Charlotte Lennox

Image of Charlotte Lennox
Politeness is sometimes a great tax upon sincerity.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Sometimes
Image of Charlotte Lennox
There is no logic like the logic of the heart.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Heart
Image of Charlotte Lennox
No woman is envious of another's virtue who is conscious of her own.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Envy
Image of Charlotte Lennox
It is more important to detect corruption than fiction.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Important
Image of Charlotte Lennox
Truth is too weak to combat prejudice.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Prejudice
Image of Charlotte Lennox
In taking revenge upon our enemies, we are only even with them; in passing over their malice we are superior.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Charlotte Lennox
A hero in one age will be a hero in another.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Hero
Image of Charlotte Lennox
Truth is not always injured by fiction.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Fiction
Image of Charlotte Lennox
The silence of a man who loves to praise is a censure sufficiently severe.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Charlotte Lennox
What is called liberality is often no more than the vanity of giving, of which some persons are fonder than of what they give.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Vanity
Image of Charlotte Lennox
Custom ... changes the very nature of things; and what was honorable a thousand years ago, may probably be looked upon as infamous now.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Years
Image of Charlotte Lennox
Whatever is done by design is always overdone.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Design
Image of Charlotte Lennox
When a person is found less guilty than he is suspected, he is concluded more innocent than he really is.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Innocence
Image of Charlotte Lennox
The motives even of our best actions will not always bear examination.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Motivation
Image of Charlotte Lennox
Nothing is more common than for persons to hate those whom they have injured.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Hate
Image of Charlotte Lennox
We are better deceived by having some truth told us than none.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Truth
Image of Charlotte Lennox
When Actions are a Censure upon themselves, the Reciter will always be consider'd as a Satirist.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Action
Image of Charlotte Lennox
It is easy to be just when our own inclinations do not oppose it.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Justice
Image of Charlotte Lennox
The law has no power over heroes.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Hero
Image of Charlotte Lennox
The life of a good man is a continual prayer.
- Charlotte Lennox
Collection: Prayer