Elizabeth Warren

Image of Elizabeth Warren
Pundits talk about 'populist rage' as a way to trivialize the anger and fear coursing through the middle class.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Anger
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Others have said it before me. If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu. And so it is important that we have women in the United States Senate - strong women, women who are there to help advance an agenda that is important to women.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Women
Image of Elizabeth Warren
There are lots of families who - who make irresponsible purchases. There are also a lot of families who have debt on credit cards because they use those credit cards to pay for medical bills.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Medical
Image of Elizabeth Warren
I think I grew up with a profound sense of watching people who were good people, who were smart people, who were hardworking people - God, nobody on this Earth worked harder than my mom and dad - and they had very little.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Mom
Image of Elizabeth Warren
It is not good not to have health insurance; that leaves the family very vulnerable.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Health
Image of Elizabeth Warren
A good education is a foundation for a better future.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Future
Image of Elizabeth Warren
I have voted against only one of President Obama's nominees: Michael Froman, a Citigroup alumnus who is currently storming the halls of Congress as U.S. Trade Representative pushing trade deals that threaten to undermine financial regulation, workers' rights, and environmental protections.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Environmental
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Most women file for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a serious medical problem, a job loss, or a family break up. It is hard to protect against those.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Medical
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Banks were once places to hold money and were very careful in lending to finance families as they built a future - bought homes, bought cars, took out student loans.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Finance
Image of Elizabeth Warren
How do you think we build a future? I think we build it by investing in our kids and investing in education.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Credit cards are like snakes: Handle 'em long enough, and one will bite you.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act will reestablish a wall between commercial and investment banking, make our financial system more stable and secure, and protect American families.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Consumer banking - selling debt to middle class families - has been a gold mine.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
People feel like the system is rigged against them, and here is the painful part, they're right. The system is rigged.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
We cannot run a democracy without a strong middle class.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Wall Street banks have the right to express their views to lawmakers and regulators through lobbying, but the law is clear: If they want to influence lawmakers, they must disclose their lobbying expenditures.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
We've seen filibusters to block judicial nominations, jobs bills, political transparency, ending Big Oil subsidies - you name it, there's been a filibuster.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Raising the minimum wage means we have workers paying more in to support the Social Security system.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
What I've learned is that real change is very, very hard. But I've also learned that change is possible - if you fight for it.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Bankruptcy is about financial death and financial rebirth. Bankruptcy is the great American story rewritten. We're a nation of debtors.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
When she was 16, my grandmother, Hannie Reed, drove a wagon in the Oklahoma land rush.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Americans are fighters. We're tough, resourceful and creative, and if we have the chance to fight on a level playing field, where everyone pays a fair share and everyone has a real shot, then no one - no one can stop us.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
If Federal Reserve loans are subsidies, it doesn't show up in the federal budget.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
I want millionaires and billionaires and Big Oil companies to pay their fair share.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
I hear all this, you know, 'Well, this is class warfare, this is whatever.' No. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own - nobody.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
I grew up in a family that nearly lost everything, but I ended up in the United States Senate because I grew up in an America that invested in kids like me and built a real future for us.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
It doesn't make me happy to go back and talk about how great high school was.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Growing up, my mother and grandparents often talked about our family's Native American heritage. As a kid, I never thought to ask them for documentation - what kid would?
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
G.E. doesn't pay any taxes, and we are asking college kids to take on even more debt to get an education and asking seniors to get by on less. These aren't just economic questions. These are moral questions.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
It is critical that the American people, and not just their financial institutions, be represented at the negotiating table.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
People who graduate are more resilient financially, and they weather economic downturns better than people who don't graduate. And, throughout their lives, people who graduate are more likely to be economically secure, more likely to be healthy, and more likely to live longer. Face it: A college degree puts a lot in your corner.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
We can't go out and tell ourselves we've done good if we haven't.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
We need to hold Wall Street accountable for issuing the kinds of deceptive loans that nearly brought our economy to its knees in 2008.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Citigroup has a lot of money, it spends a lot of money, and it uses that money to grow and consolidate power. And it pays off.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Thomas Piketty assembles the facts to prove a central point about trickle-down economics: Doesn't work. Never did. He has cold, hard data showing how the rich keep getting richer and how the playing field is rigged against working families.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
The word's out: I'm a woman, and I'm going to have trouble backing off on that. I am what I am. I'll go out and talk to people about what's happening to their families, and when I do that, I'm a mother. I'm a grandmother.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
It worries me about what happens if people in government are looking for that next job: 'Yeah I'm working now, not as much money as I could be making, but when I leave here, that's where I'm headed.' That ultimately infects whatever it is that they're doing.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
We all understand that we are living longer, and we are more likely to spend more years as frail, elderly people who can't work. We also recognize that the wonderful advances in medicine also come with wonderful price tags. Those are things you can't budget around.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
And that's how we build the economy of the future. An economy with more jobs and less debt, we root it in fairness. We grow it with opportunity. And we build it together.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Groupthink can become a serious issue - old ideas stay around after they're useful, and new ideas too often don't get a fair hearing.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea, God Bless, keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and paid forward for the next kid who comes along.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
You have two pages, that's the whole credit card agreement. The terms are clear and flat and easy to see so anyone can read them. So you could lay four credit cards in front of you and say, 'Oh, that's the one that has the highest rate, that's the one that has the really scary provision that could hurt me.'
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
You can put handcuffs on people who push the envelope. When they break the law, they deserve to have handcuffs.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
People with banking experience haven't all flocked to the biggest banks; community banks and regional banks, along with smaller trading houses and credit unions, have some very talented people.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
You built a factory out there, good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads that the rest of us paid for. You hired workers that the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything in your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
I do not understand how it is that financial institutions could think that they could take taxpayer money and then turn around and act like it's business as usual. I don't understand how they can't see that the world has changed in a fundamental way, that it is not business as usual when you take taxpayer dollars.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
If there had been a Financial Product Safety Commission in place 10 years ago, the current financial crisis would have been averted.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
Part of my job is to make sense of all that I hear, and to retell it in a forceful way so that the decision-makers at Treasury can hear it. At least that's how I see it.
- Elizabeth Warren
Image of Elizabeth Warren
I get heartfelt thanks from all kinds of people. Today I heard from a waitress in Georgia who has lost her job and is trying to figure out how her local bank can change the terms on her credit card, and I heard from a physicist at a major research university who wants to explain a better theory of financial stress tests.
- Elizabeth Warren