Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 14

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Image of Dave Thomas
You earn your reputation by the things you do every day.
- Dave Thomas
Collection: Wall
Image of Dave Thomas
The more you give to others, the more you get in return.
- Dave Thomas
Collection: Wall
Image of Dave Thomas
Deliver total quality to every customer every day.
- Dave Thomas
Collection: Wall
Image of Carter Ratcliff
Imagine a revised edition of Shakespeare... a big, thick book with an elegant cover... You open it and find that there are no pages, just an empty box of space. On the back wall of the box is a small mirror. You look into it, see yourself, and now you know all you need to know about Shakespeare.
- Carter Ratcliff
Collection: Wall
Image of Toyin Odutola
I kept wanting to push my image as validity; I wanted to see my portrait on a wall and know it was okay.
- Toyin Odutola
Collection: Wall
Image of Joseph Jastrow
The world is as large as the range of one's interests. A narrow-minded man has a narrow outlook. The walls of his world shut out the broader horizon of affairs. Prejudice can maintain walls that no invention can remove.
- Joseph Jastrow
Collection: Wall
Image of William D. Cohan
Having worked at four separate Wall Street firms, having seen a variety of talent at those places, and having competed against Goldman as a banker, one thing you have to be struck by is the power of their recruiting.
- William D. Cohan
Collection: Wall
Image of Joaquin Miller
Tis midnight now. The bend and broken moon, Batter'd and black, as from a thousand battles, Hangs silent on the purple walls of Heaven.
- Joaquin Miller
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles Hummel
A man's home is no longer his castle; it is no longer a place away from urgent tasks because the telephone breaches the walls with imperious demands.
- Charles Hummel
Collection: Wall
Image of Arnold Hano
You never saw such a crazy cat. 'Up the wall' took on a literal meaning.
- Arnold Hano
Collection: Wall
Image of Paula Malcomson
As actors, we're a little faster than other people, with breaking down the walls.
- Paula Malcomson
Collection: Wall
Image of Woody Guthrie
Was a great high wall there that tried to stop me. Was a great big sign there said private Property but on the back side it didn't say nothing. That side was made for you and me.
- Woody Guthrie
Collection: Wall
Image of J. E. Buckrose
It is in bed that we learn to bear the inevitable. We are learning this all the time while we lie with our face turned to the wall thinking we are doing nothing.
- J. E. Buckrose
Collection: Wall
Image of Ian Bremmer
Berlin is still a very edgy place, a very cosmopolitan place. It's a place where completely different ideas and cultures come together and clash in a very warm way. In a very warm-hearted way. It's a very young city. It's a vibrant city. It's an exciting city. It's a city that's also scarred by history. I think that's to be celebrated and graffiti is to be celebrated. Graffiti in Berlin is very different than when they spray something on the wall dividing the west bank and Israel. And should be treated as such in Berlin.
- Ian Bremmer
Collection: Wall
Image of Julianne Hough
What I love about '80s rock music is the amazing, fantastic melodies. In pop music, it's all about the techno beat to dance to in the club and the repetitiveness, whereas in rock music there is literally, like, balls-to-the-wall singing and playing. I love it.
- Julianne Hough
Collection: Wall
Image of Jack Welpott
I went through a long period when I thought my photographs were not visible - on the wall, but not visible.
- Jack Welpott
Collection: Wall
Image of Malina Suliman
All the work I did was to challenge politics, culture, and women's rights. I felt like I really wanted to break out. That's why I wanted to use graffiti. It's more open. I don't need people to come to an exhibition. Graffiti gives a voice to the walls.
- Malina Suliman
Collection: Wall
Image of David Krieger
We all have choices. We can build walls or we can build bridges. We can give our talents to creating weapons of annihilation, as so many scientists have done, or we can work to find solutions to humanities greatest problems. Our orientation is found not only in our acts, but also in the policies we support or oppose.
- David Krieger
Collection: Wall
Image of Josh Ross
Faith can be stirred within the walls of church buildings, but faith is formed and nourished in the waiting rooms of hospitals, helplessly witnessing a thirty-one-year-old sister suffer, holding kids affected by the AIDS epidemic, and being stretched outside of our own social makeup.
- Josh Ross
Collection: Wall
Image of Teyana
You got to be able to love again. You got to give everybody a fair chance. Everybody deserves a fair chance. I'm talking about building that wall, coming out of a relationship and feeling like, well, I'm going to hold back. You turn into your ex. When you find a person that's worth letting your wall down , and you feel it in your stomach, just don't fight it. Just let it happen.
- Teyana
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Dugoni
The walls were down, the only thing I could do was rebuild.
- Robert Dugoni
Collection: Wall
Image of Rachel Hartman
Sometimes the truth has difficulty breaching the city walls of our beliefs. A lie, dressed in the correct livery, passes through more easily.
- Rachel Hartman
Collection: Wall
Image of Dan Rosensweig
The primary goal I set for myself on how I define what success looks like for me is am I working at a company that matters? Am I working with somebody who I think affects positive change? Am I providing a benefit to my family? Am I enjoying myself? Why would I put a limitation on my enjoyment? There is an old view on Wall Street that says, 'They love you until they don't.' I am going to stay happy until I am not.
- Dan Rosensweig
Collection: Wall
Image of Marya Hornbacher
And so I went through the looking glass, stepped into the netherworld, where up is down and food is greed, where convex mirrors cover the walls, where death is honor and flesh is weak. It is ever so easy to go. Harder to find your way back.
- Marya Hornbacher
Collection: Wall
Image of Louis Rukeyser
In Wall Street, the only thing that's hard to explain is next week.
- Louis Rukeyser
Collection: Wall
Image of Peter Padfield
Wealth from trade was the mainspring of Western material advance; the visible agents of change were great guns. These came of age in Europe in the 15th century. On land their potency in reducing castle walls favoured central over local power, since in general only monarchs could afford siege-trains; so nation-states were consolidated and extended into great territorial empires. At sea, guns transformed sailing ships into mobile castles virtually impregnable to opponents who lacked equally powerful ordnance. With the ocean-going gunned warship, western Europe began to extend around the globe.
- Peter Padfield
Collection: Wall
Image of Khaled Hosseini
One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, Or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Wall
Image of Leopold Fechtner
Wall Street is a place where the day begins with good buys.
- Leopold Fechtner
Collection: Wall
Image of Akiva Goldsman
Adaptation is always the same process for me, which is some version of throwing the book at the wall and seeing what pages fall out. It is trying to imagine, remember the story, read it, put it down, and then write sort of an outline without the book in front of you with some hope that what you like about it will be filtered and distilled out through your memory and then that will be similar to what other people like about it.
- Akiva Goldsman
Collection: Wall
Image of Thor Heyerdahl
One learns more from listening than speaking.And both the wind and the people who continue to live close to nature still have much to tell us which we cannot hear within university walls.
- Thor Heyerdahl
Collection: Wall
Image of Eyedea
I can only build if I tear the walls down, even if it breaks me I won't let it make me frown, I'm falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground, I'll still smile
- Eyedea
Collection: Wall
Image of Edwin Gaustad
Jefferson found in the religion phrases of the First Amendment no vague or fuzzy language to be bent or shaped or twisted as suited any Supreme Court Justice or White House incumbent. That amendment had built a wall, with the ecclesiastical estate on one side and the civil estate on the other.
- Edwin Gaustad
Collection: Wall
Image of Adam Langer
... every writer I had ever known wrote his best work when he had his back up against the wall and thought he would never write another word.
- Adam Langer
Collection: Wall
Image of Sean Hannity
Donald Trump needs to stay focused and remember the promises to you, the American people. You know the promises, repeal and replace Obamacare, identify radical Islam, lower taxes, repatriate corporate profits, build the border wall, appoint originalists to the Supreme Court, fix inner cities, energy independence, drain the swamp, send education back to the states, you know, say radical Islam, vet refugees, all of these important issues, free trade.
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve Kornacki
Here`s an interesting twist, though, President Pena Nieto later tweeting that he told [Donald] Trump in their private meeting that Mexico will not pay for the proposed border wall, Trump saying, though, in that press conference that it didn`t come up.
- Steve Kornacki
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve Kornacki
On the campaign trail, [Donald] Trump has threatened a trade war and repeatedly said that Mexico will pay for a wall on the Southern border.
- Steve Kornacki
Collection: Wall
Image of Mike Rosen
The Occupy Wall Street collective is confused about what it wants but it wants it now! Some of the loonier demands from its independent thinkers: Striking all existing public and private debt from the books across the "entire planet"; elimination of all international borders; free college education; a guaranteed "living wage" for all regardless of employment; an end to free trade; trillions in additional spending for infrastructure and ecological restoration; and ending the fossil fuel economy.
- Mike Rosen
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert E. Howard
I never saw a man fight as Conan fought. He put his back to the courtyard wall, and before they overpowered him the dead men were strewn in heaps thigh-deep about him. But at last they dragged him down, a hundred against one.
- Robert E. Howard
Collection: Wall
Image of Jim Rowe
Make a small painting of what you want to do... and project it up on a white wall... The enlarged version is so changed that there is no way of just visualizing it in the brain... It's a whole new dimension in painting.
- Jim Rowe
Collection: Wall
Image of Blake Butler
When I was a kid my primary goal in life was to find a book that was alive. Not alive in the human sense, but like a thing that would send me to a place not otherwise accessible on Earth. This book should have hidden words encrypted beneath the printed ones, so that if I worked hard enough and discovered the code I would somehow end up inside the book, or the book would take on a body and consume me, revealing a secret set of rooms behind the wall in my bedroom, for instance, inside which anything could be.
- Blake Butler
Collection: Wall
Image of Mariska Hargitay
Being fearless means busting down those walls of fear and being who you are, not who someone else thinks you are. People like to put others in a box and tell them what they can and cannot do or who they can and cannot be. No one can tell you who you are and what you are made of, only you yourself know what you are made of, and only you yourself can do the work to become who you want to be.
- Mariska Hargitay
Collection: Wall
Image of Harry Houdini
I must fling myself down and writhe; I must strive with every piece of force I possess; I bruise and batter myself against the floor, the walls; I strain and sob and exhaust myself, and begin again, and exhaust myself again; but do I feel pain? Never. How can I feel pain? There is no place for it.
- Harry Houdini
Collection: Wall
Image of Harry Houdini
I knew, as everyone knows, that the easiest way to attract a crowd is to let it be known that at a given time and a given place some one is going to attempt something that in the event of failure will mean sudden death. That's what attracts us to the man who paints the flagstaff on the tall building, or to the 'human fly' who scales the walls of the same building.
- Harry Houdini
Collection: Wall
Image of Katie Pavlich
I want to remind the viewers that people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement which is actually full of anarchists.
- Katie Pavlich
Collection: Wall
Image of Katie Ledecky
And if I'm ahead, I can sometimes tell. It might mean I'm having a good swim, but pretty much, I'm just focused on how fast I'm going, how fast I'm feeling, and pretty much block everything out, the sounds, the sights, just kind of listen to the rhythm of the water, and just maintaining the same stroke, the same rhythm, the same tempo, and thinking about how I want to get my hand to the wall.
- Katie Ledecky
Collection: Wall
Image of Denis Dutton
A few years ago, Bill Gates was boasting that we'll soon have sensors which will turn on the music that we like or show on the walls the paintings we like when we walk into a room. How boring! The hell with our preexisting likes; let's expand ourselves intellectually.
- Denis Dutton
Collection: Wall
Image of Aurora Aksnes
I don't like not saying anything. I don't like having a wall between me and the audience. I want to break down that wall and communicate with the people in the room, 'cause we're there together and we're having a nice moment.
- Aurora Aksnes
Collection: Wall
Image of Daniel Crevier
Pattern recognition and association make up the core of our thought. These activities involve millions of operations carried out in parallel, outside the field of our consciousness. If AI appeared to hit a brick wall after a few quick victories, it did so owing to its inability to emulate these processes.
- Daniel Crevier
Collection: Wall
Image of Wade Guyton
As I was walking down the stairs, I kept thinking that the room felt like a movie theater with all your attention on this wall, so it seemed like a big challenge.
- Wade Guyton
Collection: Wall