Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of Cynthia Lennon
John and I weren't capable of getting back to Kenwood from there, so the four of us sat up for the rest of the night as the walls moved, the plants talked, other people looked like ghouls and time stood still. It was horrific: I hated the lack of control and not knowing what was going on or what would happen next.
- Cynthia Lennon
Collection: Wall
Image of Ice Cube
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall with a joint, drinking some eight-ball.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Wall
Image of Greg Fitzsimmons
Same thing every year, getting up at the crack of dawn, drinking, fighting, throwing up, pissing on walls and then you leave the house and things get bad.
- Greg Fitzsimmons
Collection: Wall
Image of Chris Kraus
I think writers always want to be taken seriously as writers, but it's not always possible. There's a difference between persistence and banging your head against the same wall a hundred times. Sometimes it's better to look away from the wall and see what else might be available that's easier.
- Chris Kraus
Collection: Wall
Image of Martin Amis
It seems to me that you need a lot of courage, or a lot of something, to enter into others, into other people. We all think that everyone else lives in fortresses, in fastnesses: behind moats, behind sheer walls studded with spikes and broken glass. But in fact we inhabit much punier structures. We are, as it turns out, all jerry-built. Or not even. You can just stick your head under the flap of the tent and crawl right in. If you get the okay.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Wall
Image of Mark Halperin
I think Donald Trump is a master of moving on from losses when he suffered them, and if he can`t find a way in the short term to get the wall paid for by Mexico, I think he`ll Trumpet the fact that the wall is being built.
- Mark Halperin
Collection: Wall
Image of Mark Halperin
You saw in your interview with Speaker [Paul] Ryan, though, an echo of what the White House and the president [Donald Trump] have started to say, which is, well, we`re not going to get a check from Mexico to pay for the wall on the front end. We`re going to find some way to get the money back, but initially will be paid for by the U.S.
- Mark Halperin
Collection: Wall
Image of Mark Halperin
Speaker [Paul] Ryan made clear that the Republican congress agrees with [Donald Trump], and [building a wall] that`s something that should be done.
- Mark Halperin
Collection: Wall
Image of Thomas Cole
We are still in Eden; the wall that shuts us out is our own ignorance and folly.
- Thomas Cole
Collection: Wall
Image of David Cronenberg
For me, it's just a normal artistic endeavour to explore the dark side. Certainly, I'm not alone in it. Artists generally don't like to accept the version of reality that society and culture hand them. They want to know what's really going on. So you're always looking in the ceilings, under the floorboards and behind the walls, trying to find the mechanisms, the structures, and the truth. I find that often leads you into some dark places.
- David Cronenberg
Collection: Wall
Image of William Rehnquist
The 'wall of separation between church and state' is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned.
- William Rehnquist
Collection: Wall
Image of William Rehnquist
It is impossible to build sound constitutional doctrine upon a mistaken understanding of Constitutional history... The establishment clause has been expressly freighted with Jefferson's misleading metaphor for nearly forty years... There is simply no historical foundation for the proposition that the framers intended to build a wall of separation... The recent court decisions are in no way based on either the language or intent of the framers.
- William Rehnquist
Collection: Wall
Image of William Rehnquist
The "wall of separation between church and State" is a metaphor based on bad history.
- William Rehnquist
Collection: Wall
Image of Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
There are days when solitude, for someone my age, is a heady wine that intoxicates you with freedom, others when it is a bitter tonic, and still others when it is a poison that makes you beat your head against the wall.
- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles O. Rossotti
Steve McClellan has drawn on an insider's lifetime view of how Wall Street really works to produce a practical and entertaining book of advice for investors. Whether you are a new or experienced investor you'll get something valuable out of it, including more than a few chuckles.
- Charles O. Rossotti
Collection: Wall
Image of Eric Bolling
You could pay a fair market price for a barrel of oil and cut 50 cents a barrel or a dollar barrel off what you're going to pay Mexico and use that money and put it towards to the building a wall. If they don't like it, too bad we're go buy the oil.
- Eric Bolling
Collection: Wall
Image of Joe Sabia
In 6,000 years of storytelling, [people have] gone from depicting hunting on cave walls to depicting Shakespeare on Facebook walls.
- Joe Sabia
Collection: Wall
Image of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Bricks will be most serviceable if made two years before using; for they cannot dry thoroughly in less time. When fresh undried bricks are used in a wall, the stucco covering stiffens and hardens into a permanent mass, but the bricks settle and the motion caused by their shrinking prevents them from adhering to it, and they are separated from their union with it. At Utica in constructing walls they use brick only if it is dry and made five years previously, and approved as such by the authority of a magistrate.
- Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Collection: Wall
Image of Lee Friedlander
I suspect it is for one’s self-interest that one looks at one’s surroundings and one’s self. This search is personally born and is indeed my reason and motive for making photographs. The camera is not merely a reflecting pool and the photographs are not exactly the mirror, mirror on the wall that speaks with a twisted tongue. Witness is borne and puzzles come together at the photographic moment which is very simple and complete. The mind-finger presses the release on the silly machine and it stops time and holds what its jaws can encompass and what the light will stain.
- Lee Friedlander
Collection: Wall
Image of Lee Friedlander
The camera is not merely a reflecting pool and the photographs are not exactly the mirror, mirror on the wall that speaks with a twisted tongue.
- Lee Friedlander
Collection: Wall
Image of Andrew Murphy
You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.
- Andrew Murphy
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert X. Cringely
Hewlett Packard at one point had only three private offices. One belonged to Hewlett, one to Packard, and the third to a guy named Paul Ely who annoyed so many coworkers with his bellowing on the phone that the company finally extended his cubicle walls to the ceiling.
- Robert X. Cringely
Collection: Wall
Image of Rafe Spall
You do stuff that gets a reaction and you think 'that's a winner' and then it never sees the light of day. But the thing with improvisation is that 90% of what you come up with won't be used and for good reason. But you keep going for the occasional gem that you might come up with. You do a scene and a lot of the time. We wouldn't cut. So, you come up with something that might be funny and then you go, 'alright, what else'? So, you kind of throw stuff against the wall and see what happens. But you've got to be prepared to make a fool of yourself.
- Rafe Spall
Collection: Wall
Image of Caroline B. Cooney
But sometimes, in tight corners, when your back is against the wall and the world is against you, you have to fight back in unexpected ways.
- Caroline B. Cooney
Collection: Wall
Image of Tony Fadell
Every person I talk to has a story about how their smoke alarm went off or woke them up with a battery beeping. So you take it off the wall and you take the battery out and say screw this. They hate the products.
- Tony Fadell
Collection: Wall
Image of Philip M. Condit
One of the things Wall Street does not like is ambiguity. Now that the agreement is there, it begins to make the future look a little less cloudy, and that's positively received by Wall Street.
- Philip M. Condit
Collection: Wall
Image of Frances Hesselbein
Key to the societal significance of tomorrow's leaders is the way they embrace the totality of leadership, not just including 'my organization' but reaching beyond the walls as well.
- Frances Hesselbein
Collection: Wall
Image of Bucky Sinister
In our childhoods we either get all the social and emotional and ethical skills we need to be well adjusted adults, or we don't. Some of us don't know how to tell someone we like them. A lot of us get depressed and get wasted. Why don't we do something that makes us feel better? Because we don't know any other way. When I didn't have enough skills I compensated with drugs and alcohol. It's like there was a hole in the wall and I put a poster over it.
- Bucky Sinister
Collection: Wall
Image of Doris Betts
All one needs to write a story is one feeling and four walls.
- Doris Betts
Collection: Wall
Image of Moshe Kasher
life becomes satire in real time, what good is the premiere satire magazine? It might as well just be the newspaper. You could pick up The Wall Street Journal and be like, "Oh, what a funny Onion headline!" And then the editor of The Onion is like, "Huh. I guess you won't be needing me anymore."
- Moshe Kasher
Collection: Wall
Image of Dino Esposito
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates ?
- Dino Esposito
Collection: Wall
Image of Semir Zeki
I can really recommend a beautifully but sparsely furnished room with empty walls!
- Semir Zeki
Collection: Wall
Image of James G. Stavridis
Walls don't work. ... Instead of building walls to create security, we need to build bridges.
- James G. Stavridis
Collection: Wall
Image of James G. Stavridis
None of the threats to the global commons will be solved by building walls.
- James G. Stavridis
Collection: Wall
Image of Nancy Byrd Turner
Death is only an old door/Set in a garden wall.
- Nancy Byrd Turner
Collection: Wall
Image of Damon Knight
By focusing on the interior of a speaker's larynx and using infrared, he was able to convert the visible vibrations of the vocal cords into sound of fair quality, but that did not satisfy him. He worked for a while on vibrations picked up from panes of glass in windows and on framed pictures, and he experimented briefly with the diaphragms in speaker systems, intercoms and telephones. He kept on into October without stopping, and finally achieved a device that would give tinny but recognizable sound from any vibrating surface - a wall, a floor, even the speaker's own cheek or forehead.
- Damon Knight
Collection: Wall
Image of Ryan Buell
I worked on a case in Pittsburgh that you would call a demonic haunting. Blood would materialize on the walls, crosses were bending, we'd hear sounds. Just crazy things.
- Ryan Buell
Collection: Wall
Image of Hassan Rouhani
If the people of the United States come to Iran and see its ancient history and nature of Iran, and the people of Iran go to the United States to see America, this can shorten the walls of mistrust and improve the situation for the future.
- Hassan Rouhani
Collection: Wall
Image of Hari Sreenivasan
Fully fund the construction of a wall on our southern border. Don't worry about it. Remember, I said Mexico is paying for the wall.
- Hari Sreenivasan
Collection: Wall
Image of George Chuvalo
What helped me a lot is the fact that I have a very short neck. If I had a neck like a stack of dimes, you can bet I couldn't take a good shot. But the fact that I had a short neck and worked on it a lot (as opposed to most fighters who don't work on their neck muscles) definitely helped. I would stand on my head against a wall and move my head back and forth, side to side, for half an hour or so while talking on the phone.
- George Chuvalo
Collection: Wall
Image of Kathleen Parker
Capitalism, the ogre of those protesting Wall Street, has suffered a public relations crisis in the wake of the global economic collapse. But any remedy to the systemic corruption that led to the collapse should not displace recognition that capitalism creates wealth. Capitalism, and no other economic system, has raised millions from poverty around the world.
- Kathleen Parker
Collection: Wall
Image of Geoff Tate
Is there anybody listening? Is there anyone who sees what's going on? Read between the lines, criticize the words they're selling. Think for yourself, and feel the walls become sand beneath your feet.
- Geoff Tate
Collection: Wall
Image of Alberto Santos-Dumont
To propel a dirigible balloon through the air is like pushing a candle through a brick wall.
- Alberto Santos-Dumont
Collection: Wall
Image of Stephen Gardiner
In the East there is a gap between the top of the wall and the underside of the roof; the wall does not act as a support. Instead, it acts as a screen, and the Chinese were able to use it as they wished.
- Stephen Gardiner
Collection: Wall
Image of Muriel Gray
But the most amazing, almost miraculous news is that the majority of the building is still intact. Due to one of the most astonishingly intelligent and professional pieces of strategy by the fire services, they succeeded in protecting the vast majority of the building, apparently by forming a human wall of firefighters up the west end of the main staircase and containing the fire.
- Muriel Gray
Collection: Wall
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
Salvation is a word for the divine spaciousness that comes to human beings in all the tight places where their lives are at risk, regardless of how they got there or whether they know God's name. Sometimes it comes as an extended human hand and sometimes as a bolt from the blue, but either way it opens a door in what looked for all the world like a wall. This is the way of life, and God alone knows how it works.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Wall
Image of Li Bai
From the walls of Baidi high in the coloured dawn To Jiangling by night-fall is three hundred miles, Yet monkeys are still calling on both banks behind me To my boat these ten thousand mountains away.
- Li Bai
Collection: Wall
Image of Bernard Cornwell
Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation... Men die, they said, but reputation does not die.
- Bernard Cornwell
Collection: Wall