Steve Rubel

Image of Steve Rubel
So as I thought about it, the most important "tool" you can have today in business is insatiable curiosity. The minute you lose it, you're dead.
- Steve Rubel
Collection: Business
Image of Steve Rubel
Marketing today is much more like sailing than driving. Your boat is the brand. If you point your boat in the right direction, follow the winds/currents, and steer, you will get the boat to go where you want it. Marketers should become the wind, but accept that they’re at the mercy of the currents and weather
- Steve Rubel
Collection: Wind
Image of Steve Rubel
More content will be created today than existed in entirety before 2003.
- Steve Rubel
Collection: Today
Image of Steve Rubel
A prominent mention in The Wall Street Journal a couple of weeks ago garnered me a whopping 40 visitors.
- Steve Rubel
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve Rubel
Let's face it, we're skunk drunk and it's because of money. It's almost like we all need to enter Betty Ford Clinic 2.0 together. This time, it's not stock market money but private equity, M&A, VCs and to some degree the reckless abandonment of logic by some advertisers who are perpetuating what is sure to end badly when the economy turns. Hubris is back my friends.
- Steve Rubel
Collection: Drunk
Image of Steve Rubel
The iPhone has completely changed how I interact with information on the go. When I travel I leave the notebook at home.
- Steve Rubel
Collection: Notebook
Image of Steve Rubel
The bigger story here is that the fabric of the Net has changed; it’s a place for people to connect up around shared interests and then collaborate towards some sort of action.
- Steve Rubel
Collection: People
Image of Steve Rubel
The Lazysphere - a working definition - is a group of bloggers who I won't name by name, but you can spot them a mile away. Rather than create new ideas or pen thoughtful essays, they simply glom on to the latest news with another "me too" blog post.
- Steve Rubel
Collection: Funny