Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 11

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Image of Will Ferrell
Facebook is like jail, you sit around and waste time, you write on walls and you get poked by people you don't know
- Will Ferrell
Collection: Wall
Image of Maurice Hayes
The Rising was mainly a piece of streat theatre designed by poets for dramatic effect. For better or worse, it became part of the founding myth which states need - but which they should move on from after a time. Major John MacBride, in a cameo performance in which he left Jacobs Mill, as he had entered it, immaculately dressed down to the white spats, told his colleagues Next time lads, don't shut yourself up behind four walls. It was good advice.
- Maurice Hayes
Collection: Wall
Image of Lindy West
On a practical level, I'm uncomfortable at comedy clubs because there are so many shitty dude comics who have made my life miserable. If I go to a comedy club and I look around, I don't know which of the dudes lining the wall told me that I was too fat to get raped. It makes me nauseous. But that was a couple years ago, and meanwhile, comedy has changed a lot.
- Lindy West
Collection: Wall
Image of Alex Berenson
In general, great companies prefer to grow organically, as Wall Street likes to say. That is, from the inside out, by finding new markets or by taking market share from their competitors.
- Alex Berenson
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Burry
I think a lot of funds get their ideas from Wall Street. I just like to find my own ideas. I read a lot. A lot of news. I just follow my nose. A lot of times it's a dead end, but sometimes there's value there.
- Michael Burry
Collection: Wall
Image of Lu Tong
The first cup caresses my dry lips and throat, The second shatters the walls of my loneliness, The third explores the dry rivulets of my soul Searching for legends of five thousand scrolls. With the fourth the pain of past injustice vanishes through my pores. The fifth purifies my flesh and bone. With the sixth I commune with the immortals. The seventh conveys such pleasure I am overcome. The fresh wind blows through my wings As I make my way to Penglai.
- Lu Tong
Collection: Wall
Image of Mohnish Pabrai
Wall Street sometimes gets confused between risk and uncertainty, and you can profit handsomely from that confusion. The low-risk, high-uncertainty [situation] gives us our most sought after coin-toss odds. Heads, I win; tails, I don't lose much.
- Mohnish Pabrai
Collection: Wall
Image of Edwin Lefevre
Nowhere does history indulge in repetitions so often or so uniformly as in Wall Street. When you read contemporary accounts of booms or panics, the one thing that strikes you most forcibly is how little either stock speculation or stock speculators today differ from yesterday. The game does not change and neither does human nature.
- Edwin Lefevre
Collection: Wall
Image of Edwin Lefevre
Nowhere does history indulge in repetitions so often or so uniformly as in Wall Street.
- Edwin Lefevre
Collection: Wall
Image of Edwin Lefevre
In fact, of all hoodoos in Wall Street I think the resolve to induce the stock market to act as a fairy godmother is the busiest and most persistent.
- Edwin Lefevre
Collection: Wall
Image of Geoffrey Hill
September fattens on vines. Roses flake from the wall. The smoke of harmless fires drifts to my eyes. This is plenty. This is more than enough.
- Geoffrey Hill
Collection: Wall
Image of Daphne Merkin
I think the experience of depression that I most think remains true throughout the years is it's very isolating. That to me is its strongest quality. That you're alone in a room, that you're cut off, you're just sort of stuck with it. It puts up a wall.
- Daphne Merkin
Collection: Wall
Image of Mick Mulvaney
We are trying to get a border wall to protect millions of low income Americans against folks who aren't supposed to be here. So, it's a national security.
- Mick Mulvaney
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve Rubel
A prominent mention in The Wall Street Journal a couple of weeks ago garnered me a whopping 40 visitors.
- Steve Rubel
Collection: Wall
Image of Raul Grijalva
There's no doubt that the Donald Trump administration, part of the red meat that he ran on from the first day when he announced his candidacy was a very extreme anti-immigrant rhetoric that he kept up through the whole campaign - the wall, deportation, more detention. And I think that that particular piece of red meat, he's going to throw out every once in a while and try to - of all the commitments that he's made, this is the one that is most disturbing, because it's one that he will try to fulfill through his presidency.
- Raul Grijalva
Collection: Wall
Image of Mary Elizabeth McGrath Blake
For 'tis green, green, green, where the ruined towers are gray, And it's green, green, green, all the happy night and day; Green of leaf and green of sod, green of ivy on the wall, And the blessed Irish shamrock with the fairest green of all.
- Mary Elizabeth McGrath Blake
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve Eisman
That Wall Street has gone down because of this is justice ... They built a castle to rip people off. Not once in all these years have I come across a person inside a big Wall Street firm who was having a crisis of conscience.
- Steve Eisman
Collection: Wall
Image of Avro Manhattan
The Catholic church, once all her assets have been put together, is the most formidable stockbroker in the world. The Vatican, independently of each successive pope, has been increasingly orientated towards the U.S. The Wall Street Journal said that the Vatican's financial deals in the U.S. alone were so big that very often it sold or bought gold in lots of a million or more dollars at one time.
- Avro Manhattan
Collection: Wall
Image of Larry Gagosian
I've had people say to me, "Well, how do I start collecting artworks?" Well, you start by buying. Buy what you like, buy what you can afford - and I'm not just saying that because I'm a dealer. You can't be so paralyzed to where you keep saying, "I've got to learn more." The best way to learn is to go home and actually put something on the wall. Then you've got an investment. Then you're living with it. Then you're in the game.
- Larry Gagosian
Collection: Wall
Image of Erich Honecker
The Wall will stand for a hundred years.
- Erich Honecker
Collection: Wall
Image of Anna Kamienska
Letters of the condemned. Last words scratched on a cell’s wall. To write like that.
- Anna Kamienska
Collection: Wall
Image of Scott Joplin
Panic in Wall Street, brokers feeling melancholy.
- Scott Joplin
Collection: Wall
Image of Walid Jumblatt
I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting . . . it was the start of a new Arab world.. The Berlin Wall has fallen.
- Walid Jumblatt
Collection: Wall
Image of Walid Jumblatt
The Syrian people, the Egyptian people, all say that something is changing. The Berlin Wall has fallen. We can see it.
- Walid Jumblatt
Collection: Wall
Image of Walid Jumblatt
It's strange for me to say it, but this process of change has started because of the American invasion of Iraq. I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting three weeks ago, 8 million of them, it was the start of a new Arab world. The Syrian people, the Egyptian people, all say that something is changing. The Berlin Wall has fallen. We can see it.
- Walid Jumblatt
Collection: Wall
Image of Collin Peterson
It appears to me that no one has learned a thing; that Wall Street is still operating as if 2008 never happened.
- Collin Peterson
Collection: Wall
Image of Henry Mayhew
The city of London, within the walls, occupies a space of only 370 acres, and is but the hundred and fortieth part of the extent covered by the whole metropolis
- Henry Mayhew
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Lind
Civil libertarian activists are found overwhelmingly on the left. Their right-wing brethren have been concerned with issues more important than civil rights, voting rights, abuses by police and the military, and the subordination of politics to religion - issues like the campaign to expand human freedom by turning highways over to toll-extracting private corporations and the crusade to funnel money from Social Security to Wall Street brokerage firms.
- Michael Lind
Collection: Wall
Image of Asra Nomani
When we think about Islamic feminism, it is not just about women's rights. It's about a more progressive and tolerant expression of Islam in the world for all people. Women's rights is one aspect of it, it's not the end-all, but I also think that the women's issue is the strongest entry point that we've got to challenging extremism. You raise a woman's issue and you get the backs of the conservatives up against the wall faster than just about any other issue in our community. It's the fastest path that we've got to making change happen.
- Asra Nomani
Collection: Wall
Image of Mark Sheppard
Hitting your head against a wall is not the fastest way to move it.
- Mark Sheppard
Collection: Wall
Image of Ryan McGinley
In college, all my friends were graffiti writers, but I never wrote graffiti. I wanted to participate and do something cool on the street, so I'd make these portraits of people. I'd isolate them on a white wall, make a silkscreen of it, and do these portraits in bathrooms and all around. That's how I started the Polaroids.
- Ryan McGinley
Collection: Wall
Image of Cyril Clarke
All we have observed is where moths do not spend the day. In 25 years we have found only two betularia on the tree trunks or walls adjacent to our traps (one on an appropriate background and one not), and none elsewhere
- Cyril Clarke
Collection: Wall
Image of Lowell P. Weicker, Jr.
That wall, embodied in the First Amendment, is perhaps America's most important contribution to political progress on this planet.
- Lowell P. Weicker, Jr.
Collection: Wall
Image of Steven Saylor
Adrienne Mayor's inquiry into the myth--and surprising reality--of Amazon women begins with the fierce Greek huntress Atalanta, but takes us deep into the past and as far afield as the Great Wall of China. With the restless curiosity and meticulous scholarship that have become her hallmark, the author once again has found a gap in my bookshelf and filled it, admirably.
- Steven Saylor
Collection: Wall
Image of Lawrence Weiner
You can't have a $2 million painting unless it's on the wall somewhere and somebody saw it.
- Lawrence Weiner
Collection: Wall
Image of Zelda Popkin
Every door opens to something and it is better to go toward that something than to sit staring at the blank wall of time.
- Zelda Popkin
Collection: Wall
Image of Suzanne Massie
Pain heightens every sense. More powerfully than any drug, it intensifies colors, sounds, sight, feelings. Pain is like a glass wall. It is impossible to climb it, but you must, and, somehow, you do. Then there is an explosion of brilliance and the world is more apparent in its complexity and beauty.
- Suzanne Massie
Collection: Wall
Image of Ciaran Carson
I am reminded, now, of Leonardo's advice to painters: You should fix your eyes, he says, on certain walls stained with damp. You will see in these the likenesses of divine landscapes, adorned with mountains, ruins, rocks, extensive plains; and you will see there battles and strange figures engaged in violent actions. For in such walls the same thing happens as in the sound of church bells, in whose reverberations you may find every word imaginable.
- Ciaran Carson
Collection: Wall
Image of Daniel Powter
Someone asked me if I play piano because I feel like I have a protective wall around me. Maybe. I am really messed up.
- Daniel Powter
Collection: Wall
Image of Daniel Powter
I didn't have to see this big clock on the wall and worry. Most of the record I made was experimental. If you have a lot of time to do that you don't have to worry about the money, plus, I had no money. It was more out of necessity than choice.
- Daniel Powter
Collection: Wall
Image of Justin Trudeau
Ultimately, being open and respectful towards each other is much more powerful as a way to diffuse hatred and anger than, you know, layering on, you know, big walls and oppressive policies.
- Justin Trudeau
Collection: Wall
Image of Jean-Claude Juncker
Trump is a partner for us who cannot be easily categorized. Putting it in the noblest way possible, his understanding of politics is a little different from ours here in Europe. The way he acts forces us Europeans to take on a new responsibility. We are not standing with our backs up against the wall, but, to put it as pithily as the German chancellor has: We can no longer rely on the U.S. the way we could in the past.
- Jean-Claude Juncker
Collection: Wall
Image of Van Day Truex
The overscaled compositions being produced by so many abstract painters, which are full of movement and use of color, are ideal example, ideal transformations of an entire wall and entire room.... There is no denying that one of the major attractions of these successful large compositions is their structural decorative use in the contemporary scene... That these large canvases can be superbly decorative may not be considered complimentary by some of the artists involved.
- Van Day Truex
Collection: Wall
Image of Steven Rattner
During my 30 years on Wall Street, taxes on “unearned income” have bounced up and down with regularity, and I’ve never detected any change in the appetite for hard work and accumulating wealth on the part of myself or any of my fellow capitalists.
- Steven Rattner
Collection: Wall
Image of David Stockman
In short, Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices. And it couldn’t pass even if Republicans were to take the presidency and both houses of Congress. Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have no plan to take on Wall Street, the Fed, the military-industrial complex, social insurance or the nation’s fiscal calamity and no plan to revive capitalist prosperity - just empty sermons.
- David Stockman
Collection: Wall
Image of David Stockman
Look at what's happening between Main Street and Wall Street. The stock market index is up 136 percent from the bottom. Middle class jobs lost during the correction: six million. Middle class jobs recovered: one million. So therefore we're up 16 percent on the jobs that were lost. These are only born-again jobs. We don't really have any new jobs, and there's a massive speculative frenzy going on in Wall Street that is disconnected from the real economy.
- David Stockman
Collection: Wall
Image of David Stockman
If you let interest rates be freed, be set by the free market, they would rise dramatically. There would be a lot of broken furniture on Wall Street. It needs to be broken. The back of the speculative bubble would be broken and we could slowly heal the financial system. That's what I think we need to do but it's never going to happen because there's trillions of asset values dependent on the Fed continuing to suppress, repress interest rates and shovel $85 billion a month of liquidity into the market.
- David Stockman
Collection: Wall
Image of Marguerite de Angeli
If thou followeth a wall far enough, there must be a door in it.
- Marguerite de Angeli
Collection: Wall