Jack Welpott

Image of Jack Welpott
In my view, photography and painting really share one history. The influences that work on one, work on the other.
- Jack Welpott
Collection: Photography
Image of Jack Welpott
Part of the fascination that photography holds is its ability to unlock secrets kept even from ourselves. Like dreams, the photograph can uncork a heady bouquet of recognition which can escape into the cognitive world.
- Jack Welpott
Collection: Photography
Image of Jack Welpott
Photography is a holding together of opposites: Light and dark, beautiful and ugly, sublime and banal, concious and unconcious. I am still struck by the power of photography to strip away the bark of the mind and reveal the visceral workings underneath.
- Jack Welpott
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jack Welpott
When I'm working behind a camera, I feel like I'm trying to achieve something like a jazz musician does.
- Jack Welpott
Collection: Trying
Image of Jack Welpott
Photography ruins marriages, and I've been married three times - so there's a downside to it as well.
- Jack Welpott
Collection: Photography
Image of Jack Welpott
I went through a long period when I thought my photographs were not visible - on the wall, but not visible.
- Jack Welpott
Collection: Wall