful wall. It's going to cost $10 billion.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Gloria Steinem
I wasn't ever unable to function, but I did realize at some point that I had built a wall between myself and my childhood by saying, "I'm so glad that's over. Nothing can ever be as bad again," without understanding that my childhood was still very much with me.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Wall
Image of Paul Simon
Believing I had supernatural powers, I slammed into a brick wall.
- Paul Simon
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton is totally controlled by Wall Street and all these people that gave her millions.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Octavio Paz
With great difficulty advancing by millimeters each year, I carve a road out of the rock. For millenniums my teeth have wasted and my nails broken to get there, to the other side, to the light and the open air. And now that my hands bleed and my teeth tremble, unsure in a cavity cracked by thirst and dust, I pause and contemplate my work. I have spent the second part of my life breaking the stones, drilling the walls, smashing the doors, removing the obstacles I placed between the light and myself in the first part of my life.
- Octavio Paz
Collection: Wall
Image of Mary Roberts Rinehart
Herbert used to say that he was as tight as the paper on the wall.
- Mary Roberts Rinehart
Collection: Wall
Image of Pablo Picasso
For being a bad student I was banished to the 'calaboose' - a bare cell with whitewashed walls and a bench to sit on. I liked it there, because I took along a sketch pad and drew incessantly I could have stayed there forever drawing without stopping
- Pablo Picasso
Collection: Wall
Image of Gaston Leroux
Hullo… the wall is a looking-glass!
- Gaston Leroux
Collection: Wall
Image of Jim Rohn
A life best lived is a life by design. Not by accident, and not by just walking through the day careening from wall to wall and managing to survive. That's okay. But if you can start giving your life dimensions and design and color and objectives and purpose, the results can be staggering.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Wall
Image of Boyd K. Packer
This great circle of sisters will be a protection for each of you and for your families. The Relief Society might be likened to a refuge- the place of safety and protection- the sanctuary of ancient times. You will be safe within it. It encircles each sister like a protecting wall.
- Boyd K. Packer
Collection: Wall
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute truth... Through words and concepts we shall never reach beyond the wall off relations, to some sort of fabulous primal ground of things.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Orben
Wall Street is where prophets tell us what will happen and profits tell us what did happen.
- Robert Orben
Collection: Wall
Image of Stephenie Meyer
I tensed for the spring, my eyes squinting as I cringed away, and the sound of Edward's furious roar echoed distantly in the back of my head. His name burst through all the walls I'd built to contain it. Edward, Edward, Edward. I was going to die. It shouldn't matter if I thought of him now. Edward, I love you.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Wall
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Say good-bye to Dodd-Frank and all of the financial reforms and efforts to try to rein in Wall Street. Just say good-bye to it. That means we can go where Wall Street gets to call the shots again. We saw how that worked out in 2008.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Wall
Image of Nora Roberts
He wanted to heave the glasses against the wall. Break them, break everything he could reach. Beat it, rend it. He stared out the window, imagined the city in flames, consumed to ashes. And still it wasn't enough.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Wall
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
Put a gun to my head and paint the wall with my brains.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Wall
Image of Huston Smith
I simply wanted to experience the presence of this man who had revolutionized my understanding. After a while we sat in silence, gazing at the barren canyon walls. And the mute desert seemed to carry on our conversation for us.
- Huston Smith
Collection: Wall
Image of Linus Torvalds
You know, the mark of intelligence is realizing when you're making the same mistake over and over and over again, and not hitting your head in the wall five hundred times before you understand that it's not a clever thing to do.
- Linus Torvalds
Collection: Wall
Image of John Ruskin
The greatest glory of a building is not in its stones, nor in its gold. Its glory is in its Age, and in that deep sense of voicefulness, of stern watching, of mysterious sympathy... which we feel in walls that have long been washed by the passing waves of humanity.
- John Ruskin
Collection: Wall
Image of Bernie Sanders
Your story is for - voting for every disastrous trade agreement, and voting for corporate America. Did I vote against the Wall Street bailout?
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Wall
Image of Anita Roddick
We were most creative when our back was against the wall.
- Anita Roddick
Collection: Wall
Image of Betty Smith
Yes, when I get big and have my own home, no plush chairs and lace curtains for me. And no rubber plants. I'll have a desk like this in my parlor and white walls and a clean green blotter every Saturday night and a row of shining yellow pencils always sharpened for writing and a golden-brown bowl with a flower or some leaves or berries always in it and books . . . books . . . books. . . .
- Betty Smith
Collection: Wall
Image of Karen Marie Moning
Propping the mirror against the wall near the door, he waved a hand at it and clipped, "Drustan: Cian MacKeltar. Cian: Drustan MacKeltar." "Dageus," Drustan's voice was soft as velvet, never a good sign, "why are you introducing me to a mirror?
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Wall
Image of Ellen Hopkins
you come home, and everyone talks at once and everyone asks questions, but no one waits for the answers.Instead they talk about themselves, what they've been up to, what they're going to do next, as if you're a photo on the wall.And then they talk to one another, forgetting you've jsut flown in, forgetting you're in the backseat, forgetting they've already said it all.
- Ellen Hopkins
Collection: Wall