Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of Paget Brewster
Let's throw it on the wall and see if it sticks.
- Paget Brewster
Collection: Wall
Image of Jodee Blanco
People tend to consider beig vulnerable a bad thing. It's not. Vulnerability reminds us that we're human. It keeps us open to giving and receiving love. Without at least a little, we can become someone living n a prison of our own making, where the walls are so thick that no one can get in or out.
- Jodee Blanco
Collection: Wall
Image of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Poetry is my understanding with the world, my intimacy with things, my participation in what is real, my engagement with voices and images. This is why a poem speaks not of ideal life but of actual life: the angle of a window; the reverberation of streets, cities, rooms; shadows along a wall.
- Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Collection: Wall
Image of Isobel Miller Kuhn
When I get to Heaven they aren't going to see much of me but my heels, for I'll be hanging over the golden wall keeping an eye on the Lisu Church!
- Isobel Miller Kuhn
Collection: Wall
Image of Dorothy Draper
You can never judge a paint hue by the liquid color in the paint pot. You must apply it to a wall, wait for the paint to dry, then decide.
- Dorothy Draper
Collection: Wall
Image of Louis Farrakhan
So unless we come together as a people and stop our foolish beefing among each other, sit down like intelligent men and women and settle the things that divide us from each other, then come together like a solid wall and we could make something happen.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Wall
Image of David Sobel
You can’t bounce off the walls If there are no walls: outdoor schools make kids happier—and smarter
- David Sobel
Collection: Wall
Image of Gustav Stickley
There are elements of intrinsic beauty in the simplification of a house built on the log cabin idea. First, there is the bare beauty of the logs themselves with their long lines and firm curves. Then there is the open charm felt of the structural features which are not hidden under plaster and ornament, but are clearly revealed, a charm felt in Japanese architecture....The quiet rhythmic monotone of the wall of logs fills one with the rustic peace of a secluded nook in the woods.
- Gustav Stickley
Collection: Wall
Image of Merlin Mann
Go a little easier on yourself, and in so doing, be prepared to make and do things that might seem silly at first. Just keep moving: don't ruminate and stare at the wall. Don't just play with your phone: go out and produce something.
- Merlin Mann
Collection: Wall
Image of Feist
When I stopped touring, it was like trying to stop a bullet train or a giant lead ball falling from a 100 stories up - it's momentum and it doesn't just stop. I drew a line in the calendar and made it a brick wall and just stopped dead. There was no other way. It would've taken another 100 years to slow down slowly. I had to let myself imagine a calendar with no lines; when every single day is being predetermined six months in advance, there's no more fluidity to time.
- Feist
Collection: Wall
Image of Albert Borgmann
Television is just like making a hole in the wall. All kinds of stuff comes in, on the screen, that we would never allow to come in through the door.
- Albert Borgmann
Collection: Wall
Image of Alan Bersin
Walls and barriers alone are insufficient to insure security.
- Alan Bersin
Collection: Wall
Image of Alan Bersin
If you build a 50-foot wall, you'll soon be confronted with a 51-foot ladder.
- Alan Bersin
Collection: Wall
Image of Mike Brown
Generating exciting new ideas burns 325 calories per hour and has no carbs. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. Rambling aimlessly about a point that someone has already made burns only 3 calories per hour.
- Mike Brown
Collection: Wall
Image of Caio Fonseca
So many paintings have hidden meanings or need wall texts, but my work is not in that category.
- Caio Fonseca
Collection: Wall
Image of Caio Fonseca
Everyone accepts the abstraction of Bach. My work aspires to the same kind of abstraction, which is so engaging that you're distracted from asking about what it means. So many paintings have hidden meanings or need wall texts, but my work is not in that category. Once it's in the viewer's eyes my job will be judged on whether or not it is engaging and pulls you in to a kind of intelligence or poetic something going on there that makes it sustainable to look at.
- Caio Fonseca
Collection: Wall
Image of Tama Janowitz
In my writing I wanted to be liked for writing really unlikeable stuff. There were books that people, particularly women, hated so much. They said, "I threw it against the wall!" Which, in my opinion, was a compliment. Because it's very hard to get somebody to throw something.
- Tama Janowitz
Collection: Wall
Image of Linda Rottenberg
Products, profits, and paychecks are not enough anymore. These days, society cares how you treat your own workers. Customers want to know you promote the same values inside your walls as you do outside; job hunters want to know you care about them before they send in an application. Your culture is your brand. You need to create an organization where your employees believe in what you do.
- Linda Rottenberg
Collection: Wall
Image of Nancy Spero
I never thought of my work in terms of being radical, although I tried to make it radical- that is, to shift the premise of what goes for pictures on a wall. I wanted my work to say something other than the usual- the usual format for an artwork being a rectangle, a square, or anything flat, framed, and attached or hooked on the wall. That was accepted practice, mainline thinking.
- Nancy Spero
Collection: Wall
Image of Nancy Spero
When I showed ‘Black and the Red III’ in Malmö, Sweden, it was a continuum - a band - all around the galleryseeing this huge space in the gallery in Malmö, I just took a deep breath and I put the paper around in a single band. Then I continued along, printing on the wall like a trompe l’oeil to reiterate the images in the work printed on paper that I had push-pinned to the wall. I literally took the rhythm and the images from ‘Black and the Red III’ and continued that on the wall.
- Nancy Spero
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Cera
I turned down the lead role in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, because that idiot Oliver Stone didn't think the character should play the alto sax.
- Michael Cera
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles Dow
Pride of opinion has been responsible for the downfall of more men on Wall Street than any other factor.
- Charles Dow
Collection: Wall
Image of Rahm Emanuel
Banks are slowly but surely lending again, and never again will taxpayers foot the bill for Wall Street’s excesses. In case we forgot, that was the change we believed in. That was the change we fought for. That was the change President Obama delivered.
- Rahm Emanuel
Collection: Wall
Image of Winsor McCay
The principle factor in my success has been an absolute desire to draw constantly. I never decided to be an artist. Simply, I couldn't stop myself from drawing. I drew for my own pleasure. I never wanted to know whether or not someone liked my drawings. I have never kept one of my drawings. I drew on walls, the school blackboard, odd bits of paper, the walls of barns. Today I'm still as fond of drawings as when I was a kid - and that was a long time ago - but, surprising as it may seem, I never thought about the money I would receive for my drawings. I simply drew them.
- Winsor McCay
Collection: Wall
Image of Joe Zawinul
Music is not everything in life. If a young musician looks at it that way, then he can just play his instrument like putting a nail into a wall.
- Joe Zawinul
Collection: Wall
Image of Rainer Werner Fassbinder
I hope to build a house with my films. Some of them are the cellar, some are the walls, and some are the windows. But I hope in time there will be a house.
- Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Collection: Wall
Image of Dana Spiotta
All roads lead to Wall Street, but we feel the effects of Wall Street on every street corner. Certainly in Syracuse, N.Y., where I live.
- Dana Spiotta
Collection: Wall
Image of Arthur Honegger
To write music is to raise a ladder without a wall to lean it against. There is no scaffolding: the building under construction is held in balance only by the miracle of a kind of internal logic, an innate sense of proportion.
- Arthur Honegger
Collection: Wall
Image of Mary Ellen W. Smoot
A plaque hanging on the wall of my home invites me to remember where I came from-each day. It reads, "No matter if a tree grows to more than a thousand feet in height, each leaf, each day, must return to its roots for nourishment."
- Mary Ellen W. Smoot
Collection: Wall
Image of Riff Raff
There are a lot of people who are successful and have a lot of money, but you can almost see their limitations because they have these walls around them. Harmony Korine exceeds those walls, and those are the types of people who go on to exceed people's expectations.
- Riff Raff
Collection: Wall
Image of The Weeknd
I went from staring at the same four walls for 21 years to seeing the whole world in just 12 months.
- The Weeknd
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Evans
The impossible becomes possible when your back is against the wall
- Robert Evans
Collection: Wall
Image of Jerry Jeff Walker
Living safe behind a wall, never tasting life at all.
- Jerry Jeff Walker
Collection: Wall
Image of Sam Ervin
I believe in a wall between church and state so high that no one can climb over it.
- Sam Ervin
Collection: Wall
Image of Ivan Chtcheglov
All cities are geological; you cannot take three steps without encountering ghosts bearing all the prestige of their legends. We move within a closed landscape whose landmarks constantly draw us toward the past. Certain shifting angles, certain receding perspectives, allow us to glimpse original conceptions of space, but this vision remains fragmentary. It must be sought in the magical locales of fairy tales and surrealist writings: castles, endless walls, little forgotten bars, mammoth caverns, casino mirrors.
- Ivan Chtcheglov
Collection: Wall
Image of Lyndon LaRouche
Wall Street is the only factor in the U.S. economy, which really keeps Obama still in office. He couldn't have made it, otherwise.
- Lyndon LaRouche
Collection: Wall
Image of Laurence Gonzales
But what is the way forward? I know what it isn't. It's not, as we once believed, plenty to eat and a home with all the modern conveniences. It's not a 2,000-mile-long wall to keep Mexicans out or more accurate weapons to kill them. It's not a better low-fat meal or a faster computer speed. It's not a deodorant, a car, a soft drink, a skin cream. The way forward is found on a path through the wilderness of the head and heart---reason and emotion. Thinking, knowing, understanding.
- Laurence Gonzales
Collection: Wall
Image of Mark Kingwell
All social space is suffused with political meanings and agendas, the very stones and walls a kind of testament to the ongoing struggles for liberation and justices.
- Mark Kingwell
Collection: Wall
Image of Laura Benanti
Think of life and the world as a wall and that we're all climbing up the wall. So just put one hand in front of the other, keep your eye on the prize, and then get there. And then turn around and help the other people - because you're already there, so start helping.
- Laura Benanti
Collection: Wall
Image of Naeem Khan
What's the purpose of living in a loft if you put up walls?
- Naeem Khan
Collection: Wall
Image of Imogen Heap
Oily marks appear on walls / Where pleasure moments hung before
- Imogen Heap
Collection: Wall
Image of Candy Chang
People's responses made me laugh out loud and they made me tear up. They consoled me during my toughest times. I understood my neighbors in new and enlightening ways, and the wall reminded me that I'm not alone as I try to make sense of my life.
- Candy Chang
Collection: Wall
Image of Pierre Soulages
A window looks outside, but a painting should do the opposite - it should look inside of us. When I put them in the middle of the room, I attach the paintings at the top to the ceiling and on the bottom to the floor. I prefer this to just hanging them from the ceiling because it creates a place in a space, like a wall.
- Pierre Soulages
Collection: Wall
Image of Pierre Soulages
I always liked paintings to be walls rather than windows. When we see a painting on a wall, it's a window, so I often put my paintings in the middle of the space to make a wall.
- Pierre Soulages
Collection: Wall
Image of Richard Bode
I once met a man who said he had visited every exotic place from the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall, but when I questioned him closely I discovered he hadn't seen the songbirds in his own backyard.
- Richard Bode
Collection: Wall
Image of Gatewood Galbraith
In this day and age, where the Democrat and Republican parties are no longer the voice of Main Street, but the puppets of Wall Street, it is natural that a Third Party should appear to champion the traditionally conservative proposition that the Constitution is the blueprint for the operation of the government of the United States.
- Gatewood Galbraith
Collection: Wall
Image of Tadao Ando
I create enclosed spaces mainly by means of thick concrete walls. The primary reason is to create a place for the individual, a zone for oneself within society. When the external factors of a city's environment require the wall to be without openings, the interior must be especially full and satisfying.
- Tadao Ando
Collection: Wall
Image of Jason Robert Brown
It's about one moment. It's about hitting the wall and having to make a choice, or take a stand, or turn around and go back.
- Jason Robert Brown
Collection: Wall
Image of Christopher Galvin
The way that Wall Street works is most people like very steady quarterly earnings, and they like to be very popular instead of unpopular and they don't like to be the nail that sticks up, as they say.
- Christopher Galvin
Collection: Wall