Top Vanity Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Vanity quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Vanity quotes.

Image of Cooper Cronk
Every sinew in my body came together in one perfect whole. But those who have ever experienced that feeling, and it doesn't happen very often, will tell you it's in a whole other place of experience from the usual ego or vanity that drives my game. So I'm not afraid to own it for what it was.
- Cooper Cronk
Collection: Vanity
Image of William E. Woodward
Vanity as an impulse has without doubt been of far more benefit to civilization than modesty has ever been.
- William E. Woodward
Collection: Vanity
Image of Joseph Rickaby
Most of us would be far enough from vanity if we heard all the things that are said about us.
- Joseph Rickaby
Collection: Vanity
Image of Simon Munnery
Like bees around honey. Why are bees so attracted to honey, since they make it? It can only be vanity.
- Simon Munnery
Collection: Vanity
Image of Stephen Young
Moral capitalism is possible; if not, its strictures are only a kind of misleading vanity, the rhetoric of a secular piety.
- Stephen Young
Collection: Vanity
Image of Anna Friel
I've been on sets where the turnaround is so fast and the budget so small that the actors have been asked to speed things up and save money by changing in the public toilets. There's no room for vanity at times like that. It's the best way: get on with it!
- Anna Friel
Collection: Vanity
Image of Stephanie Felicite, comtesse de Genlis
If you want to succeed in the world it is necessary, when entering a salon, that your vanity should bow to that of others.
- Stephanie Felicite, comtesse de Genlis
Collection: Vanity
Image of Kedar Joshi
God's greatest thirst and his greatest sin is his ultimate vanity.
- Kedar Joshi
Collection: Vanity
Image of Moss Hart
Without vanity a writer's work is tepid, and he must accept his vanity as part of his stock in trade and live with it as one of the hazards of his profession.
- Moss Hart
Collection: Vanity
Image of Eric Hoffer
The hardest thing to cope with is not selfishness or vanity or deceitfulness, but sheer stupidity.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Vanity
Image of Matthew Parris
Being an MP feeds your vanity and starves your self- respect.
- Matthew Parris
Collection: Vanity
Image of Ellen Buckingham Mathews
... without health to enjoy love, and love to enjoy wealth, is not all vanity?
- Ellen Buckingham Mathews
Collection: Vanity
Image of Storm Jameson
There is as much vanity in self-scourgings as in self-justification.
- Storm Jameson
Collection: Vanity
Image of Ann Bridge
advertising confuses values ... By appealing either to fear, or to vanity, or to covetousness, it very skillfully insinuates false values.
- Ann Bridge
Collection: Vanity
Image of Alice James
How heroic to be able to suppress one's vanity to the extent of confessing that the game is too hard.
- Alice James
Collection: Vanity
Image of Nancy Dunnan
Invest in vanity. Buy stocks in high-profile companies whose products are designed to make you feel good and look good.
- Nancy Dunnan
Collection: Vanity
Image of Ishmael Butler
Vanity is so superficial. It doesn't provide the grounds for progress.
- Ishmael Butler
Collection: Vanity
Image of David Steel
All politicians have vanity. Some wear it more gently than others.
- David Steel
Collection: Vanity
Image of Arthur Koestler
Honor is decency without vanity.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Vanity
Image of Alexander Pope
And not a vanity is given in vain.
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Vanity
Image of Arthur Schopenhauer
For it is a matter of daily observation that people take the greatest pleasure in that which satisfies their vanity; and vanity cannot be satisfied without comparison with others.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Collection: Vanity
Image of Charles Spurgeon
The Lord who cannot endure vain repetitions is equally weary of vain variations.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Vanity
Image of William Makepeace Thackeray
Vanity is often the unseen spur.
- William Makepeace Thackeray
Collection: Vanity
Image of William Makepeace Thackeray
All is vanity, look you; and so the preacher is vanity too.
- William Makepeace Thackeray
Collection: Vanity
Image of Toni Morrison
guileless and without vanity,we were still in love with ourselves then. We felt comfortable in our own skins, enjoyed the news that our senses released to us, admired our dirt, cultivated our scars, and could not comprehend this unworthiness.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Vanity
Image of Bill Vaughan
Aristocracy has three successive ages. First superiority s, then privileges and finally vanities. Having passed from the first, it degenerates in the second and dies in the third.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Vanity
Image of Viola Davis
Any actor will tell you, as soon as your ego and your vanity come into the mix, it destroys your work. Completely destroys it.
- Viola Davis
Collection: Vanity
Image of Thomas More
No living creature is naturally greedy, except from fear of want - or in the case of human beings, from vanity, the notion that you're better than people if you can display more superfluous property than they can.
- Thomas More
Collection: Vanity
Image of Michel de Montaigne
It is in vain that we get upon stilts, for once on them, it is still with our legs that we must walk. And on the highest throne in the world we are still sitting on our own ass.
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Vanity
Image of Joseph Addison
It generally takes its rise either from an ill-will to mankind, a private inclination to make ourselves esteemed, an ostentation of wit, and vanity of being thought in the secrets of the world; or from a desire of gratifying any of these dispositions of mind in those persons with whom we converse.
- Joseph Addison
Collection: Vanity
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
If vanity does not entirely overthrow the virtues, at least it makes them all totter.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Vanity
Image of Bertrand Russell
One of the troubles about vanity is that it grows with what it feeds on. The more you are talked about, the more you will wish to be talked about.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Vanity
Image of John Berger
You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.
- John Berger
Collection: Vanity
Image of Aeschylus
They who prosper take on airs of vanity.
- Aeschylus
Collection: Vanity
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Our vanity desires that what we do best should be considered what is hardest for us.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Vanity
Image of Stendhal
Because one has little fear of shocking vanity in Italy, people adopt an intimate tone very quickly and discuss personal things.
- Stendhal
Collection: Vanity
Image of Blaise Pascal
How vain is painting, which is admired for reproducing the likeness of things whose originals are not admired.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Vanity
Image of Blaise Pascal
We are so presumptuous that we wish to be known to all the world, even to those who come after us; and we are so vain that the esteem of five or six persons immediately around us is enough to amuse and satisfy us.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Vanity
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Clemency, which we make a virtue of, proceeds sometimes from vanity, sometimes from indolence, often from fear, and almost always from a mixture of all three.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Vanity
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
People are more slanderous from vanity than from malice.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Vanity
Image of Fernando Pessoa
We’ve been devastated by the severest and deadliest drought in history – that of our profound awareness of the futility of all effort and the vanity of all plans.
- Fernando Pessoa
Collection: Vanity
Image of Bertrand Russell
What vanity needs for its satisfaction is glory, and it's easy to have glory without power.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Vanity
Image of Bernard of Clairvaux
There are some who wish to learn for no other reason than that they may be looked upon as learned, which is ridiculous vanity ... Others desire to learn that they may morally instruct others, that is love. And, lastly, there are some who wish to learn that they may be themselves edified; and that is prudence.
- Bernard of Clairvaux
Collection: Vanity
Image of Mother Teresa
What is called generosity is usually only the vanity of giving; we enjoy the vanity more. If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one.
- Mother Teresa
Collection: Vanity
Image of Voltaire
True power and true politeness are above vanity.
- Voltaire
Collection: Vanity
Image of Saint Francis de Sales
Be neat, Philothea; let nothing be negligent about you. It is a kind of contempt of those with whom we converse, to frequent their company in uncomely apparel; but, at the same time, avoid all affectation, vanity, curiosity, or levity in your dress. Keep yourself always, as much as possible, on the side of plainness and modesty, which, without doubt, is the greatest ornament of beauty, and the best excuse for the want of it.
- Saint Francis de Sales
Collection: Vanity
Image of William Shakespeare
Shine out fair sun, till I have bought a glass, That I may see my shadow as I pass.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Vanity
Image of Anne Bronte
No; for instead of delivering myself up to the full enjoyment of the as others do, I am always troubling my head about how I could produce the same effect upon canvas; and as that can never be done, it is mere vanity and vexation of spirit.
- Anne Bronte
Collection: Vanity
Image of Arthur Guiterman
Until the Donkey tried to clear The Fence, he thought himself a Deer.
- Arthur Guiterman
Collection: Vanity